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TOP SECRET /// FBI Bulletin : Compromises of Official Social Media Accounts Spread Disinformation

FBI Bulletin … Compromises of Official Social Media Accounts Spread Disinformation.pdf

CASE : In 1969, Rockefeller Official Said US Would Be De-industrialized

(Slightly revised from Dec. 2008)

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

On March 20, 1969, Dr. Richard Day, the National Medical Director of the Rockefeller-sponsored "Planned Parenthood" told a meeting that American industry will be sabotaged and shown to be unreliable and uncompetitive.

In view of the recent bankruptcy of General Motors, his remarks are especially pertinent.

"The stated plan was that different parts of the world would be assigned different roles of industry and commerce in a unified global system. The continued preeminence of the United States and the relative independence and self-sufficiency of the United States would have to be changed… in order to create a new structure, you first have to tear down the old, and American industry was one example of that."

"Each part of the world will have a specialty and thus become inter-dependent, he said. The US will remain a center for agriculture, high tech, communications, and education but heavy industry would be "transported out."

These remarks to the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society were reported by Dr. Lawrence Dunegan, a Pittsburgh pediatrician who died in Jan. 2004. The speech described "A New World System" already in place which would permanently transform the world. Dr. Day, who died in 1989 (see obit below), wanted the 80 or so physicians present to be prepared.

Dunegan recalls: "The idea was, you could get a little bit disgusted with your Ford, GM, or Chrysler product -or whatever- because little things like window handles would fall off more, and plastic parts would break which, had they been made of metal, would hold up. Your patriotism about buying American would soon give way to practicality that if you bought Japanese, German, or imported that it would last longer and you would be better off. Patriotism would go down the drain then."

The transcript of Dunegan’s recollections has been posted here and should be read in full. However, I’ll provide a summary here.


Much of what Day promised in 1969 is looking like a rear-view mirror today. But ominous events have yet to transpire. They do want to implant a chip in us so they can find and identify us, as well as monitor and control our purchases.

They are weaning us off national allegiance and will resort to terrorism to win our assent to their global police state. They may use "one or two nuclear bombs to convince people we mean business," Day said.

He refrained from mentioning who "we" are but said the names are recognizable. Given that he worked for the Rockefellers, I assume he meant the Rockefellers and their bosses, the Rothschilds.

This adds weight to the widely-held view that the central bankers are responsible for most terrorism, using MI-6, Mossad and the CIA. Dr. Day also said that "war is obsolete" given the danger of nuclear exchange so terrorism would be used instead. This was 1969.

He said that there are always two reasons for anything the Rockefellers do: the pretext which makes it palatable to the gullible public and the real reason. Thus, as I argued in my book "Cruel Hoax" (2007), we are being turned into homosexuals in the name of "women’s and gay rights." Gender-neutered and promiscuous, fewer people are able to bond permanently with a member of the opposite sex for the purpose of procreation.

Dr. Day said sex will be separated from marriage and reproduction ( i.e. "sexual liberation") to break up the family and reduce population. Abortion, divorce and homosexuality will be made socially acceptable.

"Homosexuals will be given permission to act out. Everyone including the elderly will be encouraged to have sex. It will be brought out into the open. Anything goes." [The "Stonewall Riots" which unleashed the "gay rights" movement, took place three months later.] The ultimate goal is to have sex without reproduction. Reproduction without sex will occur in laboratories. Family size will be limited as in China.

It will be made more difficult for families to stay together. More women will work outside the home and more people will remain single. Sports instead of dolls will be promoted to girls so they will seek achievement instead of family. Girls will be taught they are the same as boys.

In general, international sports like soccer and hockey will be pushed so Americans will see themselves as "world citizens." American sports like baseball and football will not be similarly encouraged.


Pornography, violence and obscenity on TV and in movies will be increased. People will be desensitized to violence and porn and made to feel life is short, precarious and brutish. Music will "get worse" and will be used for indoctrination.

There will be unemployment and mass migration in order to uproot long established (conservative) communities. Social change will be introduced in port cities and work its way to the heartland. (Thus, the east and west coast are liberal.)

He said a cure to cancer exists in the Rockefeller Institute but is kept secret for purposes of depopulation. He said there will be an increase in infectious man-made diseases.

Dr. Day, who worked in weather modification during the war, said weather can be used to wage war or create drought and famine. The food supply will be monitored so no one can get enough food to "support a fugitive from the New System." Growing your own food will be outlawed under the pretext of it being unsafe.

He said people are controlled by means of the information they are given. Thus, information will be selective. Not everyone will be allowed to own books. "Certain books will disappear from libraries." Literary classics will be subtly altered. People will spend longer in school but not learn anything. There will be restrictions on travel; and private home ownership will disappear.

He said people who don’t want to go along will be "disposed of humanely." He said there will be no martyrs–"people will just disappear."


Our political and cultural "leaders" are accomplices in a plot to re-engineer humanity to serve the Judeo-Masonic central banking cartel. Wars, terrorism, depressions, political and social change, entertainment and fads are all contrived to gradually bring about an Orwellian police state.

Dr. Day says politicians are manipulated "without their even knowing it." Their failure to protect us from this Satanic conspiracy is a betrayal of the first order. We have to alert the sincere ones and reach soldiers and police too. Civilization hangs in the balance. We are in real danger and should organize in small independent units.

People are hurting now and are more receptive to this information. This "economic downturn" is deliberate and part of the police state agenda. We have to educate people who think these events are random. The Rockefellers and their traitorous lackeys won’t bring this off if the intelligentsia and masses are aware of the truth.

Progressives and Leftists need to learn that "progress" and "change" really refer to totalitarian world government. This is the change they "believe in." Dr. Day said in 1969, "people will have to get used to constant change." I used to be a Liberal-Leftist myself. If I can see the real meaning of "changing the world," others can too.

We also have to take practical steps to defend ourselves, our families and our freedom.

Our society and culture are a fraud based on one central fraud, the monopoly over government credit in the hands of Cabalist private bankers. They are using this power to extend their monopoly over every aspect of our lives by manipulating world events and social behavior. The only way to save civilization from failure is to nationalize the Central Banks.

The complete Lawrence Dunegan boxed tape set is available from the U.S. Coalition for Life, Box 315, Export, PA 15632. The cost is $29.50 which includes postage and a complete printed transcript.

Dr. Richard Day Obit (1905-1989)

Cleveland Food Co-op Raided

Full Transcript of Tapes

Elite Signaled Political Change

De-industrialization of US

NY Firemen Say 9-11 Controlled Demolition

New Comment: (Original Comments Below)

Hi Henry! Yes, this article is even more germane today than it was a year ago. Some intriguing thoughts come to mind: I recall an article in the New York Times Magazine of some years ago (how I wish I had kept it but my files are already driving me out of my house) explaining how Americans would be used primarily as an armed force for the NWO. The general idea was that we weren’t good for much else. Also recall David Rockefeller in one of his off-hand remarks long ago, saying in essence, "Forget South America, the future is in China." As for me, I am fleeing to my latifundium. [estate] -Judy

Official Admits F-35 Fighter Secrets Stolen

Yesterday, at a subcommittee hearing attended by just half a dozen Senators, the Pentagon’s top weapons buyer made a blunt admission: The military’s most expensive program, the stealthy F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, has been hacked and the stolen data used by America’s adversaries. Under Secretary Frank Kendall didn’t say by whom, but the answer is almost certainly China, a cyber superpower whose People’s Liberation Army Air Force has recently rolled out some suspiciously sophisticated stealth fighter prototypes of its own. The Russians also have skilled hackers and “5th Generation” stealth jet programs, but they’re not suspected of such direct copying, at least not yet.

F-35b Hovering

“I’m confident the classified material is well protected, but I’m not at all confident that our unclassified information is as well-protected,” said Kendall, the Under Secretary for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics. “It’s a major problem for us…. What it does is reduce the costs and lead time of our adversaries to doing their own designs, so it gives away a substantial advantage.”

The bad news isn’t new news: That someone had hacked F-35 subcontractor BAE Systems was first reported six years ago, and just this February Washington Post reporter Ellen Nakashima obtained leaked information naming the Chinese as having compromised not just the F-35 but two dozen other weapons program. Administration officials have been publicly pressuring China to rein in its hacking. But it’s still remarkable that such a senior official would so bluntly admit that US interests have been so directly harmed.

So what does this mean for a future conflict? The nightmare — raised by a recent Defense Science Board report – is what you might call the Battlestar Galactica scenario: Our fighters close in on the enemy, the bad guys push a button, and all our systems shut down, crippled by cyber-attacks via “back doors” previous hacks created in the security software. In this case, thankfully, that seems unlikely. Kendall made clear that classified data has remained secure (so far, we think): It’s unclassified data in contractors’ computers that has been stolen, not the military’s secret codes.

Nor do we have a Death Star scenario, where the enemy has stolen the “secret plans” that show them how to blow up our weapons with a single well-placed shot. (Note that in this scenario Luke Skywalker is Chinese. Certainly many Chinese see themselves as the plucky farmboys, trained in mystic martial arts, up against a technologically superior empire). No one has stolen the complete blueprints to the F-35, which are in fact servers full of digital design data you could never fit into a single blue-and-white droid.

That said, the information that China and maybe Russia have stolen will make it easier to design counter-measures to our weapons, improving their chances to hack, jam, or just plain shoot down American aircraft. Even if we don’t expect to fight the Chinese or the Russians — we certainly hope we won’t, not least because they have nuclear weapons — they have a nasty habit of selling advanced weapons to people we are likely to fight, like Iran.

And in some ways what they’ve stolen is worse than stealing “secret plans”: They’ve stolen data on how US and allied arms manufacturers make advanced weapons systems. So instead of having to just copy our stuff, they have a leg up on learning how to design equivalent systems on their own.

This industrial espionage problem goes far beyond armsmakers. Indeed, the value of what’s been stolen from the defense industry is just a tiny fraction of the intellectual property stolen from commercial business in what the man who heads both National Security Agency and US Cyber Command, Gen. Keith Alexander, has called “the greatest transfer of wealth in history.”

In the commercial sector, however, at least the Chinese have to break into a lot of different baskets before they steal all our eggs: There are countless companies, each with its own innovations and jealously (if not effectively) guarded intellectual property. Not so in the defense sector. As defense budgets have shrunk since the end of the Cold War while defense programs became ever more bank-breakingly expensive, the industry responded by merging many competing companies into a handful, and the Pentagon responded by cancelling or consolidating competing programs.

The great example of this all-eggs-in-one-basket approach was the F-35. Of the three companies that originally competed for the Joint Strike Fighter program, one, McDonnell Douglas, went out of business after it lost, while the other losing bidder, Boeing, has basically stopped working on new fighters. (Boeing, of course, remains a big player in both commercial airliners and military transports, and it still builds many fighter of older designs). The very name of the Joint Srike Fighter refers to how it consolidated separate Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps development programs into a single “joint” mega-project.

Building one plane to meet the needs of three armed services turned out to be much harder than the Pentagon had hoped. In the past, by contrast, each service largely developed its own equipment and, while often inefficient, it was at least possible for a service whose programs were struggling or inferior to (grudgingly) buy a better weapon originally built for another, as when the Air Force bought the Navy F-4 Phantom fighter for Vietnam.

But having gotten rid of all the alternatives in the name of efficiency and cost savings, we have no choice but stick with the F-35, despite its inefficiencies and cost overruns — what Under Secretary Kendall has called “acquisition malpractice” — if we want to stay in the stealth fighter business. And with all our eggs in one basket, an enemy who hacks into a single weapons program will have dangerous insights into the majority of our future fighter fleet.

Top U.N. Official : Ban Killer Robots

Robots that can attack and kill without human direction should be banned before they come into existence, according to a senior UN official.

Lethal autonomous robotics (LARs) have not yet been created but are described as “the next major revolution in military affairs”.

The Terminator-style weapons systems could select, engage and kill targets without further human intervention once activated.

Christof Heyns wants a global ban

Christof Heyns, UN special rapporteur on summary executions, called for a global moratorium as he presented a report to the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

“While drones still have a ‘human in the loop’ who takes the decision to use lethal force, LARs have on-board computers that decide who should be targeted,” he said.

“The possible introduction of LARs raises far-reaching concerns about the protection of life during war and peace.”

Their introduction will mean “machines and not humans, will take the decision on who is alive or dies,” he said, making it easier for States to go to war.

“If deployed, LARs will take humans ‘out of the loop’,” Mr Heyns warned.

“States find this technology attractive because human decision-making is often much slower than that of robots, and human thinking can be clouded by emotion.

“At the same time, humans may in some cases, unlike robots, be able to act out of compassion or grace and can, based on their understanding of the bigger picture, know that a more lenient approach is called for in a specific situation,” he added.

Unmanned drones are controlled from thousands of miles away. Picture: MoD

In a summary of his 22-page report, he said: “Their deployment may be unacceptable because no adequate system of legal accountability can be devised, and because robots should not have the power of life and death over human beings.”

The possibility of LARs, he adds, highlights concerns to “the extent to which they can be programmed to comply with the requirements of international humanitarian law and the standards protecting life under international human rights law”.

He concludes: “The Special Rapporteur recommends that States establish national moratoria on aspects of LARs, and calls for the establishment of a high-level panel on LARs to articulate a policy for the international community on the issue.”

Human Rights Watch is co-ordinating the Campaign To Stop Killer Robots, a new international coalition working to pre-emptively ban LARs.

HRW arms director Steve Goose said: “The UN report makes it abundantly clear that we need to put the brakes on fully autonomous weapons, or civilians will pay the price in the future.

“The US and every other country should endorse and carry out the UN call to stop any plans for killer robots in their tracks.”

He adds: “It is possible to halt the slide toward full autonomy in weaponry before moral and legal boundaries are crossed, but only if we start to draw the line now.”

Human Rights Watch and the Harvard Law School International Human Rights Clinic has published its own report, Losing Humanity: The Case Against Killer Robots, which outlines legal, ethical, policy, and other concerns with fully autonomous weapons.


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