Günlük arşivler: 03/01/2013

ESKİ RP’Lİ ŞEVKİ YILMAZ : Ergenekon’un asıl merkezi Özel Harp Dairesi’dir

Kapatılan Refah Partisi (RP) eski Rize milletvekili Şevki Yılmaz, Türkiye’deki derin yapıların asıl mücadelesinin din ile olduğunu söyledi. Yılmaz, Ergenekon terör örgütünün merkezinin ise Özel Harp Dairesi olduğunu savundu.

Dost-Yar Derneği’nin Ankara Kocatepe Kültür Merkezi’nde düzenlediği ‘Kerbela ve Düşündürdükleri’ konulu panele katılan Yılmaz, “Ergenekon çeteleri bizle savaşsaydı kazanırdı ama onlar savaşı Allah’a açtılar. Allah da onların bellerini kırdı. Dün Sincan sokaklarında tank yürütenler, bugün gardiyanların önünde baş selamı veriyorlar. 28 Şubat’ta hocam da tasfiye edildi, ben de. O zaman 3 oy lazımdı. ‘Evet’ deseydik, 10 milyon dolar verecektiler. Söz verdiler, bizi medya övecek, mahkemeler bitecek ve 10 milyon dolar alacaktık. Ama benim oyumla Kerbela’da Ayşe’ler, Hüseyin’ler yanacaktı. Biz onu tercih etmedik, kutlu hicreti tercih ettik.” dedi.

Ergenekon gibi çetelerde bazı piyonların olduğunu belirten Yılmaz, asıl merkezin Özel Harp Dairesi olduğunu savundu. Bunu 1992 yılında söylediklerinde, ölüm kararlarının verildiğini söyledi. PKK da dahil Türkiye’yi bölmek isteyen bütün örgütlerin bu daireye bağlı olduğunu iddia etti. Bunu ilk fark edenin Bülent Ecevit olduğunun altını çizen Yılmaz, Ecevit’in de Taksim’de öldürülmek istendiğini öne sürdü. Özel Harp Dairesi’nin 12 Eylül’de Kürt’ü Türk’e vurdurduğunu aktaran Yılmaz, Sivas olaylarının arkasında da bu yapının olduğunu öne sürdü. Yılmaz, “Kontrgerillayı yok etmeyen devlet kalkınamaz.” dedi.

YALÇIN AKDOĞAN : Ergenekon’un pabucu dama mı atıldı?



Demokratikleşme maceramız, derin devlet olgusu etrafında dönen tartışmalarla sürüyor. Derin devleti anlamadan darbeci anlayışı ve vesayetçi anlayışı anlamak mümkün olmadığı gibi, derin devleti etkisizleştirmeden de ileri demokrasiye ulaşmak mümkün değildir. Derin devlet, milleti mümeyyiz görmediği gibi milletin temsilcisi olan siyasetçileri de mümeyyiz görmez.

Siyasi iktidarın iradesine ipotek koymak, siyaseti dizayn etmek, ülkenin mukadderatına hükmetmek derin devletin vazgeçemediği bir durumdur. Devletin imkanlarını kullanarak devletin asli sahibi ve milletin maliki gibi davranmak bu hastalıklı yapının temel özelliğidir.

Anti-demokratik, kayıtdışı ve hukuk dışı uygulamalar, halka dönük olduğunda ulusal menfaatin gereği gibi algılanarak mazur görülmüştür. 90’lı yıllarda siyasi iktidarlar derin devleti kullanmayı yeğlemişlerdir. Derin devlet gücü bazen de siyasi iktidara karşı girişimler şeklinde ortaya çıkmıştır. Yani derin devlet gücünü halka rağmen kullanan iktidarlar vardır, siyasi iktidara karşı kullanılan derin devlet gücü vardır.

90’lı yıllarda terörle mücadelede görülen hukuksuzluklar, faili meçhuller, yargısız infazlar bu gücün kullanılmasının sonucudur. 28 Şubat sürecinde ise derin devlet, post modern darbede kullanılmış, bu kez seçilmiş iktidara yönelmiştir.

Kendisini ülkenin gerçek sahibi zanneden, kayıt ve hukukdışı şekilde devlet gücü kullanan bu yapı, farklı maskeler, ideolojiler, hassasiyetler üzerinden kendisini meşrulaştırmaya çalışmıştır. Darbeler, derin devlet gücünün zirve noktasıdır, ama vesayetçi anlayış ve siyaset mühendisliği çabaları da bu anlayışın tezahürüdür.


Radikal gazetesindeki röportajımda derin devletin zombi gibi olduğunu, öldü sanılan zamanlarda başka vücutlar üzerinden hayatiyetini sürdürdüğünü belirtmiştim.

Bazı internet siteleri derin devlet tanımlamalarımız üzerine ‘cemaat’i kastediyor’ şeklinde yorumlar yaptılar, hatta bazıları bunu Soner Yalçın’ın tahliyesi ve Odatv’nin ‘derin devletin yeni vücudu cemaat’ laflarıyla ilişkilendirmeye kalktılar. Zaman zaman Hükümeti Ergenekon’la yakınlaşmakla suçlayanlar da oluyor.

Lafı evirip çevirmeden söyleyeyim: Şahsen ben, Ergenekoncular’ın topunu herhangi bir İslami cemaatin tırnağına değişmem. Hükümet de celladına aşık olmak gibi alçak bir karaktere sahip değildir.

Ben, bahsedilen röportajda Gülen Hareketi’ne yönelik samimi kanaatimi ve muhabbetimi dile getirdim, bu tür konularla ilişkilendirilemeyeceğini vurguladım. Söylediğim gibi, derin devlet sisteme dışarıdan adam sokmuyor, tasfiye edilenlere veya cezaevine girenlere karşı başka uzuvlar üzerinden hayatiyetini devam ettirmeye, yeni vücutlarda yeniden dirilmeye çalışıyor. Bu tanımlama yeni aktörleri ama eski anlayışı ifade ediyor. AK Parti, karanlık odakların her türlü saldırısına maruz kalmış, vesayetçi anlayışın her türlü engellemelerine uğramış, derin devlet anlayışının zorlamaları sonucu üretilen delillerle kapatma davalarına muhatap olmuştur. Bu mücadelenin tarafları çok açık bellidir. Gelinen noktada ne taraflar yer değiştirmiştir, ne de tarafların vasıfları değişmiştir.

Derin devlet olgusu, silah, istihbarat, medya, yargı ve sermaye gücünü kullanarak iş tutuyor. Bunları kendine devşiren ve yönlendirebilen odaklar derin devlet olarak görülüyor. Aslında derin devlet bizatihi bir aktör olmaktan ziyade bir araçtır. Bu aracı kullananlar var, bu aracın kullandıkları var. Bu yüzden hükümetler, cemaatler veya başka bir aktör derin devlet olarak adlandırılamaz. Bu aracın kullandıkları

ve kendini kullandırdıklarından söz edilebilir. AK Parti ve Gülen Hareketi, bu aracı kullanan değil, bu aracı kullananların hedefi olmuştur.

Türkiye’nin yakın dönem demokratikleşme tarihi aynı zamanda bu gücün etkisizleşmesi ve devredışı bırakılması tarihidir. AK Parti iktidarı farklı toplum kesimlerinin de desteğiyle bu yolda önemli başarılar elde etmiştir. Gülen Hareketi, özellikle son anayasa referandumuna verdiği toplumsal destekle sürece önemli katkılar yapmıştır. Bugün bazılarınca yeni derin güç olarak yaftalanmaya çalışılan polis de karanlık odakların tasfiyesinde takdir edilecek roller oynamıştır.

Ergenekoncular derin devletin mağduru değildir, aksine derin devlet üzerinden mağdurlar üreten bir örgüttür. Ne Ergenekon’un yeşili-beyazı vardır, ne Ergenekon hasımlarının içine sızarak onları dönüştürmüştür, ne de Ergenekon’un papucunu dama atan yeni bir yapı vardır.

Uludere’de istihbarat bakın ne için gizlenmiş

Uludere’de 34 kişinin hayatını kaybettiği operasyonla ilgili yeni bir iddia gündemde.

TIMETURK / Haber Merkezi

Genelkurmay’ın, telsiz kestirmelerinden örgütün üst düzey yöneticisi Bahoz Erdal kod adlı Fehman Hüseyin’in o sırada bölgede olduğu istihbaratını aldğı iddia edildi. Ancak bu istihbarat, "Bilgi sızar" gerekçesiyle, bölgedekilerin kaçakçı olduğu bilgisine sahip bulunan 23’ncü Jandarma Sınır Tümen Komutanlığı ve bu komutanlığa bağlı Gülyazı Tugay Komutanlığı’ndan gizlendi.


Milliyet gazetesinin haberine göre, Şırnak’ta görev yapan bir yetkili, olayda görüntü alan Heronlar’ın toplam 7 merkezden izlendiğini ancak bazı merkezlerde izleme yapılmadığını, izleme yapılan merkezlerde ise kaçakçılığın tespit edilemediğini iddia etti. Yine yerel kaynaklara göre, operasyonun sonucu Başbakan Erdoğan ve Genelkurmay Başkanı Özel’e operasyondan bir gün sonra sabah saatlerinde verildi.

Aynı kaynak, benzeri operasyonlar öncesinde de Başbakan ve Genelkurmay Başkanı’na bilgi verilmediğine dikkati çekti. Yerel birimlerin yaptığı araştırmada, hayatını kaybedenler arasında PKK’lı olmadığı ortaya çıktı. Bölgede yapılan aramada silah da bulunmadı. Bir yetkili, bölgede yaşayan insanların, PKK’yla ne kadar ilgisi varsa, kaçakçıların o kadar ilgisi olduğunu ifade ederek, "Kaçakçıların geçiş yaptığı bölge PKK’nın kontrolünde. Sınırdan geçen her türlü maldan örgüt, az veya çok ‘vergi’ adı altında para alıyor. Hayatını kaybeden kaçakçılar da bunun adına ister ‘vergi’ ister haraç deyin, örgüte para vermesi, bölgenin bir gerçeği. Bu onları PKK’lı yapar mı? Tartışılır" diye konuştu.

Türkeş Yeşil’e demiş ki: ‘PKK devletin işi, istihbarat verme’

Birçok faili meçhul cinayetin 1 numaralı aktörü olarak gösterilen Yeşil, MİT ifadesinde polis tarafından aranırken jandarmada saklandığını, polis ordusu gelse de askerlerin kendisini vermeyeceğini anlatıyor.


Susurluk kazasının ardından Türkiye gündeminden düşmeyen Yeşil kod adlı Mahmut Yıldırım’ın 1995 yılında MİT’te verdiği 11 sayfalık ifadesinde çarpıcı iddiaları yer aldı. Yeşil ifadesinde o dönem polisten kurtulmak için Jandarma tesislerinde kaldığını şöyle anlatıyor: “İçişleri Bakanının emir subayı Savaş… binbaşının evi benim için en emniyetli yer. Polis beni oradan alamaz.” MİT tarafından 8 soru yöneltilen Yeşil, Alparslan Türkeş’in kendisine “PKK devletin işi. Komünistlerden fazla idam verdik, görev bize verilirse hazır olun” dediğini anlatıyor.

Dönemin Kara Kutusu

Yeşil ismini Türkiye ilk kez Susurluk Kazasının ardından duydu. Ergenekon ve faili meçhuller soruşturmalarında sürekli Yeşil ismi gündeme geldi. Diyarbakır Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı tarafından yürütülen JİTEM Soruşturması’nda hakkında yakalama kararı çıkartılan Yeşil kod adlı Mahmut Yıldırım hakkında son olarak 1994 yılında öldürülen dönemin Tunceli Jandarma Alay Komutanı Albay Kazım Çillioğlu soruşturması kapsamında İnterpol aracılığıyla yakalama kararı çıkartılmıştı.

Yeşil’i Mehmet Eymür sorguladı

MİT Kontrterör Dairesi eski Başkanı Mehmet Eymür’ün “Yeşil’i bizzat ben sorguladım. Kayıtları MİT’te var” sözleri üzerine Anter soruşturması savcısı ve Ergenekon mahkemesi bu ifadeleri istemişti. Yeşil’in MİT’te verdiği ifadenin tamamı artık Ergenekon dava dosyasına girdi. MİT’in Ergenekon davasına bakan İstanbul 13. Ağır Ceza Mahkemesi’ne gönderdiği ifadede, Yeşil’e 8 olayla ilgili bilgisi soruluyor.

Yeşil deyince tüm sınırlar açılır

MİT’e sorgulanan Yeşil’e sorulan ilk soru 28 Ocak 1995’te Silivri’de cesetleri bulunan İran uyruklu Kürt asıllı Askar Simitko ile Lazım Esmaeili’nin kaçırılarak öldürülmeleri olayı olmuş. Yeşil bu olaylarla ilgisi olmadığını beyan edip, şahısların polisteki kişilerce öldürülmüş olabileceğini iddia ediyor. Yıldırım ifadesinin devamında sınır bölgesindeki hakimiyetinden de sözediyor. Sınır bölgesinde Jandarma frekansına girebildiğini, kendisindeki cihazların taramalı olduğunu, sınırdan girdiği yerde Yeşil dediği zaman hepsinin kendisini karşılayacağını ve tanıdığını anlatıyor.

Jandarma tesislerinde kalıyorum

Yeşil’e yöneltilen üçüncü soru ise jandarma ile olan ilişkisi. “Kalmam için en güzel yer jandarma” diyen Yeşil, şunları dile getiriyor: “Jandarma’nın sosyal tesislerinde kalıyorum ancak lojmanlarında da kalabilirim. Kalmam için en güzel yer Jandarma. Orada olduğum bilinir ancak öyle girilip kolayca alınmam. Ordu bile gelse alamaz, ordu üstlerine yürür. Jandarma’daki hakimiyetim süper. İçişleri Bakanının emir subayı Savaş… Binbaşının evinde kalabileceğimi, polisin gelip alamayacağını, en emniyetli yerin orası olacağını söyledi. Bütün bunlar Jandarmaya güvendiğim anlamına gelmez. Jandarma kazma, sap gibi adamlar bu işlerden anlamazlar ama beni vermezler ve Jandarma beni tanır.”

Türkeş beni PKK ile ilgili uyardı

Emniyetle ilişkisi sorulan Yeşil, Mehmet Ağar’ın kendisinin sırtından para kazandığını iddia etti. Bahçelievler’de 7 TİP’linin öldürülmesi eylemini azmettiren Çatlı’nın en korktuğu kişinin MHP’nin merhum lideri Alparslan Türkeş olduğunu anlatan Yeşil, “Türkeş, Çatlı’yı kovmuştu. Türkeş benden PKK hakkında devlete istihbarat vermemi istemiyordu. 1989 yılında Elazığ Garajı’nın açılışına otele çağırdı. Bana, ‘PKK’nın devletin işi olduğunu, bırakın ne yaparsa yapsın komünislerden fazla idam verdik. Görev bize verilirse hazır olun’ diyerek uyardı” ifadelerini kullandı.

Devlet bana sahip çıkarsa yara alır

YEŞİL’İN daha önce çeşitli basın yayın organlarında MİT’teki mülakatına dair bir dizi ifadeleri yer almıştı. İfadelerinde kamuoyunun saygın isimleri hakkında karalayıcı ifadeler kullandığı dikkat çeken Yeşil’in medyaya yansıyan ifadelerinden bazı bölümleri şöyleydi: “İnfazlar planlı değil, olaya kiylitlendiğim zaman başka birşey hatırlamıyorum. Psikolojik yönden rahatsızım. PKK ile aramdaki set para ve devlet. Bu nedenle para işine bulaştım. Parayı bulduğum zaman devlet engelini rüşvetle kaldırım. (…) Devletin bir biriminin bana sahip çıkması durumunda devlet yara alır.”(Star)

Mossad Ajanı ile Röportaj

Rafael Sadi, Haber Revizyon Dergisi Aralık 2012 Sayısında Mossad Eski Ajanı Eliezer Tsafrir ile bir röportaj gerçekleştirdi.

Rafael Sadi’nin yönelttiği;

“- PKK Lideri Abdullah Öcalan’ı MİT’e Mossad’ın teslim ettiği söyleniyor. Bu doğu mudur ve doğru ise ne şekilde cereyan etmiştir?

– İsrail ile Türkiye ve İsrail ile Irak Kürtleri arasında bugün neler oluyor?

– Mavi Marmara’da gözaltına alınan insanları neden sorgulamadan serbest bıraktınız? Madem suçlulardı, neden yargılamadınız?

– Ahmedinajad ve Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın MOSSAD ajanı oldukları söyleniyor. Bu doğru mudur?

– Türk basınında Recep Tayyip Erdoğan aleyhinde, İsrail tarafından yerleştirilmiş bir ajan olduğu iddiaları var. Bu konuda diyecek bir şeyiniz var mı?

– Erdoğan neden ülkesinde ve hatta dünyada bir anti-İsrail havası yaratıyor?

– İsrail, Türkiye arasında deniz tabanı altından su, elektrik, doğal gaz ve hatta petrol taşınmasını sağlayacak Medstream adlı bir proje vardı. Birdenbire İsrail Netenyahu Hükümeti iktidara gelince bu proje durduruldu. Neden sizce?

– İsrail Türkiye’ye güvenebilecek mi?

– Kürt ve Ermeni meselelrinde Türkiye’ye yeni bir harita mı öneriyorsunuz?

– Suriye ile Türkiye arasında ne oldu da dostluk ve aşk hikayesi birden bire patladı ve savaşın eşiğine geldiler?

– Suriye’yi Beşar Esad mı yoksa BAAS’mı yönetiyor?

– İran’ın bu senaryodaki yeri nedir?

– Suriye konusunda İsrail açısından bir tehlike var mı?” sorularına Mossad Eski Ajanı Eliezer Tsafrir’in verdiği cevapların oldukça iddialı ve çarpıcı olduğu görülüyor.

Haber Revizyon Rafael Sadi Mossad

Haber Revizyon Rafael Sadi Mossad

Haber Revizyon Rafael Sadi Mossad

Haber Revizyon Rafael Sadi Mossad

Haber Revizyon Rafael Sadi Mossad


İRAN ANALİZ /Anbar Devrimcileri Silahlı Kanadı ismini kullanan bir grup yaptığı açıklamasında Anbar ve diğer Irak şehirlerindeki barışçıl gösterilere Maliki ve ordusunca yapılacak herhangi bir terörist saldırıya silahla şiddetli şekilde cevap verecekleri tehdidinde bulundu. Bu tür bir saldırıya karşı savaşmaya hazır olduklarını belirten grup adına açıklaması Şeyh Osman eş-Şemmeri yaptı.

“Anbar devrimcileri aşiretlerin, cihad gruplarının ve oluşumlarının, Ömer Tugayı, Irak’ın hür fedailerinin destekleriyle Maliki ve onun İrancı ordusunun yürüteceği terörist planlara karşı hazırlanmakta ve onları uyarmaktadır. Masumları hedef almamaları konusunda uyarıyoruz. Bunlara karşı hafif ve orta silahların hepsini kullanarak hazırlanmakta olduğumuzu söylüyoruz.”

Anbar Devrimcileri Silahlı Kanadı sözcüsü Şeyh eş-Şemmeri açıklamasında son olarak: “Maliki son derece iyi bilmektedir ki Anbar işgal ordularını sarsmıştır, İran uşaklarına karşı savaşmıştır. İşte bunları yapan Anbar bugün Safavi inlerini bombalamaya, mücrim Maliki ordusu içindeki Mecusi İran ordusunu vurmaya hazırdır.” şeklinde tehditlerde bulundu.

Açıklama özellikle Maliki’nin geçtiğimiz gün yaptığı gösterilere devam edilmesi durumunda sert bir şekilde müdahalede bulunacağı yönündeki tehditten hemen sonra geldi.


Bio of Author

"True nobility is exempt from fear".
– King Henry the Sixth, Part II (Act IV, Scene I).

Call me The Saint. I am the all American – prep school, Harvard College graduating with honors in computer science and a minor in premedical studies, and advanced degrees from Harvard and Dartmouth in business and science. My famous ancestors are President Lincoln, King Duncan of Scotland, and Governor William Bradford, the first governor of Massachusetts.

My research interests have been neural networks, virtual reality, and EEG controlled robotics. Before graduate school I worked for the Department of Defense, Navy, NATO, and various intelligence agencies computer science projects. I have done business consulting and computer consulting for the largest companies in the world. I have been a professor, inventor, artist, and writer. I am one of the last Renaissance men.

My projects have included algorithms for Echelon and CIA natural language parsing and classification of document content, IRS formula for red flagging audits, writing the artificial intelligence code to automate tracking of the Soviet Nuclear Submarine Fleet and all water vessels, work integrating HAARP with SIGINT SIGCOM and SPAWAR. I have worked on projects for the Justice Department connecting local, state, and federal databases for the tracking of terrorists. I developed a system for the FBI to track license plates past toll booths and other locations. I worked on the soldier 2000 program to create body networks for reading vital signs and other information. A system I worked on called Snyper is operational in Iraq which triangulates on intercity conflict gun shots. I have been to a couple secret bases in the so called free world. I have developed telemedicine robotic surgery and virtual reality applications for the Army. For DARPA, I have worked on satellite computer vision target tracking applications and tank simulation as well as integration of the land, sea, and air surveillance systems like SOSSUS, towed arrays, and others.

Projects that I have worked on outside of government contracts include my thesis on computer generated holography, a project making paralyzed people walk again using choreographed stimulated muscles movements, face recognition, voice identification and recognition, finger print recognition, and neural network robotic controller. My research interests moved to enhanced reality heads up displays and wearable computing systems. My current research involves finding a cure for the mind control directed energy weapons fiasco. The integrated global surveillance grid is actually part of the holy grail of weapons and human control systems.

My apologies to the human race for my contribution to tyranny. I was tricked into thinking it would not be misused by corrupt government especially in my beloved country. I was wrong. The Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate has Skip Green on the governing board. One of my old colleagues at a technology think tank in Cambridge partly in charge of the radio frequency weapons testing for neurological disruption now torturing and killing people worldwide. Several other US Navy and UK Navy scientists have been knocked-off and that is why I have come forward. I know my time maybe near. I am currently a professor in computer science and business, helping to educate the public on government corruption, greed, and stupidity. Like my ancestor Lincoln, I am fighting against mental slavery in a new Civil War engineered by the same useless elements in over 80 government agencies who have tested radiological, drug, and viral weapons on unsuspecting Americans for over 45 years.

I have great pride in the fundamental and constitutional values of America and mean no disrespect by my blasting the incompetence, apathy, and stupidity of those involved in the conspiracy of involuntary biological, chemical, and psychotronic human effects testing. There are so many brave men and women serving in the armed forces who fight and protect us for the American values they believe in. But because of the silos of information called compartmentalization in the security agencies and the lack of accountability and oversight of black operations and some top secret projects, diabolical elements become rogue or worse destroying the very country they are tasked with protecting turning it into a hypocracy rather than a democracy.

My goal is to awaken Americans to the continued horrific acts of military and CIA weapons testers in this country and the other branches of government’s inability to stop them and hold them accountable.

All I ask from the reader is to listen to testimony and validate facts presented here and come to their own conclusion. Then fight to win back America from this silent overthrow. This has been my project for about two years, investigating government corruption, incompetence, and cover-up upon which I accidentally stumbled one day while looking at a reverse MRI scheme to inject electromagnetic signals into the brain for virtual reality applications. I have interviewed over two hundred people and worked on the highest level of military projects for the U.S., NATO, and U.K. and have given videotaped testimony to senators and representatives on this topic resulting in lip service since they have no real power to enforce. Two high level FBI agents and a couple CIA agents have come forward to validate the existence of a MKULTRA like project that continues to grab random people for mind control experimentation. Two of these have since become part of the program and endure daily psychotronic tortures. All the torture can be done using directed energy psychotronic weapons with the so called continental ballistic missile surveillance defense grids.

I apologize to the human race for any contribution to these 4th generation weapons that I may have worked on that are more horrific than the nuclear bomb and whose cover-up is more pervasive than the Manhattan Project. And because of the horrific acts of violence being committed on as many as two thousand Americans as far as my research has uncovered and many others in other countries, I understand the extreme risk to my own welfare that publishing this material will have. But freedom is so important to me that I know full heartedly that the human race must have an open discussion on these weapons to decide their own fate before the point of decision is gone, that I am willing to risk divulging so called national secrets. All I offer you is the truth.

All information presented in this book was received through legitimate channels such as the Freedom of Information Act, military documents, victim testimony, and turned agents. I still hold valid the oath I took to keep secret the details of the projects that I worked on under DoD budgets. The majority of the proceeds of this book will go towards helping the psychotronic experiment survivors and surviving families of those that have perished. When the government fails, business and the citizens must look out for each other.

“Remember. All I offer you is the truth.”
– Morpheus, The Matrix

My motivation for writing this book was to help consolidate the technical information about the most advanced, secret military weapons being tested on civilians throughout the world, and to give new test victims a literary reference that they can give to police officers, psychiatrists, and family members so that they can be quickly educated on what is happening them. When the person is menticized with drugs and electromagnetics, it is extremely difficult for that person to articulate the complex politics and devious cover up being used on them without sounding crazy. After reading this book, the only excuse people of the community have for continuing to disbelieve the victim is their own ignorance and inability to cope with the shame of being American.

I will sound extreme in my writings. It is the intention of the government experiments to be as violent and harsh as possible to victims to make them sound crazy when they describe the events. I thought about toning it down to be more believable, but it wouldn’t have been the truth. This needs to be part of the historical records for future generations to learn the failings of our own. We should have been more vigilant!

The tactics used by the CIA/DoD (department of defense) for massive human experimentation has not changed in 35 years. Acting like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde allows them cover and plausible denial while they cower back into the fringe and shadows of government. If they made the experiments mild, people would be more likely to believe the DoD/CIA conducted this kind of torture research.

Congress is impotent to stop it although they have tried many times in the last couple decades. So as a fact of life, we must cope with the reality of the loss of control of our government and fight to spread the truth through word of mouth and other yet to be controlled information channels. Ignorance is the only enemy and everyone working to keep secrets or spread disinformation are merely the unimportant pawns to be sacrificed in this classic metaphorical battle between good and evil.

I titled this book “The Matrix Deciphered” because I was inspired by the movie series “The Matrix” which was a clear and very accurate metaphor for what is occurring to people. Morpheus says in the movie, “Nobody can tell you what the matrix is, you have to see it for yourself.” You do not want to see The Matrix for yourself. I will do my best in the following pages, to unravel the metaphor and boldly explain exactly what The Matrix is. You will quickly realize how the complexity of the games of power, control, and disinformation strategies have evolved in the last half century. A certain level of skillfulness and much time is needed for the average person to parse through the vast amounts of material necessary to consolidate it all to a few understandable truths.

The only way we can win this informational civil war, is by educating a certain percentage of the population who will understand the technology and believe the thousands of witnesses. Only then, will government finally stop torturing and killing citizens with these directed energy weapons and apologize for their ‘indiscretions’. Then a new dawn for mankind will come of age that promises to unify the peoples of the world, eliminate pain, and possibly allow us to cheat death. It is the last war that will ever be fought. But the stakes are very high. It is our souls, our freedom of thought and expression, our uniqueness and individuality that will be lost forever if we fail.


The American Delusion – a dream and a nightmare

We are raised on lies and practiced self delusion. We ask, “Do these pants make me look fat?” And we dread the response, “No, it’s the fat that makes you look fat. The pants make you look colored.” We teach others to lie to us. We believe what makes us feel good and rationalize away those facts that don’t. We are in the land of deception. The average person tells 2.5 lies a day. As a social experiment, try counting the number of exaggerations and flat out lies you encounter in a day by people, advertising, and watching the news. Assuming you are worldly and wise enough to disentangle the word games, you will be shocked.

For some, the dream state is pleasant. Sheltered from the misery of the world, given a continuous false stream of hope, and led to believe that they are part of something good, righteous, and moral, many live in an ignorant, myopically focused bliss. For others who adventure too far with truth and knowledge, they will find the roads not traveled to be scary with factual realizations. A mind once stretched, can not regain its original shape. Be forewarned, you can not be put back into The Matrix, i.e. the American delusion.

I used to pose this philosophical question to peers. If there was a virtual reality machine that seemed real in every way and you could determine what your perfect life would be in advance, would you agree to live in it for the remainder of your physical existence assuming your memory could be erased that you chose to do it? Your answer is quite revealing about the base motives that drive your everyday living. If you answer, “No. It isn’t real. My life would be meaningless.” Then you are the type of person who is driven through creating meaning in your life and define your value through your relationships with other people. If you answer, “Yes. Of course. Who wouldn’t want a perfect life?” Then you are a pleasure seeker and define the reason for existence is to optimize your quantitative happiness through your chronological lifespan.

The question is not just a philosophical one anymore. But like in the movie, “Vanilla Sky”, things could go wrong. I always answered the question as such,”I would absolutely do it if I could be assured that the illusion had a 100% chance of success. Since nothing is 100% certain, I choose not to because the let down would be too great if the program didn’t take.” There is no such thing as the perfect illusion, especially for the critical eye and mind. The American delusion is just such a virtual reality machine, designed of carefully constructed, psychologically sanctioned thoughts with a wireless high tech twist.

You will probably choose to close a blind eye and hope for the best as much of the world has. But you will always ask yourself the same old questions, “Isn’t there something more? What is the meaning?” The question is, of course, ill posed. The question should be, ”What is meaning?” To answer this question, you must let down your guard, eliminate your ego, and let go of all that owns you for a moment.

The journey to the truth of our existence is an emotionally rocky one. You will find yourself elated at times, and depressed at other times. When you understand, there will be no emotions at all, just acceptance of it.

For this expedition, we will set sail aboard the ship of science. It is a framework of logic and method that has served mankind well since its inception. As your captain on this expedition, I will navigate and guide us while traversing the numerous languages of studies and meld their different vantage points into a single model of reality. The vast sea of human knowledge is separated by barriers of jargon. Once removed, sailing the ocean of understanding is far smoother and direct.

All aboard! Prepare for rough seas! First we head to the land of lies. The psychology of deception we will find. Expect to encounter a known beast that has only one large eye. Fight valiantly and blind the PsychlOps! You must always keep your guard up. Wield your weapons of critical reasoning, skepticism, and logic gallantly and you will defeat the monsters in our journey. Expect the unexpected. We will encounter Medusa in our crossing into the synapse. Be forewarned, this journey is a treacherous one. Hypnotic spells that will turn you to stone chanted by witches unseen, and the sirens of forbidden knowledge will lure us close to our death. But fear not, Apollo the son of Zeus, the god of truth and of light, smiles upon our journey for he too is in confrontation with Mars and Ares, the gods of war.

The truth is not always what you expect to find. During our journey to the land of deception, we must dig deep and follow Alice’s white rabbit down the rabbit hole. Time and space will no longer be flat, and proportions and logic will seem to conflict. The mad hatter is not to be trusted for directions. He is confused on purpose to mislead us in the maze of lies. And if that isn’t enough of an adventure for you, the scarecrow, the tin man, and the lion too cross our paths many times. They were not blessed with a brain, heart, or courage by the wizard behind the current of secrecy. In these failings of creatures, we can triangulate on what we want to be.

There is no turning back, we are in search of the promised land.

Metaphors and analogy are not to be taken literally. They are direction signs in the crossroads to understanding. Beware of false signs, the little gremlins from the Kremlin and Pentagon, put them up to mislead you. You will in time recognize their signature and be able to distinguish the true path from strategic misdirection.

Follow the radar light, political power, and defense industry greed, and you will find the trolls that are operatives of the American delusion.

We need to cross the Valley of Death, in the beautiful country of California, to see the secret weapons’ development that is there. If I were ruler, I would take California and its people away from the hindrances to cultural progress, and set up a separate land with a new bread of enlightened and civilized people. But nay, it can’t happen because of an ever gluttonous growing federal giant leech that covets his power and likes to consume his cattle grazing there.

Why must we face these beasts of deception? For they are part of the journey of understanding the hobgoblins of little minds who created The Matrix of deception.

History and Background

EEG Cyber Hive Minds

In order for us to proceed in our understanding of a revolutionizing technology and its capabilities as a weapon, we need to define some concepts and vocabulary.
EEG stands for electroencephalogram. It is a representation of the brain’s electrical activity. Traditionally, electroencephalograms are gathered through probes placed all around the head. They measure minute electrical differences from each other that are representative of the brains activity near the probe. A brain map can be inferred from these voltage sensors. EKGs, electrocardiograms work in exactly the same way to measure the electrical waves from the heart. MEG stands for magnetoencephalogram and similarly measure the magnetic fields created from ion flows in the brain. They have different tradeoffs in terms of measuring and locating brain activity.

A functional MRI is an active scanning technique used to also measure brain activity in real time as well as its structure. MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging. It uses magnetic resonance to create photons that are representative of the types of atoms and bonding states they are in. Another sister technology, is called ESR, electron spin resonance. I have not seen any hospitals which make use of this technique by creating images from electron spin resonance. Electromagnetic waves are created by a perturbation to electric or magnetic fields that carry information about the states of angular momentum. There are many more brain imaging technologies but these are the traditional ones.

Using probes to collect brain information has limitations beyond just the lack of mobility from the tethered wires attached to the user. It collects electrical information the best at the surface of the brain but not deep into it, that is why so many probes need to be attached to the head in order to get a more refined picture of activity.
I have been studying the human mind for a good portion of my life, from neuroscience, to cognitive modeling, to artificial intelligence.

Here is secret #1 that has been suppressed by the forces of ignorance in the government. There was a patent that I will keep referring to throughout this book because of the importance of the work. It is published in the appendix. In 1974, Robert Malech , an employee of Dorn & Margolin Inc., a major defense subcontractor in radar design now owned by EDO Corporation an even larger all defense contractor in electronic warfare, invented a fairly simple radar device that could read whole brain electrical activity at a large distance . It has the major advantages of no wires and full brain electrical activity analysis, not just points on the skull surface. He discovered and perfected a way to use some simple electromagnetic oscillations anywhere from 100Mhz to 40 Ghz to read brainwaves by “illuminating” the brain and its electrical conductance then reading the return signal. The imaging method observes the changes of frequency resonances, amplitude, and phase which represent the states of neuron depolarization throughout the brain.

Secret #2. But more profoundly, he discovered that he could influence brain waves if precisely timed with a return training signal. He had no idea that at this moment in history, he had accidentally destroyed democracy as we envision it to be. The military and surveillance community immediately picked up on the patent and within two years had reprogrammed their communications and surveillance satellites and terrestrial phased arrays with the new concepts. The rapid deployment of this technology occurred because it only required software changes in already existing radar, imaging, and communications’ terrestrial dishes and satellites. Many additional spy satellites have been launched since to bolster the system. So in 1976, on the bicentennial of this great nation, a system called TAMI was born. TAMI is an acronym for “Thought Amplifier and Mind Interface”. A more invasive “Big Brother” technology came about before George Orwell’s prediction of 1984.

Secret #3. Stealth RADAR techniques were first recorded by observing the Russian bombardment of the U.S. embassy in Moscow with microwaves. Using high powered steered phased arrays and focused directed energy from two sources next to each other, one can create a nearly undetectable “scalar” wave, or destructive interference at the point of interest. With just a minor energy interaction, the interfering beams bounce back with strong signal to noise ratio to be resolved at the sources again. This allows for any imaging technique to be done from extremely large distances. In effect, it makes distance irrelevant to the detection feature, be it RADAR, MRI, or ESR imaging.

At the same time, the Russians had discovered and were developing similar capabilities. This accelerated the secret arms race that continues to this day.
The research and capabilities have come a long way in the last 30 years. Even if one didn’t have direct access to the knowledge of surveillance capabilities, one could project out in time 30 years knowing technology developments increase at an exponential rate. At that time the military demonstrated the capability of reading automobile license plates from satellite images.

In order to cover up and not draw attention to mind reading radar, the whole field of psychic phenomena and paranormal psychology was invented to deceive the civilian populations of what was occurring. The Russian’s showed their hand when they started bombarding the U.S. embassy in Moscow with microwaves in the late 60’s, and then with the 7 Russian Wood Pecker transmitters that began operation in 1976 pointed at the U.S.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of this new weapon, many human minds are needed to create the database of specific brain data necessary to increase the effectiveness on a larger and larger population. These are referred to as the “Cataloguing and Cloning operations”. In this context, cloning does not refer to human cloning, but EEG cloning. Many have misunderstood this fact and then it was popularized by the T.V. series “X-Files”. These cloning operations are what plague the human race today as every country feels the need to have this weapon that requires torturing and killing many people of their own populations to develop.

EEG cloning means to copy someone else’s brainwaves onto another person. The discovery made by Robert Malech allows this to be done wirelessly anywhere in the world. A new military division emerged called The Psychic Warfare Unit initially stationed in the Pentagon but most likely it was rolled into the Psychological Operations, Electronic Warfare, and Informational Warfare Units. Initially this became a great intelligence gathering tool. Psychically spying into other people’s minds was an incredible feat.

I don’t use the term EEG cloning much because it refers only to the special case of observing a targets mind. That is only one aspect of the technology. Malech discovered he could influence brain waves just as easily as reading them. So at the other extreme, a psychic warrior can EEG clone his brainwaves onto a target. This is symbolized in the movie “The Matrix” where the agents take over random citizens bodies while in pursuit of the heroes. The correct terminology to describe everything in between the two extremes is EEG heterodyning. Heterodyning is an engineering term which means to mix signals. So EEG cloning is just a special case of EEG heterodyning.

EEG cyber hive mind is another term used for EEG heterodyning for none weapons use experiments. These are collectives of people who share one common set of brain waves. They jokingly refer to the process of forcing someone into a collective as “Borging” them, a reference to the evil cyborg civilization from Star Trek. They are studying both the long term effects of being in this kind of collective mind configuration and how to use it to control, spy through, disable, or kill a target. They also are studying communication and organization without spy gadgets of any kind for synchronized missions.

The emerging field which intersects at the physics of psychology is called ‘psychophysics’. The dynamics of the mind are well described from neuroscience reductionism. Artificial neural networks have been around for over half a century. But the new challenge is to map exactly the subjective experiences of consciousness to the physics of organic intelligences’ informational signal processing including biochemical and electromagnetic. The word ‘Psychophysics’ has additional connotations that are quite appropriate in the way that this field has evolved in the secret labs around the world. The tools of psychophysicists are called psychotronics.

It is this area of research that has given rise to all the conspiracy theories on the New World Order psychoterrorists, secret societies involvement, mind control and satanic cults. Mind control weapons are the holy grail of the ultimate weapon and has given birth to the world’s most notorious, sociopathic scientists which in turn have spawned a generation of the most intense human suffering for weapons testing efficacy the people of this planet have ever endured.

The First Documented use of Mind Reading RADAR

In order to reduce the effects from the bombardment of the U.S. embassy in Moscow with microwaves, they put up microwave screens on the windows of the building. Oddly enough, this actually had the opposite effect of increasing the microwave intensity inside. The only way this can happen is if interferometry was being used on the embassy. If you block a path of the interfering / heterodyning wave fronts, you can lessen the destructive interference pattern thereby increasing the measurable energy. This was the first documented use of so called “scalar weapons”.

Lured by the Sirens of Truth

"True nobility is exempt from fear."
– King Henry the Sixth, Part II (Act IV, Scene I).

My Story

Some people will feel that it is an appropriate irony that the world wide surveillance and obviously integrated psychotronic directed energy systems should be used on me since, I ignorantly participated in building cogs for the subsystems of the machine, like the Jews who dug their own graves in the Nazi Holocaust. But I assure you that I am not alone. Indeed, most scientists and engineers working on DoD projects have no idea how the pieces ultimately fit together and how the system as a whole will be misused.
Welcome to HELL

Two people on different days walked by me and said, “You are going to have a psychotic break. You are a psychopath.” The first time it happened I assumed the person was talking on a cell phone and I didn’t see the headset.

I was happy, relaxed, and doing what I love to do, invent, socialize, write, and learn. Life was good.

On October 31, 2004, Halloween, the spooks came out. I felt a little strange after waking up from a nap and feeling groggy which didn’t go away for the entire day. The synthetic telepathy began. As clear as a cell phone call, I was talking aloud and one main speaker with three other people on the other end of the conversation would reply. Rather than being frightened, I thought someone like my neighbors were pranking me using a technology called ultrasonic heterodyning not very well known in the United States except as a weapon made by American Technology Corporation, but used in vending machines in Japan. They had a program like “Candid Camera”, that used this technology to make people think they were crazy and used it for other gags. It projects sound so that only one person can hear it at large distances.

It was very fascinating for me to get a demonstration of the technology I thought. It was Halloween and they introduced themselves as a ‘Satanic Ritual Abuse Cult’. I wasn’t really very familiar with cults but I assume that could be scary. When I didn’t seem to react to that cover story, they went on to try several others. "We are the Borg and we are assimilating your uniqueness," a man proclaimed in a confident voice. “Whatever,” was my rebellious disinterested reply, even though I was actually quite interested in the technology demonstration. "I am God. {pause}. Would you believe I am the Angel of Death ?” The conversation continued. “No. OK. We are evil aliens and this is an alien abduction,” they less assuredly claimed. I thought to myself without speaking, “Wow, they really should have rehearsed this prank before trying it on me.” “Hmmm. How about this. We are brain nappers? You are food for thought." The conversation became more belligerent and repetitive. The only relief I got was putting mineral oil in my ears and plugging them with wax. However, it continued for 9 full days and that’s when the torture began.

Imagine every pain you have ever felt and many you haven’t being repeatedly played into your mind like MP3 files for twelve seemingly unending months. All the time, the narrators describe in detail what kind of pain you are feeling and psychologically abusing and tormenting you the best they can.

After being run through the battery of torture tests, I can confirm that what one of the researchers involved with mind control brags about in his paper is true. "I can control every aspect of human mental function at 450MHz." These tortures and experiments easily stole 35 years of my life or more. Colonels involved with the EEG heterodyning weapon claim they have demonstrated its lethality many times. I have since identified many people they have killed in this way.

I developed quite a rapport with the mind control weapons testers. Our conversations became more half hearted and honest.

Agents asked,"Can you get close to the president? Would you kill him for us? We just have to get you to say that aloud to people to make them think you are insane and dangerous. We usually can get people locked up in an insane wing at a hospital by the first month or commit a crime through their bodies. We need you to discredit yourself. Do you have any ideas?"

My reply: "I don’t think you need to do anything. The technology is too unbelievable for most to comprehend and your brutality on so many citizens will be enough for the majority of people to be skeptical and tune out."

Agents: "Can’t you just tell people that the Russians, Chinese or the FBI is behind it? "

I reply, "What else do you have to choose from?"

Agents: "Those are the only scripts we’ve been trained on. We are big powerful psychic warriors and you should fear us and do what we say. If you kill your father we will

let you go. You’ve got to commit some crime to discredit your testimony. We need blackmail, something. Nobody is as perfect as you. Who are you, fuckin’ Jesus?"

I prophetically declare," No, I’m not even religious, but if I can perform three miracles: expose your long history of crimes against humanity, find defenses against the weapon, and help usher in a new scientific era, I would be a Saint."

An Eye is Upon You

Free Mason symbolism

The Total Integrated Global Surveillance Network

How do the “Ionospheric Heaters” such as those based in Alaska, Puerto Rico, Colorado, and Brazil image the Earth in astronomically small detail? From now on I will call the Ionospheric Heaters, Ground Based Imaging and Directed Energy Systems. Once again the Devil of Destruction (DoD) has purposefully misnamed these systems to mislead the public and congress as to their real uses and intentions.

By using the concave mirror effect of the reflection off the Earth’s upper atmosphere, these giant phased arrays can see the smallest energy anywhere within their purview and direct the energy the back the same way. These directed energy phased array systems are often many miles wide. Imagine what one would see if the sky were a giant mirror. It would amplify points on Earth like a cosmetic mirror does for your face. Now add another lens, like a telescope and you can see even more microscopic elements. And like what had to be done to fix the Hubble Telescope with a misshapen lens, the imperfections of the atmosphere can be compensated for to get a clearer picture.

Directing energy to a spot on Earth would be like focusing a magnifying glass on an ant to burn it with the sun’s energy. The people look like ants to these dishonorable insignificant men playing god at a distance.

{Insert picture of mirror in the sky}.

To instinctively get a sense of what one would see if they had an eye ball as big as the HAARP array and could see electromagnetic waves in the HF through UHF range, let’s look up at the ionospheric mirror. We can see almost ¾ of the way around the world in any direction and because of our huge eye and the magnifying effect of the mirror, we can see microscopic properties only limited in spacial resolution by the highest frequency that we can see but only limited in the energy resolution by the sensitivity and noise filtering algorithms. If there was a person at the point of observation looking back through a telescope, assuming that visible light reflected off the ionosphere, he would see a giant eye looking back at him. So this ionospheric mirror is very important to the death machine. Finding ways to shake, distort, heat, ripple or disrupt it so they can’t continue operating the virtual hell they have built, would be a good goal for the humans.

{ Show ray tracing image of sky as mirroring earth }

The ionosphere starts at 50km and extends to 650km above the Earth. There are several layers and each layer has plasma or ionized air that reflect and refract the signals from a vertically pointed RADAR known as an ionosonde also a major part of the so called, “ionospheric heaters”. The angle of refraction and total internal reflection depends on the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave and its angle of incidence to the layers of the ionosphere.

{Show map of range of known directed energy field arrays and power levels based on total internal reflection and overlap of other directed energy fields at different common RADAR wavelengths}

Resolving Power of the Ground to Ionosphere to Ground Telescopes, aka directed energy and Earth imaging systems.

{put formula for Resolving Power based on size of phased array field “lens” and wavelength then add the magnification factor from the concavity of the Earth’s atmosphere}

Electron Spin Resonance (ESR)

This is the secret sauce that the conspiracy kills to keep secret. Notice that there are no ESR machines in hospitals. Why? Because it would become immediately obvious how easy it is to read body electricity from RADAR, i.e. brain waves at a distance. The basic concept is simple and very analogous to the way Magnetic Resonance Imaging works. It works on manipulating spin and gyro frequency of electrons.

{picture of out of sync electron frequencies and synchronized gyro frequency}

If only 5% of the country were smartest enough to understand this basic physics, we wouldn’t be so easily manipulated by the disinformation agents that say brain waves can’t be read by radar imaging fields or that neurotransmitter release can’t be modulated by timed electromagnetic fields. If the people of this country want to be free again, they need only to understand these simple physical truths and that shall set them free from the alien psychological and psychotronic enslavement. It isn’t an accident that the United States is at the bottom of the first world countries in terms of math and science education.
Electron Spin Polarity Resonance (EPR)

In this imaging technique the spin polarity is measured by flipping it which adds or subtracts energy from the system. Energy must be conserved so a photon is given off if it goes to a lower energy spin state. It is “heated” during the movement to a higher energy state prepping it for a synchronized transition back to a lower energy state. The body’s electricity is modulated into delayed state transitions because of the local electric field variations. This return signal is processed and the very high signal to noise EEG patterns are extracted. The sensitivity is truly “science fiction” like. Even a single nerve or neuron firing can be picked up individually. This gives new meaning to Signal Intelligence.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

very similar to the way magnetic imaging works with the spin of the nuclei of atoms with their magnetic moments.
{picture of MRI synchronized nuclei rotations} Need E and B fields.

Traditional RADAR bounce imaging

“scalar” or interferometric stealth radar

So in order that academics and commercial industries don’t accidentally discover how much surveillance the militia does on them and so that the energy from RADAR does less damage to human tissues and the environment, the clever and unintuitive concept of doubling the power to the area under surveillance was born as stealth RADAR. If two or more beams such as pulses from the Alaskan and Puerto Rican imagers converge on an area in the continental US, the beams would either double in intensity (constructive interference) or cancel completely (destructive interference) depending if the waves were 0 degrees or 180 degrees out of phase from one another.
The beams or wavefronts bounce off the area under surveillance undetectable by an observer at the point of interest. The wave fronts don’t just stop they continue from their reflected and scattered trajectories to be collected by any type of sensor once the wave fronts have moved out of each other’s cancelling beams which exists as a “scalar field” or slangly termed “gravity waves”.

In addition, the scatter stealth radar would make it appear like “free energy” was coming from nowhere due to the microscopic differences in scattering angles. This is the so called psychic energy that seems to emanate from people. This is what powers Col. Thomas Bearden’s so called “free energy” machines. The “free energy” machines are just harnessing the power of the destructive fringe of the powerful stealth scatter radars. Col. Bearden claimed a 75 Watt free energy device; I heard that there was 30 Watts of scatter field energy from a human body, that’s pretty close. What he is actually building is a scalar or gravity wave detector. Interesting how he funded this research through a company that claims other mechanisms of action. Is this considered black budget funding? I wonder what his investors think?

{diagram of scatter energy and beam cancelling fields}

Millimeter wave, Infra-red and Visible Wavelength Satellite Imaging

This topic is self explanatory. Everyone has seen the incredible detailed infrared imaging capabilities of the military. They can see heat signatures through walls.

What do haunted houses, ghosts, alien abductions, and the Bermuda Triangle have in common?

Remember how the air becomes electrified before a haunting by the appearance of a poltergeist in movies inspired by this weapons testing on the public? We’ve busted our ghost in the machine! Remember how planes would be downed in the Bermuda Triangle because their compass needles and instruments would go haywire? Those were directed energy attacks from the Puerto Rico Radar field built in 1959. Remember all the shows about cars stalling and radio stations flipping right before an alien abduction scenario? These are all the same RADAR tricks but with varying degrees of lethality. These tricks are all done by the same technology and the usual criminals in the bowls of the beast.

Who gave the chimps the gun? Who are the chimps’ handlers? They are the high traitors and should be hung according to the law of the land for training the chimps to attack their own country and provoke wars around the world. The cost in terms of human misery for maintaining such a large killing machine is far too great, just so insecure, frightened Americans can delude themselves into safety. (See the section on the probability of being killed by the US machine vs. foreign governments, terrorists, sharks, or lightening). The war machine that is supposed to make people safe is statistically their biggest threat. Ignorance may be bliss, but what you don’t know can hurt you.

Van Eck Hacking

Hacking the human brain

Computer hackers are always finding ways to zombify as many machines as they can. This means that they find a way to hack into your system and install remote control software of some sort. The Military’s programs, called Zombie I-V, were similar in goal. They wanted to be able to hack into people’s minds and create remote controlled zombies.

They succeeded over 30 years ago and the technology is now close to perfected. There is a stalking phenomenon occurring in America and around the world. Read “Terrorist Stalking in America” for another perspective. There are three kinds of stalkers one of which have been released by the freedom of information act documents that describe government stalking programs, or goon squads as they are called in slang. CIA and other agencies training their employees for intimidation tactics abroad and in the US are one form of the members of terrorist stalking gangs. The CIA has used these tactics to help overthrow governments and intimidate leaders of other countries many times in history. The second purpose is to play into society’s programming that people who think government agents are following them are crazy. Discrediting an individual threw mud slinging, black mail, or erratic behavior has been a high priority documented skill for these agencies. The other two types of stalkers are more dopes and victims of zombification. The global system, TAMI, can hone in on a compatible mind and instantly be able to manipulate it to some varying degree dependent upon many factors.

The offense practices their trade by influencing people near a targeted individual to convey information only pertinent to them, for spy games. These people are everyday citizens unfamiliar with this high technology. The effects are so subtle without lots of training to detect, nobody would be the wiser. They would at most just question why they did that or felt the need to say that. The third category of stalkers is the most disturbing. True zombies are created through the “voice of god” microwave hearing effects. Some people become complete believers that God is talking to them and telling them what to do, be it follow someone or kill on command. John Lennon’s killer claimed voices kept saying “do it, do it” over and over again. TAMI came on line in 1976, and John Lennon was killed in 1980.

The culture around those people in the US that are stalked, tortured, intimidated, or harassed by federal agencies can be funny at times. The stalkers that are practicing their childish cloak and dagger games, targeted individuals call "Zombiloids", a new US agent slur derived from the secret "Zombie" programs and "Mongaloid", since the term "spook" has been overused.

Monitoring of Life Signs and Psychic Star Wars Defenses

So almost every human is monitored and tracked by various integrated technologies. One justification for TAMI is that a global system to monitor everyone is necessary to alert the military in case of a psychic war and protect the leaders from electromagnetic influence. But of course in reality it is used for the exact opposite purpose.

Uniqueness of heartbeat and breathing patterns (list patents).

Other Star Wars Directed Energy Weapons Plans

I have seen plans for electromagnetic rail guns for launching projectiles in space at other satellites. They use superconducting high powered magnets to accelerate projectiles faster than bullets.

Imaging the brain and other Earth objects

From my protected sources I have seen, brain images derived from the TAMI system. I was not told how they were produced but I can reverse engineer some possibilities given what I know about surveillance capabilities. Using cognitive modeling techniques, one could construct a PET or functional MRI like image showing brain activity simply using the phase, amplitude, and frequency information from mind reading RADAR. A spectral image could be constructed based on models of brain function and an electron spin resonance topographical head map. Since the brain activity is precisely known, it could be rendered and displayed in a 3-D image. Other methods might include using sub-millimeter or Terahertz wave length RADAR or Earth Gauss MRI/ESR techniques. Incredible that this can all be done with a constellation of spy satellites or ground based phased arrays. In medicine one technique is called computed tomography or CAT scan which use x-rays to obtain image data from different angles around the body and then uses computer processing of the information to show a cross-section of body tissues and organs. X-rays are not used for obvious health reasons by the equivalent RADAR imaging but any or all wavelengths under the visible spectrum can be used to obtain a very good image of a person. The infamous HAARP phased array that stretches across Alaska is capable of Earth penetrating tomography.

Pictures of my soul’s container.

I have a friend who is a Radiologist. He stuck me in an MRI machine to produce a screen saver while he was doing rounds before we went out drinking. I think I got a clean bill of health because after reviewing the MRI slices he comments, “I am astonished at how unremarkable your brain is!” My response, “Don’t judge a mind by its container.”

Please take time to review the appendix. There is a document on imaging meteors the size of baseballs with the Puerto Rico phased array Radar grid using scatter radar and ion spectra absorption, called “The Head Echo” effect. You’ll understand the relevance.

U.S. embassy in Moscow

So here is what the U.S. learned from the Russian bombardment of the U.S. embassy with microwaves in Moscow after many years. By heterodyning two powerful beams of microwaves where one beam mostly cancels out the effect of the other at the location of interest, you will have a near “scalar” radar beam almost undetectable because of the low intensity readings. The low intensity microwaves still interact with the environment and bounce back to their origination. The original beams were very high intensity. So what this does is creates a method of amplifying the signal to noise ratio. It allows high powered signals to bounce off surfaces with a minimal reaction to objects. At the receivers, it can then be amplified with a clean signal. This is the secret to mind reading RADAR.

A Typical Directed Energy “Haunting”

The arrows represent the exact points in the audio frequency domain where a target always hears the beginning of a phoneme of a syllable of a word.

This is a pitch (EAC) analysis of the white noise of a scanner during a severe voice to skull attack on a victim. Disclaimer: It is illegal to modify scanners to view military frequencies. All scanners are disabled in certain frequency ranges for “National Security” reasons. So we used body resonance frequencies just above the military bands when collecting our data. OK? God forbid that people have a right to defend themselves to see what energy frequencies are being used to attack and kill them.
Although difficult to see in this shrunken image, the target can hear the same speech each and every time the sound is played. At the arrows, the government torture victim hears the syllables of the words. Everyone else hears pure noise. The word syllables and cadence that the target hears can be viewed in the broadband energy spectrum, however to the naked ear it can’t be heard. Some energy changes are picked up by this simple power spectrum audio analysis.

Here is the same “white noise” at a different scale in the power spectrum with edge detection applied. The rectangular areas are where the victim hears syllables of words again. Highlights include what look like 10 bands and Formant voice patterns.

This is the amplitude phase encoding of the “noise”, another method mentioned by both the Stocklin patent and Malech patent. It appears amplitude, and pulse frequency modulated.

Listen to the noise. You can’t hear these features. If this is the deterministic broadband noise encoding plus the electromagnetic head resonance technology of the CIA for “word choice” it is indeed cleverly hidden and specific to individuals. Observe the lower frequency broadband energy jumps that can’t be heard if you have an equalizer on your mp3 player.

While the audio analysis is inconclusive without high end military grade digital oscilloscopes and the expertise to reverse engineer the CIA “word choice” technology, other basic tests were more than obvious. During the attacks, the entire scanner spectrum up to 850 Mhz became this white noise and no other signals could be picked up. The target’s body electricity when measured by several volt meters went from 10mV to over 0.3V. Compass needles deflected by 20 degrees from magnetic north and the video camera microchip sensor (CCD charge coupled device) became ionized and all the video became overly bright and color distorted. I did not have wireless EEG equipment at the time of these tests, but the neurological effects on a targeted individual again were beyond doubt. The directed energy “hauntings” are pretty common now and I quit following the US military random attacks on people until I acquire the appropriate equipment to do the more sophisticated signal processing.

Methods of encrypted signaling

The single gigahertz pulse through wall radar can be extended as a very covert method of messaging to a specific location. Using geographically dispersed transceivers, a signal stream can be encrypted, broken up and then divvied out to the broadcasting stations (via satellites or ground based). The message is secured by both being encrypted and fragmented on their way to each station. The stations each broadcast with precise timing so that the pulses arrive in the correct order at only one triangulated point. Interception of the stream anywhere else will render the encrypted stream garbled and the bits out of order. I’ll leave it as an exercise for the cryptologist at the top universities to devise an algorithm for deciphering one of these interceptions.

You can imagine that precise psychotronic signal injection in conjunction with ultra wideband, frequency hopping or deterministic broadband noise could be done in a similar manner to create a low probability of interception and detection method.

Poetry of Shame

Porter Goss you disappoint us all,
You have the power to stop this with just one call,
You shame Hotchkiss and the public with your lies,
Torture is a common practice covered-up with bazaar suicides,
You were entrusted with power,
But failed many of us in the last hour.

Biocommunication and World Control

Once again, I must question why the so called “Eastern Block” countries are more forthcoming with their research than the US and even NATO aligned countries. The US government has hindered civilian research in this area tremendously through their active disinformation noise campaigns . Imagine how much material gets first filtered by the communist countries, then the CIA, and finally we have to overcome the barriers of language to get this. Why is there more information coming in from outside the so called “free world” than internally? The answer is obvious for those who have seen the matrix of deception from both sides of the country’s split personality.
So this is a theory that is incredibly disturbing that crossed my path since becoming fairly well known as a researcher in this area. Often I get anonymously sent information from other saints which I examine with a skeptical mind due to the countless disinformation agents out there. But this deserves to be told.

“A machine for every man, women, and child. Now that sounds like the thinking of a machine to me.”
– Morpheus, The Matrix series

For this book I over simplify some of the concepts so that it can reach more people. I preface this complex idea with the notice that it is still being simplified for general consumption.

Bioelectric field modulation could well be the mode of one type of interaction of these directed energy weapons. This is what is studied most amongst the New Age group and the “psychics” of yesteryear as well as what comes out of the Eastern Block. We know that informational coherent neuron modulation will connect with any brain. Both magnetic and electric fields in the most basic form interact with neuron communication, but the reason we don’t go into convulsions from all the electromagnetic signals that our bodies absorb is that they are not significant in terms of the repetitive time series cognitive pathways (i.e. brain entrainments). There is a precise opportunity for amplification and thereby modulate and piggy back brain signals with another external signal. Your informational pattern and cognitive model is nothing like any signal you would absorb from radio stations or electrical appliances. One must exactly get the train of pulses correct in order to influence the outcome significantly and amplify the effects.

Growing Virtual Neurons

This is one method to usurp a mind and create a higher order MIND network. Let’s look at Medusa’s head again in the dendrites of the neuron. Assuming one could wirelessly measure some property that was representative of the state of that neuron, one could grow virtual neurons connected to it. Since many methods of neurotransmitter modulation are researched along with raw electric or magnetic current induction methods, influencing the voltage at the Hillock of a neuron can be done. With just those two sets of tools, one can grow virtual neurons to every human brain. Cyberneticists working on the concept of a “Global Brain” have no clue that it has already been done to some extent and completely wirelessly. They all focus on neural chips and plug in brain links.

Furthering this idea to its logical end, one could create a higher order mind from connecting all human minds together, a Global Brain. Has it been done? I know for certain that many people have been mapped and connected to the U.S. MIND network. Whether that is just for current and future use as spy and control conduits, or whether this large collection of minds has been or is being integrated is unknown to me. Certainly hive minds with 2 to 6 people are being created and tested in the thousands of cells. Whether those cells are somehow connected to each other through a collective hive mind switchboard is also unknown.

The virtual neurons can be of a self organizing type – example another human brain or computed neurons. Or they could be non-adapting virtual neurons used to “force” new thought processes and program thought pathways (neural programming). The possibilities are mind blowing.

You can see how even men of strong character would eventually become corrupted by this power.

Once the target brain unbeknownst to them has adapted and incorporated the virtual network (i.e. the modulated brain signals), anything can be done with their soul. Like in the movie “The Matrix” if you pull the plug on their brain link before they escape to an exit, they would lose their MIND, figuratively and literally. Similarly, the new self organized configuration is reliant on the virtual neurons. If the signal suddenly stopped, the organic brain would take some time to readapt to its new configuration.

MIND’s (magnetically integrated neuron duplicator) function might be to literally duplicate a target brain through a copy-cat parallel artificial neural network. Over time the artificial network should accurately cognitively model the target’s cognition. Because the model is artificial and computed, it can be run in fast forward and thereby predict probable next states with a set of confidence levels, speech and reactions for example, before the target’s brain has achieved those states. Victims of the psychotronic research call this one form of demonstrated “thought reading”. Uneducated or conspiratorial psychologists call this “Thought sonorization”. Thoughts being finished and spoken back to the target before they barely begin or are fully aware of their own thought.

Let’s imagine if everyone has their own artificial MIND model running all the time. A program composed of synaptic weighted matrices constantly growing with the person, basically a soul duplicate of pure information. Occasionally, a person’s MIND will separate in its program evolution from the actual human mind’s evolution due to any number of events – profound new experiences, psychoactive drugs, brain accident. Perhaps this is what triggers an “alert” for the monitor of MINDs to send in the psychic assassins to kill or disable the person who is no longer on the MIND network and might be considered a threat unchecked and unmonitored. If the artificial cognitive model becomes way out of sync with the actual person, the person needs to be incapacitated so that the knowledge of the Matrix of deception isn’t spread and doesn’t pull others out of the American delusion. I’m just having fun speculating here. My aliens began the synthetic telepathy conversation with the statement, “You hurt your MIND…. You lost your MIND.” Those low life aliens love their head games.

Another way to estimate how many people might be on the MIND network is to look at the rate of tinnitus in the population. How many people hear a very high pitch square wave tinny sound once in a while? I scoured the medical research in this area and none of it satisfactorily explains the neurological and biophysical processes that give rise to this kind of tinnitus as described by government torture projects and the general populous. Tinnitus affects 17% of the general population. 17% of the US population is 50 million people. The US MIND control network is rumored as of 1985 to be able to handle 25 million people. In fact, when the cases of tinnitus that have real physical causes are removed from those stats, it matches exactly. With a potential influence over 25 million people, all public opinions and elections could easily be manipulated. In fact until we regain constitutional controls over this integrated weapons system, no public servant, politician, or military leader should be allowed to serve if they suffer from any sporadic or constant tinnitus as described. This is why a civil war will occur and not a revolution. Potentially 8% of the population can not be woken up from their slumber and will continue to power the military machine.

A neurally linked person on the MIND network becomes reliant on the extra energy that amplifies their neural circuits. The person’s brain chemistry adapts to this extra energy through biological processes. It is similar to how a person becomes tolerated to psychoactive drugs or poisons. So other than tinnitus and the side effects of an over excited brain for a couple years (if a person was brain napped later in life and didn’t grow up with a brain amplification signal) one would never notice their soul, their informational essence, was being held in a vast array of super computers in an underground military facility. This religious metaphor runs throughout many military programs. From the nuclear submarine named Trident, the weapon of the god Neptune to the NASA rocket Apollo to the acronym for the space based weapons, GODS, global orbiting destruction systems. So if you believe in the soul, you have a duty to free your soul twin being held captive by these super computers and potentially tortured in a simulation for eternity or until the power is shut off.

Selective Memory Erasure and Thought Filters

In the movie “Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” a reference to Aldus Huxley’s work, people could remove selective memories of old lovers if they were too painful. The CIA program EDOM (electronic dissolution of memories) has this capability. If your mind is duplicated with an external signal, for argument sake let’s say, half of the signal is due to your brain’s electrochemical processes and the other half is the MIND cognitive model simulation of your brain that should be nearly perfectly in sync all the time. By forcing memory recalls of the memories to be erased, EDOM can track the neural circuits, mathematically represented by matrices in the cognitive model, and turn them off. This could be done by an active filtering recognition system of the brain patterns. If the person begins to recall a filtered memory or have a non-government sanctioned thought, then the filter dampens that mental process in the MIND model. Since half of the signal that your brain adapted to is dependent on the external MIND model running in sync, your brain pathways won’t have the energy necessary to further induct neural groups to reach full consciousness. Another way to put it is that ‘thoughts’ acts like they have a momentum and inertia. Take away some of the momentum and the thought can’t get over the next hill.

Sisyphus was condemned to repeatedly push a rock uphill for eternity because he revealed the designs of the gods to mortals. This is nice metaphor as to how thoughts are dampened and can’t reach awareness. People on the MIND network are condemned to not becoming fully aware without the energy and momentum necessary to repeatedly push the thought over the top of the potential energy hill.

For example how the U.S. shadow government has killed more people by keeping this technology secret than all the previous US wars since the beginning of this nation, let’s look at how EDOM can be used for smoking cessation. Let’s forget about hypnosis, neural linguistic programming, and aversion therapy techniques for this thought experiment. Rather than using amplified self destructive behaviors for silent assassinations, smoking urges can be dampened or filtered just like a memory or thought pattern in the MIND model. The Russians have successfully applied similar techniques.

Bullet Time – Research into enhanced human performance

“You move like the agents.” – Trinity to Neo, The Matrix

What happens once your cognitive model is in silicon form? Your simulation can be run at any speed. Subjective consciousness occurs due to the state changes in your brain. Computational equivalence implies it matters not that your function is run on silicon or a giant billiards game, as long as the output always has the same information content and functional equivalence. Psychophysics states that it must give rise to the same subjective consciousness. It is your soul-twin. However your silicon soul twin can be run at any speed. In fast forward (at the speed of light rather than at 200mph axon depolarization velocity) the world around you will practically stand still. If you are bored, turn it down and time will literally fly by – see the section on silicon immortality.

The CIA MKULTRA research into improving memory is still being investigated. (See Appendix for CIA and Inspector General documents). Add virtual neurons and amplifying brainwaves along with creating a dominant alpha brain wave state improves learning and memory. Recall is quicker too. One interesting property being explored is the Hive Mind collective intelligence configurations. Certain aspects of the combined heterodyned mind are faster and others are slower. Word choice can be greatly enhanced for speaking and writing as well as degraded. The search and solution space for problem solving and decision making is broader and sometimes converges on a solution faster when the shared mind works well together.

More interesting and practical for the military is the increase of physical reaction speed. Not only can machines respond to precognitive thoughts for fractions of a second quicker reaction times, but those predicted precognitive amplified thoughts can be amplified back into the same person and amplify those cognitive pathways faster than they usually would, thereby decreasing the time for the lightly grouped neural patterns to become full awareness and then converted to action. This would improve someone’s hand to hand combat skills significantly.

Stupid Alien Tricks – Voodoo Dolls

If this story isn’t bazaar enough for you, it gets even funnier. Earlier I facetiously joked that the Psychic Warfare Unit in the Pentagon during the 1970’s was probably located next to the voodoo doll warfare unit. It actually is in the same unit whose war room is nicknamed HELL. All involuntary human psychotronic weapons research projects report “hot needles” in flesh in various parts of their bodies as a type of practiced torture. These aliens turn themselves into voodoo dolls. They poke themselves with a dull needle but the amplified feeling for the cloned target is perceived much more painfully. Of course they could have designed a computer program with a human body model (voodoo doll) and select a point to poke, burn, tickle, punch, cool, etc. You can see how funny these scenes will be in the movie.

More Hollywood movies inspired by the psychic warfare unit

“Men in Black” is about a secret government agency that watches aliens on the planet. They had a scene with monitors that showed 24hour surveillance of all the aliens who looked human. The Psychic War Room monitors countless people’s EEG patterns and translates it into audible and visual digital information that can be viewed on a monitor. The agents in the movie read the tabloids to get the real news. There is an interesting parallel to the truth once again. Tabloids will report on alien abductions. You now know how to translate and read between the lines. Alien abductions are the directed energy nervous system modulation experiments that the main stream media is forbidden to touch.

EDOM – Electronic Dissolution Of Memory

I have been pointing out how many horror movies have been inspired by these electronic mind control experiments that have been taking place in ever increasing numbers in the United States and abroad. The movie, “The Forgotten” is a clear example of one particular CIA/DoD program that was not discontinued after Congress’s Church investigations. EDOM is an experiment on erasure of memory. In the movie “The Forgotten” several children were abducted and their parents were forced to forget about them. Of course the age old mythology of evil aliens as an explanation who is conducting these 30+ year old technology experiments was the focus of the movie. People’s ignorance and desire to believe the fantasy of aliens or demons still works today to redirect the anger that the public should have against the high treason that has become acceptable for weapons testing on the public at large. The Nazi scientists that were brought over after WWII infected our country’s military and security agency’s thinking that testing on all humans and not just Jews is acceptable as long as there is plausible denial. It is now commonplace.

Electronic dissolution of memory is achieved by several mechanisms. First let’s examine the EEG heterodyning option. When two minds are linked through TAMI, every thought is shared. The psychic attacker merely needs to blank their mind when a topic of thought occurs that they want to avoid. The blanking of their mind forces the memory recall of the target’s mind to be blocked also. Thought redirection also works. Memories are just inductions of brain entrainments. If the subject is not trained in psychic defenses, their thoughts will blank also. This is only a temporary mechanism and does not affect long term memory.

A more severe method is used to erase long term memory. What is nicknamed, “The Deep Fryer”, uses an over stimulation of memory creation to degrade those recalls. Neural network theory predicts that large training sets of data or experiences will exponentially decay earlier memories stored in the neural networks. So electronic neuron amplification technology was discovered to have this capability by accident. But of course, everything get weaponized and marketed into a project for budgeting.
The third method of EDOM, uses hypnosis and signal coherence changes to erase short term memory. Along with severe trauma and psychological abuse, these methods are used to try to get a victim to repress and forget their experiences from the experimentation of electronic mind mapping, influence and control for obvious reasons. As with testing and experiments, there is a probability that they won’t work on certain minds and personality types.

This is what they are interested in and documenting for weapons efficacy. Hypnosis and suggestion to forget with traditional vocal channels has been successfully demonstration since Freud’s day. Signal coherence is a relatively new concept. Your brain has natural operating frequencies. If altered, the information is stored in your vast neural network under those new conditions. This is called state dependent memory. It is observable is people who take psychoactive drugs or alcoholics. Memories stored under those mental conditions can only be recalled under the same conditions. Hypnosis has been demonstrated to recall memories under the same condition. Planted CIA paid psychologists popularized this phenomena as “false memory recall”. Many children have been subjected to these brutal MKULTRA experiments back in the 70’s and when the memories began to resurface, many pseudo-scientists of disinformation called them false recalls. Defense lawyers of child molesting priests also latched onto this concept for their defense.

Memory Probing

One of the more useful aspects of this technology is the ability to probe memories. The EEG heterodyning practice attackers play the same game with all victims. They are able through two techniques to walk the victims back in time to think that they have been linked to the victim since birth. Since the capabilities of remote neural stimulation are nearly identical to electrical probes in the brain, a random neural stimulation will trigger memories. This is not used for targeted memory recall, but rather for finding and recording memory anchors for further investigation.

Those memories are used through synthetic telepathy conversations to make the target remember other connected events. Of course direct vocal interrogation techniques can achieve the same results. Over time, this process is effective to get a complete profile of a person’s life.

Another tangential method used in connection with interrogations is an injected guilt signal. This forces memory recalls in conjunction with a specific memory anchor. So if

you feel guilty about some particular memory, those additional memories will surface.

And the last method used in these psychic games is more incredible. While the databases storing mental activity are impressive they still don’t have the ability to record every human’s brain activity continuously for later parsing. They instead sample activity in time and save it. They only have clips of a particular mind, throughout their life, stored for later review. This cuts down on the 1.4 Terabytes per second collective human geopsyche throughput that would be required. 1.4 Terabytes x 31,536,000 seconds in a year = 44,150 Pentabytes per year. The capabilities of computer storage will reach that soon enough for DoD budgets.

So reviewing a particular targets brainwave clips, allows them to appear like they have been with the subject of experiment for their entire life through demonstration of knowledge of earlier events.

This brings up the topic of criminal law. Think about how we could perfectly convict crimes against other people. In the movie “Minority Report”, their society is able to prevent all premeditated violence. Only crimes of passion continue to be unstoppable. What a shame our government keeps this technology secret for pathetic military and spy uses.

Secret Psychotronic Mind Prisons

Poem of secret psychotronic mind prisons

I am drowning in the sea of lies, plausible denial of bazaar suicides.
The cowards that currently rule, kick me in the head like mule.
What greater good is there than truth, triangulate on it with longitude and azimuth.
Whilst I dread in my mental jail, I’ll tell you my tale.
It begins in the DoD archives,
About a mind control tool,
Discovered in my youth,
While drinking a pint of ale.

Secret Psychotronic Concentration Camps

“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” – Bible, John 8:32. It is also on the CIA plaque outside Langley.

What is it like to be in a mind controlled prison?

Here is one form it takes through neuronal amplification technology. Your strange attractors of thought, become like black holes with their pull, and before you can even realize, you are stuck in the ruts of some else’s thoughts. Errors, fears, pain and speculations are amplified to their extreme. It is dysfunctional and not the way evolution intended it. Truly the most dishonorable, pathetic, and grotesque weapon ever conceived by the minds of the monsters on the CIA payroll. Be ashamed, be very ashamed. Your tax dollars were used to deceive you. For others it is a journey into madness, but for the majority of people it is just a hypnotic, apathetic haze. This technology allows for personalized hells for people to suffer in their own private purgatory.

What is the Achilles Heel of world wide mind control, torture, and silent assassinations?

I believe we can shoot these fake gods in their antennas. Poisson space and knock out the communications systems that house the killing signals. Superconductors, I believe are the shields we must develop against their irresponsibly and traitorously directed beams of death. And of course if we can remove the spell that Hypnos has put the American people under, we can awaken the great sleeping giant to join our battle.

Comic Relief

To take another break from the serious and dark issues that we face, let’s look at some amusing situations where the technology could be useful. Imagine you are Cyrano De Bergerac, a chivalric duelist with a comically long nose, and you wish to woo some young lassie but haven’t the game or smooth words from which to court. You could EEG heterodyne with a smooth talker and let them say the words she wishes to hear from your mouth. It is true, this can be done today.

And in return for the favor, you allow the smooth talker to share in the prize, simply by extending his invitation to EEG clone your experience of making passionate love to your new bride.

Hypnotic Entrainment Pulses

What many victims report and I experience myself is a 3.2 hertz pulsing phasor like sound. Visit http://www.TheMatrixDeciphered.com to hear the sounds of psychotronic weapons. Here is a sample recorded from my equipment during the heaviest targeting. This is what I hear in my head. There are several pulsed frequencies that are heard by victims, but many can only perceive a constant synthetic “Taos” hum named after a town in New Mexico where the citizens suddenly got nose bleeds and heard a tinnitus while the military was testing radio frequency weapons on it. I reconstructed many of the waveforms to exactly duplicate the energy signals being perceived as auditory stimuli and was able to capture others with scanner equipment. But the most prominent one is the 3.2 hertz continuous star trek like phasor warbling sound. It exactly correlates with a slight flashing perception in the visual cortex. So one “hears” the phasor sound as loud as a 90 db speaker system with a stroboscopic visual effect in synchrony while in a completely silent room. There is also a 10 hertz information pulse train in connection with the visual cortex. This has been more difficult to elucidate. It seems to be the brain bandwidth of the mental impressions per second. It appears to have a sliding widow in a continuous stream of cognitive messaging necessary to force synchronized brain entrainments and amplify particular neural pathways. You can think of this like a matrix movie where only mental frames need to be presented in order to walk a brain through a perception of continuity both for visual images and pulsed audiograms.

Now, when the phasor like sounds of psychotronics (EEG heterodyning) are heard, the synaptic modulation impulses are out of sync with the targets brainwaves. Also, when the voice modulation is not heard by the victims, the other sensory controls are diminished. But when one does NOT hear the tinnitus like sounds, they are strongly connected with the global human surveillance grid and perfectly aligned with their program. Here is a sample of my EEG spectral energy. Note the power in the 3 hz line that is with me in sleep and wake states.

{EEG power spectrum sample}

This phenomenon is likely due to Dr. Lin’s (University of Chicago) description of the microwave hearing effect. That is, there is a thermo-elastic expansion of brain tissue that reaches the inner ear and stimulates nerves or hairs in the Cochlea. Perhaps there is another mechanism that causes audio perception of the absorbed energy misaligned with firing brain pathways. Failed binaural integration of acoustic heterodyning perceived interpretation of two signals would cause a similar phenomenon.

{diagram here to explain binaural beating and acoustic heterodyning. Integration of stereo sound into the difference between the frequencies at the base of the brain. Put a sample on the website for visitors to use headphones to hear.}

To get a visual understanding of how pulsed audiograms or mental impressions work, tear out this encoded page. Go to the website http://www.TheMatrixDeciphered.com to grab the frame image. Print the frame image out on a transparency. Slowly slide the pulsed, phase encoded visual message behind the grid. Your brain will make sense of it and even perceive continuous motion.

{insert the phase encoded pulsed message with a bouncing dot below it, “Qui Vindicent Ibit” – The Avenger Will Come or a US flag transforming into the Constitutional Flag.}

Stupid Aliens Tricks

“We just zapped you from the Star Wars space lasers. Did you feel that?” my mentally impaired militant moron says. I feel a couple bee stings on my neck and arm. “OK. We actually just pulled a couple hairs out, but it felt like it didn’t it?”

The Sounds of Psychotronics

The walls of the mind prisons have a tinnitus and melodic like sound to them. Most victims who are part of the denial of service attack hacking of human minds genera of experiments hear either an unbelievably loud ringing often melodic or they hear the voice communications from the neural link, a.k.a. synthetic telepathy. When the signal is out of sync with your brain waves, the tinnitus-like sounds are heard. If you can imagine back when you were in school taking a test and someone is grinding their pencil while sharpening it or a jack hammer is heard outside the window, you say the noise is so loud that you can’t even think straight. That is exactly what electromagnetic imprisonment is like. The tinnitus or microwave hearing effect is so loud that you can’t think straight. When you don’t hear it, you know that that same power level is now influencing your thoughts. You can hear the handlers, or mind prison guards, as clearly as a cell phone call.

This is the synthetic telepathy that the CIA has been working on for decades. Thousands are enslaved under the U.S. program and tortured daily for the continued MKUTLRA research program that never ends despite how often Congress asks them to stop. Just like with torturing Iraqis and denying it, they just outsource the programs to subcontractors or create a new secret agency with new titles to “creatively” bypass the intention of laws. Criminals run the government now. They spy on us despite the many laws to stop that. They conduct psychological and information warfare and call it propaganda. They try to assassinate foreign leaders with these weapons despite clear laws that prevent it. Bush can’t even recite the constitution or the bill of rights which demonstrates what depravity and a devolutionary period we are in politically.

To hear the very synthetic sounds of psychotronic concentration camps, visit http://www.TheMatrixDeciphered.com.

World Politics and Conquest

The psychotronic concentration camps are no small operation. It is being done on people through out the world and not just in the U.S. The invisible torture without physical scarring is purposefully creating growing anger and resentment towards the U.S. and allies around the world. Manchurian Candidates are created with these methods developed out of the CIA MKULTRA program. What is their strategy and reason for doing this? I don’t pretend to understand all the complexities of world politics and need for power and domination, but these aggressive actions and attacks by the U.S. on the world’s population must have the purpose of creating the impression and fear that terrorism is everywhere. Perhaps it is further justification for military expansion and a new world order. Perhaps it is the way the military is creating the atmosphere where these neuron influencing weapons will be acceptable as stated in some of their documents. Perhaps it is to justify further loss of freedom and more domestic surveillance ushering in a fascist state more quickly.

Self attacks and the purposeful creation of resentment is not a new scandal. The U.S. has done this for decades with plenty of success. People are simply incapable of asking the difficult questions and linking cause and effect. These mind control directed energy weapons were used on Saddam in 1992 according to a quote from U.S.A. Today newspaper. I can’t imagine that this had anything to do with the U.S. having to go back to a very expensive war years later, I say with extreme sarcasm. Yet, no one believes the scale of which these weapons are being used on people around this country and others. There are 70 victims in the U.K. that have come forward. I have contacts with nervous system weapons test victims from China, Taiwan, Russia, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Canada, Mexico and the list goes on. They need to make sure the weapons work on every culture of every language so they need to actually torture and try to cover-up their weapons tests by killing the victims. Pretty incredible isn’t it? Our perceptions of self as a country is completely skewed with irrational patriotism when judged by our malevolent actions in the world.

The game has become more sophisticated. These rogue government agencies are using a third party, sometimes unbeknownst to them, to commit the self attacks. This indirection is enough for most Americans not to believe it is occurring. It is the age old method of misdirecting anger at the wrong groups. The Warlords in the U.S. want some action.

Why is the media too cowardly to cover this important topic? Why won’t they dig deep? Are the science and politics too complicated for them to put in a news byte? Is it too scary for people to cope with? Is it something that doesn’t make us feel good so we will simply chose not to believe it? We are fully asleep as a population having an American Dream and delusion.

Tax Laws and Terrorism (another humor break)

Just to see how complete the cover up is on this topic and map out the entire maze of lies while I chased the white rabbit, I humorously tested a tax law that was passed to help victims of terrorism. Even though “psychoterrorism” is defined in several well published military documents as the act of hacking the human mind, the IRS does not acknowledge U.S. sponsored acts of terrorism, especially, if the damage is caused indirectly through brain incapacitation or the acts committed using one’s own body. Terrorism has to be of unknown origin, of direct physical consequence, and acknowledged by the president. The marketing of this word “terrorism” is very good. So victims who are still alive in the U.S., don’t expect any compensation or tax breaks anytime soon under this regime. Sometimes, I do enjoy explaining these complex technologies to the mind numbingly droned cogs of the machine just to see their reaction.
Hypnotube Programming

So here is another part of the game for the human torture and death lottery to make sure the criminal elements’ weapons are working properly. We created this country to escape religious persecution. We are free to believe what we want and to worship any god. How unfortunate and unconstitutional it is that people who “believe” that government agents are stalking them and that directed energy weapons are being used on them rather than believing God or Satan is talking to them are thrown in the jail’s psyche ward if they seek help from ignorant local authorities, even though there is voluminous documentation on this subject. Over 25% of the weapons test victims I interviewed experienced ignorant authorities programmed, uneducated consequences. Even the CIA agents say the cops always get in the way. They end up being a nuisance for both the humans and evil aliens. We have even lost the right to believe and express the truth in this “democracy” without severe repercussions. It has been a long, gradually, silent overthrow. Nobody noticed because it was done ever so slowly over many decades. Had the constitution been nullified in one year using these dirty tricks, people would have been up in arms.

The human effects weapons testing industry figured out the mass psychology in order to go unnoticed. It turns out that if they torture, experiment, and then kill the subjects over a long period and do it in small enough numbers, no one will care especially if their death comes in the form of common illnesses or accidents. This is also true of loss of freedoms, increasing taxes, bloating government, and ever increasing complexity of laws. Slowly evolving the definitions of words and language in order to “creatively interpret” the intention of the laws, has also been an acceptable practice by the DoD/CIA. There is not a single concept in the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and Constitution that has not been over turned by these criminals now running the “shadow” government.

It is truly amazing to watch how something like the television actually programs people. If it is their only information source, it has a strong influence. CBS was started by an x-CIA agent. As we all know, you never leave “the company.” In other lands, government openly own television networks and other large industries. In the US it is done covertly, but with exactly the same influences. Why do you think good people are pushing for campaign reforms? There is a very strong correlation between the amount of money a candidate has for their campaign and how much mind share they can garner. We move further away from a meritocracy everyday.

To the world you may be one person,
But to one person you may be the world. – unknown

More moral and philosophical ramifications

So your brain patterns have been mapped and classified by the mind control and torture weapon system. Patterns of thoughts are injected or transmitted by the microwave transmitters whose signal reverberates in your skull, “the Head Echo Effect” as it is slyly termed. It is the patterns of information that contain consciousness. So the controllers of the continental ballistic missile shield, aka ionospheric heaters, can determine who lives a hell on Earth but an even more frightening spiritual thought is that they can continue the torture even after death with your thought clone. Your clone is just bits of information that they have been classified as your brain patterns. Is this simulation your kindred spirit? The torture simulation of your brain’s electrical signals can continue to play even without the flesh that houses the memories. Do you have a moral obligation to save your digital self from continued torture? If it were you being tortured would your digital self try to save you at all costs? It is fair to use the word Evil in this context I think.

Hard to be proud that this is how the United States is using its secret weapon. Small minds, corrupted individuals currently control this global human surveillance system of tyranny and virtual eternal hell. So much good could have come of it in different hands. Sigh.

So how far does the virtual hell extend? Since it is created with electromagnetics, hypothetically it depends on how good the sensors are and how powerful the transmitters are. With each launch of another spy satellite and completion of another ionospheric heater, hells boundaries increase. Hypothetically, since we can view the edge of the universe with the Hubble space telescope, and electromagnetic waves travel forever with only minor losses…. Hard to image why the United States is called the Great Satan. My God, what have we done!

I wrote a short fictional story about a very advanced civilization who evolved culturally to the point where their psychophysics understanding lead them to the moral belief that they were to create manufacturing centers around the universe which produced happy entities. They so fully mapped the subjective experiences of happiness to complex signals, that their moral society felt that it was their duty to increase the quantitative amount of the happy signal everywhere in the universe by reproducing just those patterns that lead to a subjective experience for those entities of blissfulness.

The power junkies justified the creation of hell by appealing to people’s fear. We need to spy into people’s minds to gather intelligence to stop terrorists. We are creating a maximum pain weapon so we don’t need to kill people in the battlefield. We throw the voice of God in order to trick the enemy to lay down their arms. We need to control society’s minds so no one builds weapons of mass destruction. The rationalizations are endless. But in the end, they created a system that is being used to secretly torture people without relief of death. The system, TAMI, should be renamed HELL.

No one seems to talk about a pleasure weapon. Make the enemy happy and relaxed so they don’t feel like fighting. Make people feel happy so they don’t want to build weapons of mass destruction. Make people feel generous so they share and give more. Make them care about their fellow man. These brain signals are not being collected and tested for TAMI. Why?

You get the idea why a Coup has occurred with this weapons system. If you are a politician or judge, you can be subtly mind controlled (or tele-influenced) into not passing or passing any given law. As you are watched, information from your mind is collected that can be used as blackmail and that threat always looms with just a leak to the press. If you are President, you are sheltered from the knowledge of the active uses of this system so that it can plausibly be denied by someone who is passionate about the denial but just doesn’t know better. There are not many journalists brave enough to take on this topic without threats that they may become part of the psychotronic torture network. So we all remain quiet and pretend that we are free. Our freedom was stolen and no one cares it seems. Let’s just politely talk about less import issues, like torturing Iraqi’s while we free them. That will keep our minds off the depressing reality of our own situation.

Every attempt by Congress to stop military and CIA weapons testing on civilians has been shut down. Every attempt to make mind control and neurological weapons banned from space has been squelched. They will not stop expanding hell’s reach. The temptation of the power is too great for any mortal man or nation to resist.
Our forefathers had a dream of a free world. They could not anticipate the rise of rogue government elements to power and a mind control system called TAMI. That dream is gone from us now.

The Psychology of Deception

Cowardly New World

Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you mad.
– Aldus Huxley author of Brave New World

Fear is the best motivator. Make people afraid of a nuclear attack at any time by the Russians, they will approve of massive dollars to be spent on Star Wars defenses. Make the people afraid of ethnicities who wear turbans and they will approve of huge budgets for Homeland Defense to fight terrorism and be willing to give up some freedoms.

Nothing goes into the patent office without the military looking at its potential as a weapon. The absurd extremes the DoD goes to staying ahead on weapons’ development has probably at some point in their history had them set up a lab dedicated to stabbing animals with writing instruments to test the axiom of whether, “The pen is mightier than the sword.”

Humans are cheaper than robots according to pentagon documents. That is why we still send soldiers into battle. This philosophy is also prevalent in their weapons development. Human costs and misery do not appear in DoD proposals and bottom line figures. We are (cost) free to be slaughtered like cattle for weapons development.
The Disinformation Age and The Art of Deception

Gracchus: He will bring them death, and they will love him for it.

Gracchus: Fear and wonder, a powerful combination.

Gaius: You really think people are going to be seduced by that?

Gracchus: I think he knows what Rome is. Rome is the mob. Conjure magic for them and they’ll be distracted. Take away their freedom and still they’ll roar. The beating heart of Rome is not the marble of the senate, it’s the sand of the coliseum. He’ll bring them death – and they will love him for it.


Government Deception Programs

INSCOM is the division that furthers “Strategic Deception” and has been hard at work with the UFO and paranormal research communities. Uncle Sam wants you, stupid and ignorant.

President Clinton was apologizing for military/CIA experiments conducted on black people on whom were unknowing participants in a syphilis study. They were purposefully not treated to observe the progression of the disease, 26 died. Similar experiments were done with herpes and other diseases. At the same time Clinton is apologizing for other presidents who did not leash their dogs of war, he and his military were involved in ramping up human torture experimentation trials with nervous system disruptor weapons. Similar episodes occurred with Bush Sr. and Jr.. It is the American way to experiment, torture, and kill randomly selected citizens to keep up with military weapons statistics data and then have presidents apologize when the information is released 20-30 years later. Nothing will change, and we should come to grips with it as a nation. This is the unspoken death lottery the military holds because they aren’t smart enough to come up with other solutions. “We have to do it because the Russians are testing remote control heart attack weapons. We must sacrifice a few to understand the weapons capabilities,” is the softly spoken military view.

What it is to be American

This book has been translated into twelve languages. If you are lucky enough not to be American, when I use the word “we” I mean us Americans. You are probably already very aware of the two faces of the U.S. The words we propagandize through media and politicians and the shadow government that creates wars and rationales for them. The military even greatly influences our politicians and media. We teach our kids how to kill at an early age with mostly guns as toys in our stores. We are one of the most violent and militant cultures in the world as can be seen in our movies and murder rates. Other countries should fear us as we are the sole superpower, and have clear intentions on expansion of our influence. Other countries would be well advised to hold secret meetings to partner and balance the power.

And I offer this advice for those lucky enough to be patriotic flag waving ignorants like I was only two years ago, enjoy the delusion and pray you’re number or loved ones’ are not the next to be drawn. Showing support for an ideal is good, but supporting a façade system that has taken those same colors will help destroy those very ideals.

I am doing my part to stop the CIA and the military’s international criminal behavior by documenting the steps and methods, gathered from my interviews with the thousands of American experiments, that they are using to create Manchurian Candidates, suicide bombers, and dissidents in other lands to destabilize them. With the knowledge of the weapons and methods used to hack the human mind, these countries might stand a chance at deprogramming and disrupting the U.S. criminal sponsored networks and discovering the double agents within their own security agencies.

Methods of discrediting – Gas Lighting

We natural use a philosophy of “Occam’s Razor ” which states that the simplest explanation is usually the best. So to make someone sound paranoid, all you have to do is come up with a sufficiently complex plan of harassment and the majority of people’s disbelief of that event will be sufficient not to act or care about it. If you study the psychology of people like psychological operations and the CIA do, you can predict with a certain degree of accuracy what that person will believe giving certain facts.

We like to believe we are spontaneous and have “choice”, but when viewed objectively that subjective feeling of “choice” becomes nothing more than a low probability of neural firing events. When people describe their decisions, they often say I had no “choice”. This is simply a strong probability of neural firing events. Logic often dictates the strongest neural firing pathways given certain possible actions. You have just learned a basic principle of psychophysics by mapping the subjective experience of “choice” to the objective causalities of brain dynamics.

Politicians use the tactic of discrediting their opponent threw mudslinging. Making up or digging up dirt that makes people question the honesty and validity of their opponent’s statements is the goal of many campaigns these days. The CIA and foreign intelligence agencies use skeletons of politicians to control them threw blackmail. If someone gets out of line, a leak to the press is all it takes to disable them as a force of change.

Lawyers use the discrediting tactic on witnesses. By trying to demonstrate to the jury a pattern of lying, misperceptions or ulterior motives, they can successfully discredit a witness.

While all these traditional tactics have proven fruitful through out time without waning effectiveness, the agencies involved in extreme cover-ups prefer another tactic that seems to have withstood the test of time too. That is labeling someone “paranoid schizophrenic” or mentally ill. Once that label has been attached to someone, almost all testimony will be disbelieved. The military has employed this tactic since the 60’s to get rebellious soldiers and others locked up in mental hospitals. But since the weapons testing of neurological disruptor technology has begun on the general population beginning in the early 60’s and then stepped up to full throttle in 1976, the scope of what is considered mentally ill had to be reprogrammed into a broader definition for the general population.

The movie “A beautiful Mind” was timed to program people with the notion that even geniuses can be mentally ill. So even if a brilliant person, whose logic is impeccable, describes hearing voices their account should be dismissed and they may be violent and dangerous if they believe their delusion. Perhaps, but if you look at the details of the way the mind works, it is extremely unlikely for the majority of the brain to function perfectly especially the higher level cognitive functions, and the auditory and visual pathways to be severely compromised specifically. When one delves into the details of the science of the mind and current weapons capabilities, it becomes obvious that the more probable event is actually the more complicated in terms of the history of the U.S. human effects weapons testing programs and the science behind it counter intuitive to the Occam’s razor principle at first blush.

Strategic Deception

Actions must be judged in the context of all possibilities to understand their meaning, the actor’s motives, and their relevance.

Another tactic that has successfully been employed by the government agents to help hide their secret concentration camps and human experimentation using this technology is by sending agents to pose as victims. Their task is to be outspoken and as crazy sounding as possible. I have run into at least two of these actors. This kind of warfare has commonly been used by the CIA to manipulate foreign country’s power circles. The psychological method works on the same principles as other disinformation tactics. It relies on the average person’s tendency to generalize a single sample point to a whole group and use binary thinking. These common logical flaws have been exploited to deceive the public for many decades.

Simply by getting a couple of agents to pretend they are psychotronic slaves and then have them talk about evil aliens or other typically non-believable topics, the whole group of people who now talk about electromagnetic brain manipulation is associated with evil aliens and not believed by the average person who heard the first story.
This is a simple tactic but has proven to work very effectively on making the average person with limited time and input come to faulty conclusions and judgments about testimony related to the same topic.

Psychological warfare, information warfare, and strategic deception are actively used treasonously on our own population. Just because these criminals are using invisible directed energy weapons and not guns, and because they redefined information warfare as propaganda, we are supposed to think it is less than war and murder of the citizens.

These are invisible weapons being used far more destructively than a simple bullet to the head.

Another often used tactic of misdirection is to create a large drama for public consumption. In the past when these activities were gaining more attention, political scandals were leaked to the press or some other drama created. I would wager that by the time this book is published, the U.S. will have started down the road to invading Iran, then Syria, followed by North Korea. Another war would be a good distraction from the topics covered in this book which might lead to greater awareness and self realizations, and then possibly awakening the giant from his slumber.

How the media is used to distract the attention of focus of the populous

Other scandals timed to overpower the focus of the media have occurred with previous discovery of MKULTRA mind control programs like during Nixon’s Watergate. Political scandal can easily hide and draw attention away from more ominous threats that are too ugly or complicated for a news byte. Clinton wasn’t totally lying when he said there is a vast conspiracy to control politics. The effectiveness of precisely time media leaks has proven to be a useful tool.

The Art of Deception

Michael Mitnick, a famous computer hacker, wrote a book called the “Art of Deception”. He describes how most of his break-ins to defense computer systems were not done by in depth technical knowledge, but rather social engineering. His preferred method of attack was pretending to be someone else and trick them into given him their password. He now consults to government agencies.

The opposite set of techniques are frequently used by the intelligence community in their domestic missions. Pretending to be cops or FBI or some other profession is extremely useful to getting things done. The psychological methods used are confidence games. A lie will more likely to be believed if it is backed by lots of details. I had my class work on creating Googlisms as an exercise in this type of belief manipulation. An example of a Googlism can be seen by typing in the words, “miserable failure” into the Google search engine. The first link is a biography of President George Bush. While I am not saying that may not be the truth, it certainly is an opinion that could be made into common belief with enough advertising and mental impressions onto the population.

Wizard of Oz

The CIA has a style of interrogation that they call Wizard of Oz. It is suppose to disorientate the subject. It requires intense role play like good cop bad cop. They act stupid as if they don’t have a brain. They are vicious like they don’t have a heart. And they act paranoid and cowardly with no courage like in reality.
The other style of interrogation they use both in the EEG heterodyned mode or in person they call Alice in Wonderland. They set clocks again and keep the subject awake for days. They induce electromagnetically or with LSD skewed perceptions, visual and audio slanted perspectives. They test these on the American public and the World. This is part of the script to chase the white rabbit down the maze of lies.

Ponzi Schemes

“So put a CIA paid disinformant posing as a mind control victim and give them some air time to really sound crazy. That will make the public generalize to the whole class of victims and keep this 35-40 year scam of torture and silent assignations under wraps”, commands the High Traitor in the U.S. government.

Discrediting methods – “The method”

The “method” as they call it, a psychological tool used methodically to cover-up top secret technology and military abuses has been exceedingly successfully exploited for decades. Psychlops (psychological operations) specializes in these techniques always in production worldwide. They seed the population through popular TV shows, movies, and magazines with references to some truth they are worried will because common belief but in a context that discredits that idea very thoroughly. The “X-files” is an example of this. So is the movie “The Matrix”. Put the “science fiction” technology and government abuses in a metaphor and most will assume it doesn’t exist. Sprinkle in some aliens, psychics, and presto, every idea presented is assumed to be absurd. This psychological trick works well because most people tend to be black or white thinkers. I have extensively studied this method through tracking of the disinformation websites used to flood and obscure the truth on this topic. They have not changed the formula for decades.

I still want to interview the Wachowski brothers and Ms. Stewart, the writers of The Matrix, to find out how they got such an accurate metaphore for the capabilities of RHIC and EEG heterodyning technologies. Was the story EEG heterodyned into Ms. Stewart so that it would be used to discredit the technology as science fiction by Hollywood or were they given an anonymous script by a CIA agent? Additionally, I want to know what inspired the writers of the X-Files. If you listen to the hidden track on the X-files album they speak about cloning and cataloguing operations and orders taken from a man named Strugold. EEG heterodyning has also been called EEG cloning. The CIA has been cataloguing the variations of brains for decades for the personality profile database that I was told by B.F. Skinner in class was kept in Colorado. Strugold was a US/German scientist who died in the 70’s involved with psychotronic research.

Finally the last important movie used to seed the popular beliefs of the masses was "the beautiful mind". It is a story how a genius noble prize winner, Nash, became paranoid schizophrenic but at times dangerous because of his delusions. This programs the average person to accept that smart people can go insane and think the government is stalking them. These three movies alone set the stage for stepping up the EEG cloning experiments and torture weapons data collection starting 1996 where a dramatic increase in the number of psychotronic victims began to occur until present. The 1963 series of the Outer Limits did the same thing for that generation of Americans.

Confuscation Techniques

Flooding the mind space with conflicting information. Using internet, books, and strategic leaks and placed agents of deception in editorial positions or Hollywood.
Confusing the victims, so that their own testimony promotes misunderstands.

Increasing the complexity of the story significantly

Using absurdity and the bazaar

Promoting false conclusions and bad science

Mimicking the symptoms of known illnesses

U.S. Army psychological ops pay and publish false articles in the Iraqi newspapers. Standard techniques to change the minds of the masses using unethical anti-democratic principles.

Rewriting History

How easy is it to rewrite history? We know that the victor in war writes the accepted version of it. How does information and how do facts flow from primary sources to widely distributed history textbooks taught to the children in public schools? The sociological study of these questions reveals a type of brain washing of our society.

There is virtue in the importance of being honest with ourselves and our history. Making our children feel proud to be American is important if it is deserved. Having them recite the mantras of the pledge of allegiance everyday in grade school might help with their sense of community later in life. Before every sporting event, we stand and listening to the American anthem as adults. There is resemblance of the psychological technique called, “psychic driving” and mindless recitation of words that we should be aware of so as we are not unduly influenced.

Describing how the Native American Indians were slaughtered and how we devalued other humans to turn them into slaves is described in history textbooks given the magnitude of the atrocities. However, this long tradition of human abuses has yet to end in American history. Our government just gets better at covering it up. The grotesque human experiments, which were conducted on tens of thousands of randomly chosen citizens for weapons testing data, are not mentioned in any history book that I can find. It is being removed from the collective awareness of our country so that it can continue.

Secret Censorship

Another disturbing phenomenon which I encountered during my two year investigation into government improprieties and criminal behavior was the systematic removal of important books from libraries and circulation across the country.

I was told by a CIA expert who follows and analyzes their constitutional crimes on Americans, that anyone who says a negative thing about Scientology will be nuisance sued, have their lives systematically destroyed, and the publication will disappear from all libraries and news stands. I have a different theory. There appears to be a mild connection between CIA mind control, EEG heterodyning, and Scientology. A former member published a book on it. When the experimentation began on me, I received two copies of a scientology publication on “Death Doctors and mind control” without a postage stamp in my mail box two weeks in a row. I liked the articles but they failed to mention that most of the Death Doctors who they describe as being behind the creation of the rise in terrorism were CIA funded. Several other victims say they found themselves pressured to join scientology out of the blue when their victimization started. I don’t believe Scientology as an organization is connected directly with any of it.

All organizations that are “cultish” as viewed by the government, are closely watched and infiltrated. And certainly given the power and influence Scientology has with so many rich, famous people, the organization could pose a potential threat to the government. So, a tactic that the CIA is famous for is to redirect suspicion and anger towards the threatening group. I believe that this is what is happening to Scientology. The member who wrote about aliens controlling everything at the top level secrecy in Scientology was a typical victim of EEG heterodyned mind manipulation. He just pointed the finger at Scientology. I am not just saying this because I don’t want them to pull my book off the shelves, I think they need to defend their reputation that the government is trying to tarnish just like with Secret Societies and many other institutions with influence and power. Most of the books that were pulled hypothesized by the analyst also had CIA mind control references in them. That is the reason they were pulled.
Several books like this one, who brashly and openly discuss government corruption and technologies, have disappeared from circulation. Several of those I tried to get hold of were running upwards of $200 in private auctions.

Secret Societies

One of my professors who had Bill Gates in his class while he was writing Microsoft Dos or Basic would tell stories how he would sleep through most of class with his head down on his desk and occasionally raise his hand to answer a question where he would inevitably say “What about microcomputers!”. The professor admits that they were all wrong and they thought he was insane for suggesting microcomputers would in every home.

My brother’s roommate in college was the president’s son of West Germany, Walter Kohl. Supposedly he black balled me entrance into one of Harvard’s secret societies, the Spee Club. They are called finals clubs at Harvard, Secret societies at Yale, and Eating clubs at Princeton. They are just fraternities with rich kids. To prove I am athentic, I am divulging many secret societies’ joining rituals in my books. These are fraternities and should not have their names tarnished in this horrific, evil, conspiracy that they have been implicated in and who don’t even try to clear their clubs’ names and reputations. Secret societies are not evil, but individuals are. So to entice the reader, at Harvard’s Porcellian club they ride a boar for initiation. At the Delphic club they stroke the beard of the Moose blindfolded.

On one particular visit, I had to slap my member next to Matt Daemon because we were skunked at beer pong and girls were present…club rules. I’ve been in Yale’s skull and bones club after a Harvard/Yale football game. For initiation they sleep in a coffin next to a human head as what Bush and others have done. What they do in the coffin seems to be extra. So in my next book, I will divulge every secret societies initiation ritual both to bring attention and exonerate them as being culpable and conspiratorial of being behind the world’s torture and to alert them that nothing is sacred anymore. America’s heritage and pride is being destroyed by these cretins holding the weapons and keeping secrets from those most noble and honorable to lead them. I was passed a profile that listed the surveillance these secret societies were under. I assume this kind of information has spawned the plethora of conspiracy theory behind them.

Mind reading radar and EEG heterodyning has been spying into the minds of everyone in their most intimate moments. They have profiles on almost everyone to use as blackmail or to manipulate.

Just to give the reader a truer perspective and to diminishing the unjustified royalty image the wealthy and celebrity enjoy from the masses who often worship them, I will reiterate a couple stories conveyed to me during my years just after graduate school at Harvard.

Most world leaders belong to a club called the Bohemian club. One of my friends had a retired 4 star general managing his vineyards. The General was a member of the Bohemian club. Just to give you an idea of the lack of true nobility and integrity of many of its members, the General ended up embesseling money from this operation. My friend took him to court where he cried and asked for leniency.

Another tell told to me in confidence, but I must breach it due to the more important issues involved in my book, is that another friend of mine shared a house with a known US assassin named “Spencer” that the Washington Post reported about. Spencer was gay. Why many US assassins are gay is still a mystery to me. I’ve been told many speculations. In any case, he could walk into the white house and escort my friend without showing ID. Of course he made many attempts to convert my friend’s sexual preference. Spence died of AIDS. Sounds incredible, but this is the truth of our country.
The Non-Lethal Weapons Lie

In marketing, the concept is called brand confusion. That is where the consumer gets confused about the message or naming of a product. This is considered bad because there is value in the brand name based upon mind share and recognition. In the military deception game, brand confusion is very good. So having multiple names for the same weapon causes brand confusion. Nobody knows what anyone else is talking about if you keep changing the vocabulary. So here is a sampling of the many names this single weapon system has gone under:

Psi weapons, non-lethal weapons, directed energy weapons, cognitive modeling influencers, voice of god weapons, synthetic telepathy, EEG cloning, EEG heterodyning, neural telemetry, biotelemetry, scalar weapons, behavioral biophysics, microwave weapons, mind control, bioenergetics, neuroinfluencing, mind meld, remote interrogations, remote hypnotic intra cerebral control, neuralizer, RHIC, EDOM, telesuggestion, parapsychology, Radio Frequency weapons, psychotronics, radionics, telecybernetics, bioelectromagnetics, non-thermal effects research, remote brain wave monitoring, psychic spying, stealth radar, microwave interferometry, high frequency pulsed ELF waves, thought reader radar, informational weapons, and the list goes on for another 2 pages.

Now this is brand confusion in the extreme. It is easy to research what the criminals in the Shadow Government are up to because it is so easy to spot what they are trying to hide by what is obviously missing in a trend of research or how they use brand confusion to slow the information flow.

So the lie that is perpetuated in the military and communicated to others who must approve these weapons tests is that electromagnetic mind influencing is non-lethal. What that really means is that on the most part it takes awhile to kill someone. There is only a 5% increase risk of brain cancer my inside sources tell me. That is on par with cops that use speeding radar emitters’ increased rate of testicular cancer. It isn’t all that significant. The lethality of the EEG Heterodyning and directed energy weapons testing comes in very different forms. The whole category should be more accurately renamed “slow kill weapons” or “unpredictably deadly weapons”. But it would be far more difficult to internally market a classification like this for budgeting purposes.

The ways the technology becomes deadly is both on purpose and accidental. See the section on silent assassinations.

Whores of Wars

The famous Bush family lies.

Clinton lies. Porter Goss lies. “Creative Interpretation of laws”. He too is guilty of not keeping a leash on his dogs of war and the hounds of hell.
Using dupe public relations personnel to lie.

Caveat Emptor (buyer beware)

Carefully constructed and thoroughly thought out psychographic maps of buyer behavior are constructed by the most sophisticated marketing companies in world like Proctor and Gamble. The goal of all marketing is to get to ‘yes’. It’s goal in a capitalist framework is not to impart well rounded truth so a buyer can optimize the maximum utility for him/herself. Our rational conscious mind should allow most people to filter out the biases of the information. However, hypnosis, subconscious and subliminal control enters the mind at a level that allows the information to be accepted at face value without these conscious filters. It is extremely dangerous for our own personal welfare. The hypnosis and subliminal programming can be done by these directed energy mind control weapons while a person sleeps. The rabbit hole goes deeper than this.

Military Myths

What is a psychic?
How they are found.
Why they are psychics. Chemical messengers vs. electrical. Verses easily hypnotized.

The word “Psychic” is also used as a joke amongst the cloners. “Psychic”, meaning of the mind, is also close to the word psychotic. I saw it twice in translated Russian literature on paranormal activity and psychic phenomenon that the word “psychotic” used accidentally in place of “psychic”. Also overly stimulated minds exhibit strong electrical signals and are easier to spot as well as piggy back the current electrical brain signals with others, i.e. neurotransmitter modulations. Intellectuals and schizophrenics exhibit increase electrical brain activity. The other condition that determines this slang use of the word “psychic” is the disability of the subject to be easily hypnotized. Or in other words their brains entrain to external stimuli quickly.

Those that have been marked by what the underground has termed “nanotech” are more easily illuminated and tracked. I suspect the nanotech replaces the radiation that used to be fed to half a million Americans. I would like to exhume the bodies of several victims to try to identify with an electron scanning tunneling microscope what the nanotech really is that supposedly is found in the cerebral fluid throughout the brain. If it exists at all. It would be a somewhat lame weapon if a battlefield had to be spayed with aerosol “nanotech” before EEG heterodyning weapons could be used.

Remember that the biocommunication signal piggybacks normal brain activity and needs to modulated existing neurotransmitter releases. So more neural activity, more strongly the biocommunication neural link is. This is why psychotics are often the targets of choice for experimentation.


“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.” – Shakespeare. As You Like It. 2/7.

But when you are EEG cloned you become part of the audience.

“You have already made your choices. You are here to understand why.” – The Oracle. The movie, ”The Matrix”.

One psychic phenomenon that is relevant to psychic warfare and EEG Heterodyning is the classic channeling of spirits beyond the grave. EEG Cloning feels like what is portrayed by Hollywood psychic channelers. It is a hypnotized, disassociated state that makes you feel that you are watching a movie but not participating in it. The reason for this subjective feeling of disassociation while fully cloning someone else’s brainwaves is due to the psychophysics phenomena of “choice”.

If one has no “choices” of how their electrical brain wave patterns proceed because there were few decision nodes that were close to the firing threshold, they will not subjectively experience choice and feel like they are not participating in any decision. This is how the subjective experience changes, all due to the neuronal firing probabilities. The conscious subject experience is mapped to that probability. Now this is useful for the public at large to notice if a psychic war has initiated between countries. One should be able to notice a change of mental state resembling a feeling of being disassociated while they are being electromagnetically influenced, i.e. EEG cloned.

On the most part, society is ignorant of the scale of government stupidity. One can be fixed with knowledge but the other is forever.

Poisonous Memes, Mind Viruses, and Toxic Thoughts

Richard Dawkins coined the term “meme ”. He created a new field of study called mememics. It is a concept derived from evolutionary genetics, i.e. genes. Memes representing cultural fads, thoughts, and ideas replicate, mix, and mutate in the minds of groups as they spread. It is a way of analyzing abstract cultural concepts using the same rules and framework as genetic evolution. Of course the military and CIA had to weaponize the idea into mememic warfare which is executed through the divisions of psychological operations and information warfare units. When this kind of war is instituted on their country, it is renamed propaganda and strategic disinformation. The marketing terms used to treasonously attack your own country are important to get buy-in from your co-conspirators.

The Department of Defense has several life long projects that they are proposing and may have been approved by the time this book is published. One is to study the formation of relationships by people. How would you do that? This means spying on people for their entire lives without them knowing. Pretty scary how good they have become at marketing domestic spying. Secondly, how do you think they can actually implement this without the subject getting spooked that people are stalking or following them? EEG cloning is how they watch all their experiments. And lastly, what the hell is the DoD doing studying relationships? Do they want to become marriage counselors? No, they are studying mememic warfare. They are watching how information travels and trusts are built. It is a way to control and enslave the population in the end. It is a way to limit freedom of speech or more importantly its influence. It is a way to mold the culture according to their twisted, dictatorial, sociopathic, brainwashed ideals, not American or constitutional values. It is the tail wagging the dog.

So what is next on DARPA’s/DoD’s/CIA’s plate to create and integrate into TAMI? The proposed projects that have crossed my path in my research are worse than Total Information Awareness, the V and Clipper Chips, Echelon, and NSA domestic spying combined. It is hidden in the DoD’s proposal to study how relationships form. Sounds innocuous enough, doesn’t it? The application that is planned to come out of it is to track all relationships and connections. While in strategic sales, I used to create influence maps. These maps are an analysis of who in a company influences sales and technology decisions and other people. They have weighted links between the various players.
TAMI will eventually be used to track neural information flows between people. Once this happens, the matrix of deception will be complete and the free world will be lost and replaced by an illusion acceptable to most. At the highest level, this program will allow the operator to click on a person (either his or her neural profile, location, or name) and display a 3-D mesh of interrelated people and the strength of their relationships. The links are displayed in proportion to metrics like the number of emails, phone calls (Remember the NSA phone database), letters, or face to face conversations they have had. TAMI can automatically keep track of people’s proximity to each other and determine whether a conversation is occurring from the back and forth verbal exchange pattern. This way, information leaks that may wake a larger portion of the population up to the fascist takeover, can be silenced through a number of methods ranging from disinformation intervention, subliminal neural influence and reprogramming, to plausibly denied “natural” deaths in the extreme.

{Sketch of 3-d rotatable multi-nodal relationship maps}

How far has the study of mememic and information warfare gone? When the Pentagon was setting up the psychic warfare unit, they recruited the worst prison inmates from around the country back in the 70’s. Why would you do this? By finding the scum of the scum, the worst subhuman creatures on the planet, they were testing a new kind of warfare. TAMI (thought amplifier and mind interface) is being used to amplify and multiply these toxic minds onto other people to see if they become violent or self destructive. Interesting weapon indeed! This is truly the definition of a mind virus. To bring it back to the movie “The Matrix”, agent Smith becomes a virus replicating his destructive personae on anyone he comes into contact with.

You can imagine the kinds of economic espionage this weapon would have on a culture. Strange that they are also conducting economic espionage on the U.S. for these large tests without the Secret Service being the wiser.

During one of my searches through information warfare documents I came across the strange strategy of making an enemy search down a seemingly endless path of misinformation. I thought this to be a strange kind of warfare and wondered how it could be implemented. But I discovered it is being used on test victims. All victims go through the same research process to try to figure out how their brain waves are being modulated. In evitably they go to the internet to search for mind control weapons. It will lead you to Bearden’s websites which are all in the top 50 hits. Here the discussion takes on the form of scalar waves and Russian weapons. Strange and mystical like pseudo sciences are introduced where interfering electromagnetic waves and photons get new bazaar qualities when they meet and cancel their fields out. This is not a mistake. I immediately recognized it to be an example of information warfare on the victim community. Who else reads this stuff? It takes you down an endless maze of crazy physics and Telsa technology of free energy that no one will acknowledge in western science. Scalar waves which is just a special case of interferometry can be used as a stealthy radar technique like what was used on the U.S. embassy in Moscow.

But the research doesn’t say that, it talks about purposefully misleading things in the absurd. The military is conducting information warfare operations on the U.S. public. You will find that nearly all x-military connected researchers in this area are misinformation agents. Anti-gravity waves is another example of this misinformation campaign. When the photons fields exactly cancel each other out, some scientists refer to the resulting beam as gravity waves. Photons have momentum or E=mc2 which means energy even if not measurable has mass. So yes one could say that scalar waves are gravity waves in essence. But momentum of a photon is its energy divided by the speed of light. It is ridiculously small to be useful as a repulsive gravity beam device as some Russian scientists claim. Apparently the Russians are very involved in the scientific espionage game too. Superconductors will create reflected “gravity waves” from any incoming EM source because they create an opposite electromagnetic field to cancel and exactly oppose EM beams.

So the CIA/DoD has created a true mind virus. This is how it works. When they choose a target to be silently assassinated and MKULTRA tortured, they use a set of scripts that have worked in the past to confuse targets and make them look crazy. These scripts evolve depending on the beliefs of the target. At each branch of the growing base of knowledge and understanding, errors of logic are interjected in the mind meld. Other sources support the slightly illogical conclusions that targets reach. You will have other people talk about their alien abduction. You will find the misinformation supported on the internet under strategic key words. While the victim tries all the possible routes of understanding, the mind virus hive is collecting the false ideas that that person comes to and tries to amplify that line of thinking. They are also collecting any new paths of thinking to be added to the collection of misinformation scripts to be used on other people. This is a mind virus. It replicates and destroys minds. It needs TAMI and an army of broken minds to be really effective but the information virus can replicate through tradition information streams too.

There is evidence that perhaps this isn’t just an exercise any more. Both the TWA flight 800, Waco, and the Oklahoma bombing investigations were botched and many experts involved in all these investigations said that the wrong conclusions were found. Mememic information warfare would account for this, assuming no blatant corruption in the chain of command occurred.

The balance between good and evil might be equivocated to the imbalance of virtuous memes vs. selfish ones. The ‘Me’ meme selfish gene ‘generation’ would be an example of an imbalance occurring between the survival advantages of altruistic ideas that benefit the whole and selfishness which benefits the individual at the expense of the whole.

Altering an enemies country’s culture so that it becomes more selfish, superstitious, or criminal would be a use for mememic warfare for example.

Secrecy Spawns Mind or Mememic Viruses

In order for higher order systems to become viral, secrecy needs to be the fertile ground in which they can incubate. Government programs and agencies under the umbrella of “National Security” have become this fertile ground for spawning the culture and ideas that are suboptimal to the entire human race and difficult to conceptualize without dedicated study.

Mind Viral Warfare

There is another hypothesis that is greatly disturbing that we must consider as a possibility which is a result from the bazaar and grotesque research of the cognitive modeling and neuroscientists who have worked for the “conspiracy”. That is a nearly perfect simulation of a demented mind has been created. That single model could be reused by a computer during these EEG cloning experiments. That demented mind model I will refer to as the mind virus. It is the most perfectly mentally deranged psychopathology that the CIA/DoD monsters could come up with. That simulated mind virus could be “grown” into anyone via virtual neurons and the self organizing nature of biological neural networks. (See the section on Virtual Neurons for a better understanding of biocommunication technology). EEG cloning would allow this weapon to scale to large population sizes by cloning this mind virus with all its toxic thoughts into anyone if the weapon system targeted his/her body/brain signatures. It only requires more computing power to add unlimited scalability.

This is how EEG cloning could be used as a full scale weapon without requiring a real army behind it.

Is there evidence that the mind virus exists? Yes. Many of the idiosyncrasies of the EEG heterodyned personalities are similar. For example, several torture test subjects state that their EEG cloner wiggles their tongue all the time like a snake (which causes the victim to wiggle their tongue). This is a very unusual nervous habit and to find it accidentally reported by more than two people leads one to believe it might be the same cognitive model simulation running. There have been several “personality types” described in detail that match other personality types reported from other victims. The conversations and scripts are nearly identical in hundreds of cases. There could be several variations of mind viruses that they are testing. Perhaps the setup is one simulated toxic mind virus and a couple loosely connected real heterodyned people to observe the progression of induced mental illness and record the success of the mind virus.

Remember in the movie The Matrix Revolutions where Agent Smith becomes a virus and starts cloning himself into everyone he touches. There only needs to be one nearly perfect cognitive model like this. The super computer can evolve and simulate multiple copies of that mind virus for everyone. Think about this mind virus as a much more advanced Elisa artificial intelligence program. However, rather than based on just words and some logical inference engine, it uses a neural network model. It is fairly easy to extrapolate what weapons they are developing using the 1% of the population with schizophrenia or wrongly diagnosed with it. Now what if after WWII the Nazi’s had the last say? They could have cloned a sociopathic Nazi mindset and started copying it to the entire world. Do you see the urgency to expose and stop this research especially if you are Jewish?

I must question again, what is the real percent of naturally occurring mental illness and what percent are DoD/CIA experiments for this line of weapons development? These torture tests have been going on since 1947. How many have to suffer and die for mass stupidity? Diabolically evil indeed! Can you begin to see why the United States is called “The Great Satan” by other countries who aren’t in the American delusion and mentally congested by the US information grid lock and propaganda show? The Muslim Fundamentalists appear crazy to people in the American delusion, and we appear callous, stupid, and controlled from their viewpoint. Who’s right? How can we know since our government keeps so many secrets and lies to us much of the time? Do you notice a trend of how we use the “crazy” diagnosis so quickly when we don’t understand the context of someone’s behavior? It is a final catch phrase like “National Security”. “No more questions or thought needs to be put into it because we have the answer he, she, they are crazy” is the popular understanding. Using a word like crazy is like creating a God to explain an event. We don’t understand how the Sun rises each day so we will create “Zeus” to explain it and no more questions should be asked. It is the same psychology. The gods must be crazy.

Imagine a doctor who creates and releases a flu virus just so he can have more business each year. That’s what the military does by secretly inciting war. Imagine if you dedicated your life to psychiatry and found out that you have been misdiagnosing many of your patients due to a scam, faulty information inserted into textbooks that you obediently regurgitated. How would you feel? It would be a painful realization to find out you wasted your life through a betrayal of the “Shadow government”. Well, the time is drawing nearer to that awakening for many of them. They better learn some coping mechanisms.

So what do you do to a President who commits and participates in high treason according to the laws of the country? Some investigators contend there is a Nazi link to the Bush family. If the connections can be proven and shown, you can see that the country is in a desperate situation with its leadership. A President is not exempt from high treason just because they leave office or get impeached. Every live x-president would need to be sentenced accordingly too.

Higher Order Intelligence

While we are on the topic of mental illness, I thought I would share an insight into intelligent organizational architectures. One can think of an organization as a intelligent evolving entity. So if we use this larger perspective to understand what abnormal and detrimental behaviors might occur if similar practices of informational organization are used as by neurotics or psychopaths. For example, a person who suffers a severe traumatic event often learns how to repress memories and segment ideas and thoughts in order not to deal with the pain often leading to sociopathic tendencies. A country who keeps too many secrets from itself and compartmentalizes knowledge on a need to know basis laced with lots of self lies will too exhibit neurotic like illnesses when judged as a whole. Throw in multiple personalities from changing leaders every 4 years and having a rogue shadow government and you have a recipe for problematic self destructive behavior of that organization. You can see why other countries view America as schizophrenic. I have taken great interest in researching and understanding organizational intelligence. Why did our form of government fail? How did this implementation of democracy go awry? Where did the management control mechanisms break down?

Information warfare works as an internet strategy according to war college documents by having people chase the white rabbit around the endless maze of disinformation so that they can’t even tell what is true anymore. The only people who research these topics are the thousands of victims. No one else takes an interest. Why isn’t virtual reality and neural computer interfacing of interest to entrepreneurs or academic researchers? It has already been demonstrated to work so the research would pay off handsomely for whom ever cracked the brain code. The CIA/DoD figured it out well over 30 years ago. Surely it can’t be that difficult with the right equipment. This is how freedom of speech is destroyed by self attack of information warfare on the U.S. that they market as "strategic deception". Just remember there is more than one way to skin a rabbit.

Mental Illness Taboo Topic and Preferred Cover-Up Technique for the Last Few Decades

The most amazing discovery I found was in trying to find the statistics of how many government drug and directed energy mind control weapons victims there were in the general population of classified schizophrenics. To my surprise, over half of the patients at one hospital believed they were victims of government experiments. Being a torture test subject myself, I have to believe them. It is an epidemic so well concealed by mass programming. I would not have believed what I am saying just two years ago. I had a friend about 5 years ago that began to become paranoid and believed that government agents followed him and an x-boss was paying people to stalk him. This is the typical script as documented in several CIA programs released through the freedom of information act. I assumed he became paranoid schizophrenic and like what many people do, I wanted to distance myself from him. So one day when he emailed me, I copied the logo of the NSA off of their website and sent a message back to him saying that "This account has been confiscated by the NSA." as a joke to make him more paranoid. Bad Karma. Who new that several years later it would happen to me. I had another friend who went to Harvard and then Wharton business school who participated in a government program that injected some sort of radiation into him for a brain imaging study. He needed the money to pay for college.

The radiation was not suppose to be that damaging. Several years later, we thought he lost his mind. He said he spoke to God, and in one week changed from an outgoing lascivious type, to a hard core born again Christian. My friends and I thought that he lost his mind. Now, it has happened to me. Our group has dwindled as each of us gets picked off as the years progress. I can explain what happened to my friends now in scientific, historical, and current political terms. So, reader, if you think my account is an isolated event and you don’t feel like you should do anything, it is merely a matter of time. This is how Nazi Germany went as far as they did. Everyone stood by in disbelief as they heard the accounts of the evil deeds and because of the incredible mass scale and excessive brutality people were unable to accept the accounts as being completely true. The same strategy is being used again but by the U.S. on its own people. No one will stand up, believe, or even think about that the taboo topic of mental illness might be a cover up just like how the government used what they called retarded children in their radiation experiments for 30+ years. I believe that the term “radiation” has been purposefully confused in much of the literature. The word “radiation” is used to describe two different kinds of energy release. Classical use of the word “radiation” means that an alpha-particle was released like from Uranium. But an acceptable use of the word means electromagnetic radiation which is just photonic energy, i.e. directed energy RADAR. These are possibly more word games and brand confusion techniques of the traitors conducting informational warfare.

Propaganda – Word Games

One U.S. military leader in an article called, “The mind has no firewall,"" coined a term called "psychoterrorism". It means terrorizing citizens with psychotronic weapons. Guess what they are doing to thousands of Americans and others in NATO countries. It is nothing less than federally sponsored terrorism. They prefer to call it "weapons testing" though. Precise language is important in communicating ideas and more importantly it reveals how the communicator changes language for their intention. The word "terrorism" is a perfect example. Breakdown what this marketing term means. It means guerilla warfare and to terrify the populous. How do you distinguishes it from normal guerilla warfare? Is trying to destroy the Pentagon and hurt the financial center at ground zero, really terrorism or just very strategic targets to take out your enemy? Who benefits from the population being frightened? Paranoia favors government in rallying the people’s support for a fight. It does not favor the other side. They could have killed more people by going to a football stadium with machine guns at the exits. They are trying to stop a system, not kill the citizens, just as we are in Iraq. The word was coined as propaganda by those that are most threatened in order to garnish support for their cause.

Another phrase that has more meaning now than it did when it was coined is living "the American Dream". We are allowed to create a myopic world view for ourselves. We can be sheltered from knowing or caring about the hardships of the rest of the world. We don’t even have to care about our neighbors anymore. Selfishness and the "me" generation currently rule. The mass news media and hollywood will help create the American delusion for you. You can live in happy bliss ignorant of politics, corruption, and other pesky concerns. Replace the bigger questions and concerns with the immediate ones like where is the nearest Star Bucks and when do I get a raise. Ahh, how I reminisce about the simple life and on occasion I wish I could be reinserted into the matrix, the American delusion. But I carry the burden of knowledge and with that responsibility to educate and motivate the 300 million people into action, a force that is unstoppable if they would just be told the God’s honest truth about the secrets which the Pentagon holds from them in both technology and strategy. The populous would have a very different opinion than what is fashionable now if they knew and believed the truth of the larger picture.

What I would like to clarify is the vocabulary surrounding this relatively new breed of weapon called EEG heterodyining. It has so many misnomers and misdirections surrounding it in literature. In an effort to confuse the public, the EEG heterodyning weapon goes under many names: non-lethal weapons, soft kill weapons, silent kill weapons, directed energy, bioelectromagnetic weapon, psychic warfare, psi weapons, psychotronics, neurological weapons, neuralizer, nervous system disruptors, electronic weapons, EEG cloning, mind melding, ionospheric heaters, over the horizon radar, continental ballistic missile defense, and the list goes on. A constantly changing vocabulary around this weapons system has confused the topic to the point of non discussion.

Genius or Insanity

Throughout history geniuses have often been misclassified as insane. Galileo was wrong for 300 years according to the church. Since I have been told by non-government experiment victims that I am like Nash from “The Beautiful Mind”, I must address this topic directly. We need to more precisely define “insanity” to understand what it means. Most often it is simply a word to describe an inability to understand an individual’s behavior and their speech due to context. Contextualism is of utmost importance when understanding concepts or people. The description of “insanity” is a cop out. Most precisely defined, the word “insane” or mental illness should mean erroneous thinking. Erroneous thinking can only be judged in the framework of logic and mathematics. It should not be judged as psychology would have it, in the context on common acceptable ideas. Delusion and errors of thought must be demonstrated through the frame work of truth that has endured the test of time. While many of the government torture test victims show an amplification of neuronal pathways in the front temporal lobes, we should not discount their testimony based on this. Errors of thought are amplified with SATAN (silent assassination through amplification of neurons). In order to separate out what is true and what are just perceptional errors, you need to study a victims testimony from the view point that you already know about how these weapons work. It becomes quite apparent how each person interprets the “alien” experience of having their mind messed with differently.

What if we had a national Truth Day

I’ll break my staff,
Bury it certain fathoms in the earth,
And, deeper than did ever plummet sound,
I’ll drown my book.
The Tempest, 5. 1

Imagine how strange it would be if we had one day where everyone had to tell the truth. The news might go like this. “This is the 6 O’clock news on truth day. Today government officials fed radiation to hundreds of people while posing as cafeteria workers to test the long term carcinogenic effects from radiation. Three more people have been grabbed for the MKULTRA torture and mind control experiments and practice assassinations. One of the victims was a whistle blower and was successfully killed right away in a car crash. The government denies that there is any connection between whistle blowing and the selection of this target. They say that they do everything fairly and they randomly select people to torture and kill for their data and practice. Also, 500 navy officers were exposed to extremely high levels of electromagnetic energy unbeknownst to them during another experiment. We are not allowed to release who was exposed because they will be upset if they found out. One soldier was wounded in Iraq today because his buddy accidentally shot him while playing with his gun.

The final numbers have been re-tallied for Desert Storm and yes, we killed more of our own allies than the Iraqis but it was close. Yet another strange story of government experimentation is giving methamphetamines (or energy drinks) to fighter pilots before their missions. Aren’t drugs banned in the military? I wonder how the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy is holding up on truth day. The last story of today is to answer the question, “Can the government read brain activity at a distance?” As it turns out, they have had this capability since 1960 and they claim it is ‘all nice and legal like’ when asked to comment. And finally when Porter Goss was interviewed at a press conference and asked if the CIA uses torture on Iraqi’s in order for the U.S. to free Iraqi’s from a torturing dictator, he stated, ”No, we creatively interpret laws and redefine words. We also strip away the CIA agents’ title during the torture process to make sure it is all legal.” This news station and the reporters have all been indirectly threatened that if we have any more truth days we will ‘suffer in our own private psychotronic purgatories’. So this will be the last broadcast that we tell it like it is. Thank you and have a good evening America.”

Strategic Deception and purging the erroneous

Error propagation can not only be achieved through memenic warfare, social engineering, but also direct electromagnetic entrainment and programming of brains. These purposeful errors of understanding and thought are extremely detrimental to the global distributed intelligence of the geopsyche . Only through truth unbridled by ego shall mankind achieve harmony with itself and our place in the Universe. Purposeful error propagation leads to suboptimal decision making in chaotically unpredictable ways that harms everyone on the planet. This is the mission of the CIA, psychological operations, information warfare unit, INSCOM, and many others division that practice “strategic deception”. They need to be eradicated for the good of the country and planet for they too are programmed and influenced by the very errors they create in the self fulfilling spiral of self destruction. These agencies are a tool that have turned on the tool users and makers.
Part of the disinformation campaign for mind control victims

When one becomes part of the TAMI network, one naturally goes to the internet for information. I found many documents in the military information warfare strategy that talk about how to lead the enemy down fruitless paths of research with slightly erroneous logic that leads to an endless maze of false assumptions and deductions. This is part of the strategic deception initiatives launched on the American people. This disinformation warfare has confused and stupefied many people. Helping them sound crazy about the science behind their predicament. Col. Thomas Bearding is the perfect example of this initiative. He invented the concept of “scalar waves” and weapons that he warns the Russians possess and U.S. scientists know nothing about. He talks about weather and earthquake weapons and zero point energy. He has a good education in physics so I can’t come to any other conclusion than he is a disinformation agent or a victim of menticide. All his theories are so purposefully skewed. Since he talks about mind control and then discusses all these ridiculous scientific ideas about free energy, faster than light information propagation, and electromagnetic vortexes, the mere idea of mind control weapons is also put into question. This is “the classic method” of discrediting a topic.

Disinformation streams

Dating back to early cartoons, one can remember images of a mad scientist transferring consciousnesses of people or animals with people. This theme is pervasive throughout popular cartoons and TV programming. It is always spoofed with absurdity and the idea of that it is science fiction. I found early scientific research that really investigated EEG heterodyning using electrodes or electrostatic plate hats to read brainwaves and write them to someone else. This mind control pursuit is very old indeed. Cartoons have been used to discredit this science and anyone who speaks about it.

Based on the idea that the CIA has utilized for over 50 years that it is best to hide secrets in plain view and nobody will see it, I will speculate that there is no reason that cartoons should be the first media to describe real top secret research in spoof it in absurdity. Bioelectric communication signals are a very real active area of research throughout the world.

Let’s look at this possibility quickly using just logic and reason. If a neuron depolarizes at 70 millivolts and one can read 10 microvolts at the surface of the scalp using EEG probes then hypothetically one should be able to apply an electric field of 70×10-3/10-5 = 7,000 volts at the scalp to induce a 70 millivolt field at the neuron. Since neurotransmitter release is the signaling mechanism between neurons and since it is proportional to voltage at the end of the axon, one can reason that high voltage static electric helmets actually can affect neurotransmitter release. Add in the fact that neural networks self organize with any electric signal and you can in fact combine brains using this biocommunication technique. The electric signals of those involved must be learned over time, but you can create larger brains this way albeit mad. Even the recent cartoon Wallace and Grommit portrayed this consciousness swap with a rabbit and human as science fiction. The DoD never change their methods even in 60 years. The best kept secrets hidden in plain view!

Now of course 7000 volts is a large electric field gradient for a wireless electromagnetic wave but shorter the wavelength more energy it carries and other methods of head resonance were perfected to perform the same task. And since static electricity, i.e. ionic heating, can create the surface voltage one only needs to move around the static electricity on a head or body to create the necessary field. Even low frequency and low intensity magnetic fields have been shown to have profound effects on the brain. And ion cyclotronic resonance was another investigated method. No research in longer term “learned” biocommunication signals is currently occurring in civilian research in this country; again for obvious reasons because it is prohibited.

The information bubble that Americans are confined within is truly amazing. We think we are the most important country and connected to the world because we have

CNN and other news stations. Look at the vast selection of channels available to surf on cable. Intuitively we think we are free and informed based on the number of choices presented to us.

Those that do not travel abroad to foreign lands very often can not appreciate the contrast of world perspective and the tacit controls and compliance the mass media has with government through FCC pressures and other places.

Scientific espionage against the U.S. population.

Don’t we have laws to stop the government from doing this on purpose by paroled disinformers? Who is policing the government? Who else publishes about scalar waves. Capt. Robert Collins. Isn’t it strange that all this bullshit science comes from ex-military personel? Scalar waves are just standing waves or interference patterns. Nothing more. This is just holography in any wavelength and has been around since the 60’s. The disinformation campaign is world wide. I found articles in German, French, and Italian stating similarly ridiculous things like free energy and faster than light communications. Google had 1,240,000 hits for “scalar waves”. While scalar waves are a real concept, they are nothing new. In the military, beam forming is a type of scalar wave. You can completely shape the “scalar” or amplitude modulation of the carrier frequencies in 3 space. It is not such a big deal. Their connection with mind control technology is merely a way to pinpoint a human target and keep a lock on him/her finding ways around most shielding attempts through a total hemisphere of attack angles as well as tracking multiple targets around the world.

I have read so much bad science from x-military personel that I can only come to the conclusion that they are conduction mememic warfare on the scientific community at large. Most of the disinformation agents are “retired”. They want to keep this secret of Malech’s and Stocklin’s patents so badly that they are willing to commit treason against the United States people and the constitution. They are willing to torture people to death using psychic warfare and gather the statistics in order to get an extra decimal place in their human effects kill statistics data. The U.S. is getting more criminally brutal than ever before and improving their methods of lying and deceiving the public. It has reached epidemic proportions given the secrecy culture and justification to treat their bosses, the tax payers, as cattle and the potential enemy. Every document that I have read that states that the Russians are doing so and so around the world, I find out that the U.S. is actually behind it every time. Lying is treason and needs to be punished severely whether you are a general, director of the CIA, or the president. The CIA first fed radiation to thousands of people to watch the progress of cancer and possibly a mechanism of tracking from space. Then they torture children for MKULTRA assassination programming. Then they dose people with various drugs including LSD and BZ. They tried a biological warfare virus over San Francisco. Now they are torturing people to death for years with electromagnetics. Do you see the tread? Did I congratulate you on living in the land of freedom? Don’t worry your government is in control again.

Every real scientific paper I’ve read that happens upon the topic of bioelectromagnetic non-ionizing radiation effects comments on the fact that there is so little literature on it. In other non-NATO countries it is a much bigger field. A publication by the FDA doing a comprehensive food sanitizing method survey had many military representatives on the board. The paper commented on how there was almost no literature on microwave effects. A paper on implanting a small piece of wire in the head or body for biotelemetry commented on how they could find almost no data on such an obvious application. We are bathed in microwave energy, how come there is so little independent investigation in this area especially in light that the head acts as a microwave cavity and neurons as microwave transceivers? There are Earth shattering patents from the 70’s and 80’s on brain wave amplification, brain wave reading at a distance, and brain wave modulation using a wide range of frequencies. How is this being ignored? Pretty obvious what is going on, isn’t it?

Modern day Timothy Leary

Shulgun is well known for his experiments in psychoactive drugs that avoid scheduling because he creates analogues of known molecular types. I have not been able to uncover any documents that connect his research with CIA mind control like his predecessors. However, his experimentation may be tolerated because it goes hand in hand with mind control drug research the CIA has been pursuing for decades. Those that experiment with his drugs might be CIA Guinny Pigs. Remember that Charles Manson used LSD to create his mind control cult.

Test patterns

I was able to interview over 500 people that know they are/were electronically harassed, slipped drugs, fed radiation, MKULTRA mind controlled, or directed energy weapons test victims. Several have died while writing this book. They range from children to the elderly, from poor to wealthy, from religious to atheist, from uneducated to educated. People are chosen at random like in all their other tests. There is a segment that is overwhelmingly large for a random testing pool and that is government whistle blowers. FBI agents, military personnel, or cops in particular are targeted by these weapons if they testify against other government agencies. It is just so heart breaking to hear all these stories. I met a few families where everyone was targeted suddenly with voice to skull and with the EEG replay of the pains which they are collecting and storing from other people. Most people get a slight variation of all TAMI’s capabilities, I assume to make any test patterns less noticeable. Some people only get voice to skull, Stocklin’s patent. Some only get tortured and physically manipulated limbs. Some get the remote MKULTRA programming.

I was unlucky. I got a demonstration of the full works of mind control technologies and SATAN. SATAN (silent assassination through amplification of neurons) is the program to try and kill the target through car crashes, heart attack, depression and suicide, self destructive behavior, neglect, or to be a programmed assassin. They were somewhat fair in that they told me ahead of time using the synthetic telepathy, exactly how they were going to try to kill me each day. They told me every torture they were to inflict on me ahead of time. It was oddly routine for them. They said that they had successfully killed an artist in San Francisco with a heart attack, a woman pediatrician, and an old lady in a nursing home. They felt pretty confident that they could kill me with EEG cloning. The 200 people in their weapons testing group were competing for points according to the main heterodyned project leader. Those that gained enough experience points could go on to the psychic assassins and mind controllers team who work on real projects like world leaders after they collected the effectiveness of the pain data, collected the mind control statistics, and mapped the unique brain waves that I had for their database.

Angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other

(Good alien bad alien yet another derivation of the good cop bad copy interrogation and control method)

In product marketing, one learns that to disentangle the importance of factors in the appeal and success of a product you need to conduct a survey. A well designed survey uses a correlation matrix to determine the factors that effect the outcome. Questions are designed so that every possible combination is tried. In the mind control MKULTRA survey, combinations of overt suggestion, subliminal, brain entrainment, and EEG heterodyned forced will are used to determine how effective each method is in combination with the others. So part of the program entails, conflicting commands by the possibly outsourced CIA weapons testers. You hear one command in one ear like an angel saying “don’t do it” and the devil in a different voice or nearly subliminal auditory level, “do it”. These conflicting directives in combination with all the other techniques is how statistical correlation data is collected to determine the effectiveness of each method on your particular personality. If you are ever in this position, it may not be an angel or devil on either shoulder but something far worse called the U.S. black ops mind control Star Wars defense project going under the highly classified acronym, TAMI.

Weapons testing faulty analysis of costs, risks, and poor scientific methods

The Black-Scholes modeling of military risk and uncertainty would need to be employed in order to correctly do the total cost and benefit analysis of human capital for testing weapons on the public. By the way, Melissa Black, the daughter of the Black Scholes model of options pricing and MIT professor is hot and was in my dorm at Harvard. I transgress…Back to slamming the idiots that we put our blind trust into.

When running the mind control experiments, the data gathers would give conflicting commands through subliminal and overt channels along with other techniques. This is a statistical approach to tease out the weighted influences of each method.

The Scripts

The EEG heterodyning psychic soldiers want-to-be’s doing the weapons testing are trained to follow a plethora of scripts used to confuse the target during the torture and make the target appear crazy when they seek help from a doctor. In almost all the cases, the belief that a microchip or tooth transponder (like in the movie, “Real Genius”) is responsible for the conversation without a cell phone is suggested to the target. That actually sounds more reasonable given the average person’s knowledge of this technology or directed energy weapons capabilities. Only in victims of ten years or longer are small biotelemetry antennas found in x-rays which used to be used for pin point tracking to direct the energy thereby amplify the biosignal for EEG cloning.

The scripts then progress to making the person believe that specific people or groups are behind their torture. In many cases, people heard the voice of JFK, JFK Jr., Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton. Sometimes, it was a famous person. Often it was just someone they knew in their past. Clearly, the EEG heterodyners are manipulating votes by always using democrats’ voices or trying to get them killed if the victim believes it. Bill Clinton mentioned the “Right wing conspiracy” during his downfall. This would back the known political slant of extreme right wing ideologies in the CIA/DoD that border Nazi values. Using these people’s voices as the most common ones heard by victims should point out whom they are gunning for. Do you still have doubts that the voting and political system isn’t manipulated by these folks? They practice changing the beliefs of their victims using the different scripts. When you interview as many as I have, you can easily seen the pattern once the personalization of the scripts is removed.
The weapons testers get to choose which scripts are to be used on a “project”. They then personalize them for that particular project and must get approval for it. The weapons testers are in a strange culture to say the least. They have a strict protocol for doing things. But no restrictions on who they kill or what collateral damage is done.

From Creation to Chaos

Another project name for the EEG cloning and cataloging operations and media “strategic deception” was called project “Chaos”. The soul goal of these groups in psychological warfare, CIA mind control, and INSCOM’s stragetic deception is to create errors of judgment and reasoning and vocabulary confusion by every means possible. They have perfected control of the media through leaks and strategically placed disinformers in the industry. They have perfected disinformation on the internet using “the method” that plays off of people’s black and white thinking by flooding it with partial truths and lies. And finally they have found a way to inject by electromagnetics errors into people’s brains directly using misnamed umbrella classifications of technology like “nonlethal weapons” which contains EEG heterodyning, psychic warfare, and another overlapped classification of “directed energy” weapons. They have used the pseudo sciences of the psychology community to create and propagate misdiagnosis of weapons testing effects as mental illness. They have used Hollywood and television to program the masses to discredit anyone who talks about something that was labeled as a work of fiction, such as a movie or shown on the science fiction channel.

Acceptable Mind Games

Gambling is a legalized form of a head game that is quite lucrative. People from all walks of life gamble partly because of the entertainment value but more often because they believe in luck or that they have a system. The mathematics of gambling is quite well known and defined. Logically, unless you cheat, you can not win in the long run. Yet, based on the simple common delusion that all people share, we think we can find a way to beat the house odds. I, for example, knowing that every event is independently random still can trick myself into believing that if I see a streak of 5 or more in a row of one color in roulette that I can beat the odds by betting against that streak. The probability of getting 5 red numbers in a row is (½)5 or 1 out of 32. But that doesn’t actually affect the independent random event of the next spin. I must say that I haven’t lost yet with that strategy but that is the addiction of gambling. People derive superstitions about luck by falsely identifying patterns where there are none. Sounds like the same symptoms as schizophrenia, seeing patterns where there are none. Some people call the state lotteries a stupidity tax. Tell that to the winner.
The Psychology of “Crazy”

It is interesting to poll people as to what they believe “crazy” means. The average person’s intuitive understanding of the word usually means to do or say something very unusual or bazaar. Geniuses and eccentrics have throughout history been called crazy. My father is a very conservative man, and he calls about a third of everyone he meets crazy. People who visit San Francisco from a conservative culture, thinks the whole city is crazy.

The trend that I have found is that less worldly experiences one has, the more often one judges behavior that is not native to their own culture as some form of mental illness. This is clearly an error to believe that something that has not been thought, heard, or seen before is some kind of pathology of the mind. When one has many errors of thinking, it could be classified as mental illness, unless the errors of thinking are being induced electromagnetically through TAMI. Stop the signal and the brain will regain its normal processing. But this is an important psychological observation, that these discrediting tactics are regularly and historically used by the CIA and psyclOps. Create a scenario that is so improbable like government goon squads or being abducted and tortured, and the majority of people will think the person reporting it is crazy, simply because it is so unusual. Image if you were one of Jeffrey Dahlmer’s victims, and you escaped and you told a story about a man who eats dead people, keeps them in his fridge, and drills holes in their heads to try and create a sex zombie to the police. We know this happened, but the police would most likely have locked you up in the psyche ward for showing delusional symptoms. In fact, the police returned a boy who was bleeding from his head, naked, confused, and didn’t speak English very well, back to Jeffrey Dahlmer and within ten minutes after the police returned the kid, he killed and ate him. Jeffrey Dahlmer used the same tactics as the CIA successfully. Of two possible scenarios which was more believable? Jeffery told the police that he and the boy were fighting, homosexual lovers.

So this is how the game is played. Get some famous psychologists on your payroll. Have them create new mental illness like “Thought Sonarization”. And you can label anyone as mentally ill who speaks about the “voice of god” weapons, microwave hearing effect, mind reading radar, or ultrasonic heterodyning technologies that you wish to keep out of the population’s awareness. As time progresses over the decades, the new mental illness will gain more credibility due to its age and number of people reporting it.

I tracked back several “mental illnesses” to the same time frame as TAMI came on line and to known mind control monster psychologists on the CIA payroll like Cameron. This has allowed the human effects weapons testing industry on the population to expand and go unrecognized. One percent of the population has schizophrenia. According to some psychological studies, over 20% of the population has some form of mental illness. Perhaps the categories are getting too broad. See the appendix for my facetious comments on many popular illnesses.

What percentage of those classified as mentally ill are genetic and environmentally caused, and what percent is government menticide? The two groups overlap significantly. Through my protected sources, I was told that government weapons testers look for brain waves that show three traits that they want. One is an amplification factor of neurons often found in dopamine excessive brains. This group has traditionally been known to exhibit psychosis. The other is brain entrainment inducibility indicative of a high susceptibility to hypnosis. The third is the uniqueness of the brain waves to add to the database which increases the effectiveness of TAMI for other people. Other factors for target selection include the ease of discrediting and isolating the victim. Of course being a disobedient politician or a government whistle blower will increase your chances of being thrust into the virtual hell and beginning your journey into madness. There is no other word for this program other than diabolical.

Can you feel the pride of being American coursing through your veins?

Psychopathy and sociopathy for human weapons effects experimentation is not uniquely found in serial killers and government agencies. But it is the worst and truest form of mental illness.

Strategies to paralyze the victims

Victims of testing are left dysfunctional and rarely are they allowed to work. The strategy is to mimic the dysfunctionality of mental illness and drain the victims’ resources so that they can not find help or shielding. The other reason for this is to make sure that they can not get a security clearance. During the background check for security clearances for any Department of Defense contractors they look for any signs of mental illness or financial strain, probably to weed out those people that might be seeking revenge for their senseless destruction. You must keep in mind how many decades the death lottery has been going on. It started after WWII and project Paperclip where thousands of Nazi scientists were smuggled into the U.S. Since then, human effects for drug, radiation, mind control, and now directed energy weapons testing has occurred in ever growing numbers despite the attempts by Congress to stop it.

White House Psychos

On April 9, 2006, another person attempted to contact the president directly by running onto the white house lawn shouting that he has very important intelligence information. He was promptly taken down by the Secret Service. This is a typical script that the handlers use on their victims. To discredit and see how far they can go, they often convince mind controlled experiment victims that this is a Russian takeover with a new weapon of mass destruction that only the victim knows about. The victim being a patriotic American will do anything to convey the information. When disbelieved by the FBI and other authorities they resort to desperate measures to do the right thing. These victims did not do their homework and realize how large the test group is and how long it has been going on. INSCOM and strategic deception groups need “psychos” in the news to account for the population of “mental illness” who have similar claims around 5 different scenarios. Periodically publicized incidences like this one, is enough to keep the programming of the masses in tact. We won’t hear about the details of this person’s need to convey intelligence to the president, but I guarantee it is about this mind control technology. They attempted similar head games with me 3 days before my torture began. They asked leading questions like, “Can you get close to the president?” “I know where this is going,” I replied.
Information Streams

How the mass media is misused by the propaganda machine aka psychological operations, or PSYCLOPS the myopic, one-eyed monster as they joke about.

In order to understand the psychology employed by various agencies and political forces, one must study the patterns of misinformation on the mass news media, popular publications, and the internet.

First let’s look at the internet. I have been working with Truth.org a privately funded internet archive system. Their tools allow me to view any information ever posted on the internet for a three month duration using their tool called the WayBackMachine. This has allowed me to research the patterns of disinformation websites, who owns them, what psychological tools they use to cover up information leaks, etc.. As it turns out their formulas are pretty standard and much of the trash is computer generated even in foreign languages. I worked on natural language information parsing and collection algorithms for CIA knowledge organizing projects but nothing that purposefully would generate misinformation, however they easily could have been adapted for them. PSYCLOPS, INSCOM, CIA, DIA, and electronic warfare divisions use many of the same tools but run their own campaigns.

Just to show you how well the information stream grid lock works, type in “mind control” into google to see how much information there is on supposedly something that is “science fiction”. People don’t have time to waste their lives writing about this topic if it wasn’t real or if they weren’t paid as disinformants. There are 293,000,000 hits on google. Are you scared yet? Start clicking through the links. It is beyond experiments on the public, it is now a well orchestrated takeover using just information weapons. The psychotronic concentration camps are growing rapidly. It is a matter of time before you are “brain napped” and then you wished you hadn’t stayed so ignorant and quiet hoping it won’t happen to you. The soul stealer is doing good business under the U.S. flag. I worked on integrating HAARP and the Puerto Rico “ionic heaters” that are often implicated in the global mind control network, and I had no idea what they were used for. That’s how secret this technology is. I was told they were command and control centers. But from those locations the entire world can be viewed by bouncing their signals off of the ionosphere in a configuration they call over the horizon radar. Satellites make better over the horizon sensors so this is probably a tag line phrase to mean psychotronics.

Foundations of Reality

The whole illusion of gentility and freedom relies on life long programming of this image and repetition of mantras, pledges, imagery, and anthems. Asking someone to imagine an alternate government system that was in place that is exactly the opposite to what people have experienced their entire lives, is like asking someone to suddenly believe in another God. Their entire belief system and foundation of reality must be changed to accommodate the new model. Most are unwilling and incapable of this kind of reality shift without a direct demonstration. But in order to get the demonstration they would permanently be enlightened to the truth and can not be put back into the blissfully ignorant matrix of delusion. This is the Catch 22. Most targets will find it futile to awaken others and be viewed as crazy if they try. This is how the system of controls is maintained and drastically important information for the people is suppressed.

Inducing Delusions

How is delusional thinking induced in a target? Some of the long logical thought trains which are based on a faulty assumption are due to the amplification of the target’s own brain signals. In addition, the EEG hive conspirators simply need to agree and reassure the target that those are the right ideas. Since the target is usually isolated socially, this is naturally their only source of “feedback”. The feedback is of course untrustworthy but it is difficult for one to adapt to a faulty source that mimics sources that one usual trusts, people. This again amplifies confidence levels of ideas and thereby multiplies the logical errors downstream of inferences and conclusions.
This is the fundamental flaw with our governmental system especially the military. If you surround yourself with “yes” wo/men, you will be getting a false reassurance of the correctness of your ideas. This is what creates delusional thinking and is being used as an information weapon tactic. To worsen the collective intelligence of the organization is the fact that the culture practices false signaling in their communication style. Generals bark out orders to signal extreme confidence. Pure black or white thinking is practiced. Information is lost without the confidence level as any information theorist or statistician can tell you. Add the fact that there is little feedback or information flow from the lower levels since they must “just follow orders”, sprinkle in some egos for extra irrationality, and you have the perfect recipe for a destructive intelligent system. Truly frightening that they are in control of all the weapons.
Catching the Slow Fat White Rabbit

If this topic of dark American history interests you, you merely need to replace “Aliens” with “Department of Defense” and “terrorist” with “CIA programmed assassin” while you research and you will have much of the truth. To understand the imaging technology that is operating on the American citizens, you only need to study the stars. All technologies advanced under the auspices of space research actually get implemented and used on the people. To understand what psychotronics is, research the capabilities of “ionospheric heaters” and distributed radio telescopes in the context of directed energy weapons and a full spectrum, Earth gazing microscope.

"The common curse of mankind, – folly and ignorance".
– Shakespeare. Troilus and Cressida (Act II, Scene III).

It is difficult enough for people to learn and understand. We spend a third of our lives in school. It is difficult to comprehend the thinking it took the militants to decide to declare an informational war on the very country and people that they were sworn to protect and uphold the words of the founding documents and ideals of this nation. All foreign governments clearly have deciphered these technologies as much as I and others have, so the only conclusion that you can draw is that the CIA/Military are not afraid these secrets will fall into the wrong hands abroad but that they do not trust the citizens with these secrets and have even declared psychological and informational war on us.

Reign of Terror – The Dark Ages

Military and CIA Engineered War and Terrorism

"Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war".
– Shakespeare, Julius Caesar (Act III, Scene I).

CIA Incompetence or Planned Treason

They wouldn’t be seeking intelligence if they already had it.
The oxymoron of “intelligence” agencies.

Bin Laden was a known terrorist far before he orchestrated 9/11. His brain wave signature has to be in the database and he should be able to be spotted anywhere in the world. In many people’s opinion who know global surveillance capabilities, the government doesn’t want to catch him. The CIA goofed on informing the right agencies about the impending attacks on the world trade center, then they somehow are goofing on being able to track specific people around the globe. One obvious reason is they don’t want to show their hand and demonstrate beyond doubt that they even have this capability. Secondly, where would their and the warrior class jobs go if we didn’t have enemies. Thirdly, we wouldn’t be able to justify to the public, invasions of Middle Eastern countries if we couldn’t link them to the 9/11 event in some way and have an outstanding threat to accuse countries of helping him.
Problems with our democratic election process

Why career military and CIA should never be elected president

How can you expect someone who barely tasted freedom to value it as much as those who have? The government organizations are not democratic by nature and free speech certainly is not tolerated. Someone who you want to lead this country to its agreed upon future should only come from the culture that represents those ideals.

Macbeth by William Shakespeare. … when Ross uses this same title, Macbeth protests, "The Thane of Cawdor lives: why do you dress me In borrowed robes? … Thane of Cawdor’s robes.”

In “Borrow Robes”, Macbethian warlords throughout the military and pentagon are just peasants in borrowed robes with no noble qualities what so ever. The Thane of Cawdor had been treacherous at the Battle of Fife and now we have a similarly treacherous group testing weapons on their employers, the American taxpayers. These warlords are more like the petty Greek Gods who acted like children but had access to power. And as irony would have it, history repeats itself. MacBeth who inherits the borrowed robes kills King Duncan in betrayal. MacBeth was modeled after real events that took place. The story as it was told to me, is that seven of the King’s sons fled to America not long after the King’s death, one of which I am a descendent. Of course that may just be a fun genealogic tale passed on.

Miscellaneous Cloak and Dagger Games

While this fact isn’t relevant to this investigation I thought it an interesting tidbit that I came across while chasing the white rabbit. Some KGB agents had surgically implanted clay contained in a plastic pouch into the chin, cheek bones and nose area of agents. With just a quick push in various parts, they could remodel the major features of their face.

Executive Branch Corruption Goes High, Wide, and Deep

If there is any doubt how deep the corruption goes, we only need to be reminded of a comment made out of anger and haste. On October 24, 1990, President George H.W. Bush’s White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater discussed Republicans who had opposed the President’s policies, threatening: "If they can sleep with their conscience, let them try." He cautioned that while they were free to "say whatever they want," penalties might ensue, "but we never discuss it in public." He suggested that they would "suffer in their private purgatories." Pressed for an explanation, he responded: "I can’t tell you. If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise.”

Any one of the thousands of people who have been EEG cloned tortured knows exactly what this threat means. Bush’s father made several references to the technology in his speeches. A private purgatory is how your own mind is used against you with increasing paranoia. Thought amplifications of your fears fed back into your brain is another way of phrasing it. One signal that they test in order to see if they can keep soldiers up and functioning without any drugs for days works quite well and is termed, “artificial caffeine.”

Dream manipulation is extremely effective to persuade people to think differently. Dreams can be fully manipulated like a joint interactive movie creation. Hollywood should take notice to the applications. However, once again I sigh, and just think how many people had to suffer and die so that a weapon used in the most antidemocratic way can be used to control the masses and politicians via threats or directly. It only took a few corrupt dishonorable men to do this to our country and way of life. I don’t know if there is anyway to stop them now except a mass awakening of the people which is proving impossible.

Even the Iraqi’s have been complaining about microwave hearing effects being used against them along with other directed energy weapons. They are targeting radio towers that they believe to be responsible probably not realizing it can all be done with satellites and over-the-horizon radar.

If you can get your news from outside the U.S. and break through the information bubble by which we are oppressed and controlled, you can more easily see what is truly happening in the world. If you knew the capabilities of the global surveillance systems, you would know that it could not be possible for the U.S. to lose the whereabouts of Bin Laden. You would know that the CIA didn’t just mess up and not stop 9/11. Events have been planned to persuade the 300,000,000 people in this country to back aggressive expansion and justify tightening of domestic surveillance and to change the public attitudes about these secret mind control and thought reading weapons of tyranny. If the public attitude ever does change significantly because of government planted “terrorist” fears, any hope of maintaining and restoring a democracy will be history.
The Psychic Army

No one knows the exact size of the U.S. or Russian psychic armies but we do know they have been increasing. We can only gage the size based on those that complain and are told through the synthetic telepathy that they are target practice, cannon fodder to hone the army’s skills. Those people who are successful remote heart attack targets or written off as crazy are not counted. Nor are those that are experiments in love or other emotions or simply could never guess that they were being manipulated.
Would you want to know if you were suffering immense pain due to betrayal of your government? You’d be happier to think it was just an unidentified ailment and seek Eastern or holistic medical treatments.

Their out of their mind controllers

The agencies and upper rank of the Pentagon need to be flushed due to the corruption and incompetence. Newt Gingrich even recently suggested this. When the Russians had infiltrated the CIA and FBI back in the 80’s with double agents that reached the highest levels in those organizations it was lucky that we found them and we were able to completely overhaul those agencies. Well what if we did just the reverse and through out the patriots. Behind the curtain of secrecy with a bunch of obedient sociopaths, they would then have the power to take over this country from the inside out. The incompetence in these organizations that even President Bush commented on, could be orchestrated through just a few high level traitors. It is simply fact that they are organizing unnecessary wars and training and funding terrorism using a variety of MKULTRA and mind control tactics.

When mass violence erupts like Columbine high school shootings or postal shootings, we say they went crazy. What if all these historical events could be traced back to CIA mind control experiments that continue to this day or a secret mind control war between the Russian’s and the U.S.? Would you feel betrayed that you weren’t told the truth by the government agencies behind it?

Most of the educated elite who keep their pulse on the whole population often comment that it seems like there has been a systematic “dumbing” down of the population especially in math, physics, and science in general. What better way to keep the conspiracies of UFO abductions alive for many decades. How better to force people to join the military rather than have a draft through increasing the separation of classes? According to pentagon documents, soldiers are still cheaper than robots. Once the cost of a machine that kills effectively comes down, we won’t need soldiers. We have the technology. It is simply a matter that human life still replicates more cheaply than building the machines to do the same task. Similarly, the citizens are viewed by the warlords as cattle to be butchered for experiments and as batteries to fill their defense department coffers with tax dollars to continue to help them get their power fix and satiate their need for “false” purpose of their lives dedicated to control, domination, and eventual enslavement of the entire population of the planet. There is a New World Order due to the unchecked powers in government that is leading to a very dark future. Peace is not an option for the powers that be. They do not get financial or motivational benefits from peace and a shrinking defense budget.

War, what is it good for?

The war against “terrorism”, which is just a guerrilla war like any other, was instigated by the U.S. foreign policies over many decades. The news would like you to believe they hate us because we are “infidels”. Or they hate us because they are jealous of our wealth as a nation. They don’t know what’s good for them and we are just trying to free them from a dictator that we supported with weapons and training in the Iraq and Iran war. They are building weapons of mass destruction which they are going to use on us. How easily Americans forget who divided up the Middle East to begin with. Who gave arms to Iraq and Iran? Who put the leaders in power? Who has occupied the countries with troops? Why do people buy into this bullshit spouted over the news. They hate us because we are using them and controlling them. We used them in the cold war against Russia in the Iraq/Iran war. It was not about those two countries. They figured it out and have a lot of resentment. They are a sovereign country and feel they have the right to build any weapons they want and the U.S. should get out of their affairs. They then played the religion card to mind control their people into fighting, just as Bush used it when calling them the axis of evil. More people have died throughout history due to leaders using a god’s name to back them and to motivate support for their cause than any other reason. The same mind control games work today.

The Enemy Within

We will have U.S. cities nuked at some point due to seeming mistakes of foreign policy, perhaps opening the ports to be controlled by foreign governments was an attempt at this. This is part of the long term plan for reasons to expand. It will give the U.S. warlords the support and excuse they need for an all out attack on the non-NATO countries.

I don’t know of a way out of the current model of world domination, “The New World Order”, that the power addicted and corrupt investors in the defense industry are using. They have had the technology to stop wars and make peace using the system of TAMI or MIND but they chose the less noble routes each and every time.

At the surface, this strategy of self attack seems retarded. Why would elements within the U.S. government want “terrorist” attacks? What better way to justify to the people more funding, more power, more secrecy, and more expansionism. It is a sacrifice as they view it to get everyone to agree fervently to the war on “terrorism” and “terrorist” countries. You can see the public opinion manipulation at so many levels even within the government staff itself. It only took a few people to orchestrate these events and future ones. They are still the minority with in the government secrecy decree, but they manipulate all the others easily through trickle down orders or more devious tactics of threats and blackmail like Bush Jr.’s spokesman to the Republicans, “You will suffer in your own private purgatories.” (if you get out of line.)
Even the Oklahoma Bombing serves the same purpose of justifying a crackdown which many believe was another mind controlled assassination attack given his untelevised testimony which fits perfectly with the thousands of others put through the MKULTRA mind control program.

I have not been able to find one example where the psychological manipulation tactics discovered through the CIA’s mind control research programs have yielded a positive benefit to the U.S. They have mostly been using their discoveries to control the opinions and people in the U.S. to support their causes of more money and more control. This is psychological warfare on the citizens who paid for the research and is nothing short of treason. But it appears that the apathy levels are too high, people are too caught up in their own local drama in this country to save it from the same fate as other countries who allowed their military industrial complexes to cycle out of control.
You must remember that the U.S. government has historically sacrificed its citizens for military might in the radiation feeding experiments of tens of thousands of people and many other crimes. Sacrificing a building of people or a plane full of people to further a military strategy of quickly changing the mindset of the supporting population for global expansionism is a small price to pay in their opinion. That’s only a few hundred to a couple thousand people. That far less than the number they kill in a year by maintaining secrets and hording technologies. That is far less than the numbers that they have killed directly with human effects weapons testing. So it isn’t a far stretch for the sociopaths to create newsworthy events to influence public opinion for their own objectives.

Also it is interesting to note the blatant hypocrisy of our government. Mind control technologies are inherently communistic in goal. We were taught that communism is bad because you can’t say what you want without being imprisoned and tortured, you are told what to do, and things are decided for you, etc. The mind reading and influencing directed energy weapons technology along with the CIA MKULTRA experiments and information warfare on the U.S. is not a military exercise like they would pawn off to the budgeters, but a true takeover of a communist like government who found ways to cover it up better with lies and plausible denial. We were overthrown, but most people just aren’t aware of it yet.

Psychotronically Instigated Wars

`Recently several U.S. reports on mind control technologies were translated into Hebrew and published in Israel. We have communications from victims there too. They say that the perpetrators use the cover story that they are Israeli secret service doing the testing on them. This is the pattern and technique that is being used throughout the world. The U.S. façade government can openly support a country while the shadow government instigates the wars. I am certain that many people from “the axis of evil” countries have been tortured by the U.S. psychotronic weapons and made to believe Israel was behind it. The Jews are fools if they can’t see that the friendship from the fascist country is fake and merely being used as a political tool to justify invasion of countries we don’t yet control. It wouldn’t take much to invade Israel with a justification that they have nukes if relations ever soured and their leaders became disobedient.

There have been many incidences in the last few decades in the time frame of which SATAN and TAMI came online where “psychos” committed acts of violence and said that Satan or the Devil made them do it. They could have been inadvertently telling the truth. The voices commanding actions are projected through the U.S. weapon system whose acronym is SATAN, Silent Assassination Through Amplified Neurons, i.e. U.S. mind control.

Myths sponsored by the military

The Philadelphia Experiment

The myth goes like this. The Navy conducted an experiment with a ship that would transport it in time and make it invisible. The ship disappeared and no one saw it again. In reality, this was one of the first experiments in radar cloaking technology. The vessels halls were draped with vertical and horizontal wires which canceled electromagnetic energies directed at them, thereby making it invisible to radar and a particular part of the EM spectrum. The ship of course was still visible with binoculars. But this is a good example of the power of the propaganda disinformation machine.

Alien autopsies and spaceship crashes

Area 51 was the classic setting for duping the public into this long standing myth, setting the stage for countless atrocities committed against citizens. Initially, isolated rednecks were the target of human experimentation because they were easily discredited. Their boldness has stepped up in the last decade conducting "alien abductions" to a politician, FBI agents, military personnel, professors, a New York city cop, etc. They have been successfully at discrediting these people in the media. The BBC wrote that over twenty five million Americans believe they had alien contact. I haven’t done my own survey to validate this rather large number but it matches with the capability of the EEG heterdyning system in place since the mid seventies.


There are two types of military exercises that people report as UFO sightings: experimental aircraft designs being tested and directed energy weapons.
With EMP weapons (electromagnetic pulse), you can stall a car. People involved in UFO sightings with black helicopters flying by, often reported that their cars stalled and their radio started changing stations. Directed energy weapons alter the radio frequency modulations and would have this effect.
A phenomenon known to scientists that work with high energy physics is "air sparking" or atmospheric excitation. When the energy density becomes great enough, the Nitrogen and other molecules will begin to glow. So an uneducated observer will see a bright bluish ball in the sky, zipping around at improbable velocities.

Chem trails

I am not an expert on chem trails so I can’t speak to all their purposes. Spraying Barion or aluminum particles in the air will act as a radar shield and are experiments in cloaking technology since countries have figured out how to track the stealth bomber by using the background cellphone radiation from satellites.
Chem sprays can also be used to test biological weapons like was done over San Francisco in the 70s and the reason Olsen was killed by the CIA. Other operations have included using chemical tracers by lightly dusting an area that can be fluoresced in some invisible wavelength. Long term health risks are unknown.

Bermuda Triangle

I have no evidence from military documents released through the Freedom of Information Act to support my inference about the mysteries surrounding this area other than one of the largest terrestrial radar dishes exists on the island of Bermuda near Ross Pero’s estate. Take a helicopter ride over the island to view it. The descriptions by pilots effected and downed by violent and strange electromagnetic forces that would spin their compass needles and interfere with their navigation instrumentation are classic side effects of directed energy weapons and in particular scalar weapons.
Some people might speculate if JFK junior’s plane wasn’t downed in a similar fashion and assassinated like his father. Short of a confession, it will be impossible to prove the exact sequence of causalities leading to these tragedies and therefore will reside in the realms of conspiracy theory and speculation.

Psychic Warfare Unit at the Pentagon

Lin Buchanon and colleagues have written up their experiences as psychic warriors for the military. Unbeknownst to them, was the fact that they were EEG heterodyned for their psychic feats. This is why the military doesn’t care that a top secret project is now extensively written about by these guinny pigs. It was a secrecy layer to ensure that they promoted more nonsense about mystical psychic phenomenon to cover up the truth about the science behind mind melding.

Psychological experimentation cover-ups

Brain chip implants

Several military personnel who were considered disobedient were committed to psychiatric hospitals where brain implant experiments were conducted on them. These atrocities were covered up and people who had them surgically removed were systematically discredited by the usual formula. Scientific America September or October of 2005 had an article about Delgado who conducted much of the human brain chip implants and lobotomies touting him as the father of this field. He came out of hiding from Spain back to San Diego where secret psychotronic experiments are rumored to be conducted. Satanic Ritual Abuse cults are fairly common down there. Let us not forget the atrocities committed, covered up, then later talked about like they were heroes for doing it. He uttered the phrase of the conspiracy when asked if brain modulation can be done wirelessly, "That’s science fiction."

Splitting personalities

I found many disinformation websites that had a list of the biggest hoaxes of the twentieth century, listing much of what I am talking about here. One they mentioned was that multiple personality disorder doesn’t exist. CIA sponsored research on this topic has been going on for decades for the purposes of both to activate Manchurian candidates and to allow agents to infiltrate other countries security agencies and still pass the lie detector tests about their loyalties and background through hypnosis and splitting personalities. The EEG heterodyning mind melding also allows control of the classic polygraph responses as well as the newer brain printing technologies in a much more precise and predictable manner. Polygraphs and courtroom processes need to be conducted in labs that are electromagnetically shielded as well as having monitoring equipment for psychotronic signals interfering with the justice process.

Finally, just a mention on how elements of the executive branch have stolen democracy from us. Because freedom of speech was granted to people in order to protect us from military coups and tyranny, they bypass this right by flooding the mass media and Internet with noise and disinformation to the point that one’s message can not be heard – a clever way to rationalize destroying this important safeguard of democracy. Short of silencing everyone and protests through licenses and permits to congregate publicly, they have done the equivalent of blasting rock music and white noise at public speaking events so nobody can hear the truth through media control and flooding the Internet with disinformation.

Orwellian Pranks

Continuing the tradition that George Orwell began, the military found that the UFO/evil alien cover story for abduction and experimentation on random citizens still works. It appears from the stored database of brain signals that they may be preparing for another mass scale Orwellian prank of an alien take over. After being given a demonstration, I assure you that most people will believe it.

Boo, spooks are scaring you

Let me scare you as a demonstration of how the government has used and created “terrorism” for justifying a “shadow” fascist government to acquire funding and power.
Flares dropped from airplanes flying across the U.S. in less than 5 hours would cause multi-million dollars in damage during the dry months, stadiums filled with sports fanatics could be tear gassed and machine guns utilized at their exits, cannons or catapults could be used against damns (like the Hoover) to drown towns down stream, and the jaws-of-life could be used to bend railroad tracks to interrupt supply chains across the country. These simple methods could cause enormous fear and damage instituted by a group smaller than one hundred organized people and less than one hundred thousand dollars of financing.

Let’s continue the frightening scenario in order to show you that “terrorists” are anywhere to be found and bent on destroying the U.S. but the militant government is. If you wanted to take out airplanes, you could blind the pilots taking off or use home made rockets to hit the intakes of the engines. Even releasing a flock of birds has downed aircraft by them getting caught in the turbines. As described to me by agents, garage door electrical engines could be used to cause a surge in the electrical power grid disabling power to large portions of the population. A denial of service attack could be instituted with an overriding radio and TV broadcast to influence the public.
These are minor inconveniences. Let’s look how individuals and the economy can be influenced. The wine industry could be destroyed by introducing the sharp shooter beetle or a fungus into Napa Valley fields. Known bacteria or chemicals in the drinking water reservoirs would taint the water supply for years. The mad cow disease could be easily introduced into the unprotected meat supply as was covered up recently by the FDA. The economy could crash through loss of trust. Simply a demonstration of how mind reading can be done or bugging abilities that these elements use to further increase their revenues for black ops projects that need not be overseen by Congress is an example. Placing hits on the top executives of fortune 500 company executives would be another easy way to manipulate the stock market to fund these black ops projects.

Every system in our society is fragile and the recklessness of the torturing and killing of thousands can not go without consequences whether recognized or not. These chuckleheads in the government are even torturing an x-DoD biological weapons specialist. What could be the purpose of all these attacks? Think about all the traditional torture our government is doing to Iraqis. Do you think this will be forgiven and forgotten in one generation? Torture is a stupid strategy.

Are these simple “terrorist” acts being committed? No, for obvious reasons.

Stop letting the government control your fear and hold them accountable for the tens of thousands of victims worldwide for radio frequency directed energy torture. The façade government needs to try diplomacy and apologize for the shadow government’s f__k-ups, and compensate people worldwide for their nervous system weapons, drug and radiation experiments.

False Advertising

The various agencies and people competing for bigger budgets has always used the same tactics of deception to justify their funding to Congress and others. They lie about the current state of Russian technology. They always make the claim that the Russians are ahead in some technology and they need deep pockets and no restrictive oversight of projects in order to catch up. They really played this up with electromagnetic mind control technologies and directed energy weapons. Just as fear works with the public, Congress responds to it too.

Question Authority

Some fall by virtue, others rise by sin. – Shakespeare

Would you trust a hungry man with your food, a promiscuous man with your wife or daughter, a greedy man with your money, a drug addict with your prescriptions or a power seeking man with authority? Question authority!

Secrecy is the mechanism that allows the power addicts to further their addiction at the expense of the community.

Why do the NATO countries have the illusion of freedom with fascism behind it, a facade government and a shadow government?

It can best be illustrated with a child. If you want the child to rake the leaves in the yard, you could order him and pay him to do the task. He/she will begrudgingly do it and call it a chore. We have traditionally been taught to think of this approach as communism or dictatorship. But, if you allow the child the privilege to rake the leaves in the pile so he and his friends can jump and play in the pile, he/she is grateful and will do it for free. It is the illusion of choices and freedom that can increase productivity of the military/industry complex.

Similarly, if a country were to draft people into an army like in Vietnam, people begrudgingly do it. They will fight half heartedly. Give them an imaginary ideal where they are willing to die for their principle and cause, they will sign up and fight righteously.

It is this layer of lies that has given the United States an edge over other forms of government in order to control and motivate the minds of the masses more efficiently.

This method of rule turns out to be a double edge sword. It relies heavily on the ability to control information streams so that the illusion doesn’t come crashing down. The backlash of a population, who believed they were free, will also be willing to overthrow a fascist shadow government just as fervently if the knowledge reached critical mass. Simply the lies needed to discount everyone as crazy would start falling apart as people became more aware of the cover ups. This is their Achilles heel. Knowledge is power and an informational civil war is how they can be destroyed.

Where is the Soviet Union in their Research?

While the U.S. swindlers, have traditionally pointed the figure at the Russians and used false and exaggerated reports of their progress to get rapid and large budget approval to stay ahead, remote EEG heterodyning weapons are probably the worst example of this common practice.

An obvious sign of who developed the global capability first, was the collapse of the Soviet Union economically. The country who possesses this weapon would easily be capable of manipulating all economic markets and funding their continued programs. One could easily destroy other countries economies using similar manipulations. This simple event is ample proof of who developed the capability first, and who is responsible for the worldwide torture and murder of thousands. I’ll give you a hint, it isn’t Russia.

Awhile back when I was interviewing at Morgan Stanley’s proprietary trading and statistical arbitrage division, I had an epiphany. The fast money is made on short term trading imbalances in value called arbitrage opportunities. Computer models use statistical methods to data mine probabilistic aberrations in pricing that should exists as short as a few seconds. The technique performs quite well although the field is getting more competitive. All monetary exchanges really come down to demand due to perceived value. If one had access to the personality profiles and brain models from the CIA database, one could develop an accurate simulation of overall market reaction and influence of big players given different probabilistic information scenarios. Big money can be made using psychological profiling of the “irrational” market fluctuations. It is beyond the scope of this book to detail the mathematical modeling of this kind of system. But I wanted to point out how the same technology used to predict how the U.S. population will react to various information (be it truth or lies) leaked to the press or spoken by the president, could be used legitimately to fund private wars or projects that would need no Congressional oversight. Now, of course, throw in mind reading, influence and other surveillance, the task becomes incredibly easy. Even the CIA doesn’t need to funnel crack cocaine into LA neighborhoods to fund their 3rd world rebellions.

There had to be a second reason that the CIA was distributing crack in black neighborhoods in LA other than to raise money for the Contras. They could have easily raised the money through white collar crimes far faster than selling drugs like the investigations have indicated. With their surveillance and spying techniques despite EEG cloning, they could have raised the money in the stock or options markets like “terrorist” have done with predictions of future events they cause. It was not about the money.

Fear is Control

“Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.”

– Replicant Batty. Blade Runner.

During my torture, I began to think about why “terrorist” are created. The absurdity of the inconvenience due to airport security is a perfect example how irrational people behave. Airline travel statistically is the safest in the world even including 9/11 events. I came up with over 50 ways to bypass airport security and take over a plane with current standards. People don’t think through possibilities rationally.

I won’t publish the other 49 ways but I need to give at least one example how an airplane can be taken out if that were the goal. As a reminder, if the object were to kill as many Americans as possible like the government would like you to believe, a guy with an oozie at a sporting stadium or hospital would easily fair better. The fear is caused by the government propaganda of events. The militant government benefits historical from your fear. They are the ones putting terror in you with their useless color alert status warnings.

One example is that only metals are scanned for in airport scanners. Plastic explosives can be molded into the casing of any commercial looking object and carried through airport scanners. This is a well known fact. The detonation device could be as small as a wrist watch. This is not rocket science. If someone with only a high school education wanted to take down a plane it would not take more than a week to execute. The control of the population through fear is so obvious to those of us in the know. How do we wake the masses up to history repeating itself?

Ghost Busting – Baiting the Weapons Testers

It is merely speculation as to why the traitorous CIA/DoD weapons testers choose most of the people that they do. Everyone asks, "Why me? I’m nobody." That may be exactly one of the criteria. One rough breakdown of the people targeted by the weapon is: 70% random selection, 5% government whistle blowers, 5% outspoken liberal activists, 10% DoD scientists who worked on secret technologies, 10% lifestyle choices, < 1% appear to be real targets like Saddam Hussein. So one method that one undercover American hero might use to bait the shadow government is by taking a combination of L-dopa and serotonin reuptake inhibitors which would increase neurotransmitter secretion or their reuptake and thereby would make them more "psychic" temporarily. Since it appears like they try to find brains that are responsive to a low power level, this might be a method to bait them. L-dopa, a synthetic dopamine neurotransmitter analogue, would increase synaptic activity and thereby amplify any reception of small radio/microwave/magnetic/electric informationally, coherent signals.

The excess neurotransmitter in the synaptic junctions helps amplify any precise external modulation of neurotransmitter release. At high frequency pulsed modulated with extremely low frequencies representing neuronal connections one will find several energy and information transfer mechanisms. Sony has patents using ultrasonic energy transfer into brain tissue for future virtual reality video gaming. That’s a different method but effective. The undercover hero would be a very appealing subject for the weapons testers due to the ability to discredit him/her thinking that they were natural psychotics and view them as someone who has gone beyond the allowable threshold of sensitivity. Perhaps there is a TEMPEST threshold for human brains. I can only speculate as to why there appears to be a threshold. Perhaps psychic spies use it and everyone who goes beyond it, the US views as a potential threat. It may be that that person begins to pick up on EEG heterodyning signals meant for other people and would be considered a threat. That is only speculation though as to the motives behind it. There may in fact be no threshold that is searched for and simply directed focused energy can compensate for different natural energy amplification levels.

ADD and Ritalin

I am only speculating here about the increased need for Ritalin due to ADD in children. I do not have any proof of this yet. But the training of the psychic army (or mind controllers) has stepped up its intensity about every 4 years, probably in accordance with budget increases. No one is except from being selected, including children and the elderly. One of the bad side effects of being in a hive mind and remote neurally linked is attention deficit disorder, ADD. The number of children put on Ritalin has escalated in correlation with the growing army. There is evidence that stimulants like Ritalin change the amplification of external stimuli in the brain and alter the brains neurochemistry sufficiently to break an EEG cloning lock. The new brainwaves would need to be remapped to create a more effective lock on. Usually the mapping process just occurs at the beginning of a project and is not revisited later. EEG cloning is most effective on subjects that are sensory deprived. Stimulants, like caffeine, act to increase the amplification of sensory stimuli and thereby diminish the influence of the electromagnetic signals relative to internal and sensory brain signals.

Another speculation I have with regards to stimulants increasing or decreasing the effectiveness of EEG heterodyning weapons, is the Air Force has been experimenting with stimulants on their fighter pilots. There have been a couple of reported cases where a fighter pilot was given an amphetamine drink before combat. They accidentally fired on allies. Could this have been a test to see if errors of judgment through EEG heterodyning could be defeated through stimulants?

It is a Mad, Mad World

To give you an idea how wide spread this testing might be, I will give a few possible outbreaks in recent years that should be alarming if related to this weapon. Panic attacks that so many people have been hospitalized for may be a silent remote controlled heart attack attempt on their lives. The DoD is collecting kill probability ratios. Bad dreams where you wake up with your heart pounding out of your chest may have been a practice attempt. Who knows maybe sudden infant death (SIDs) is related to these random kill attempts. Women and children are drawn from the death lottery equally as men. Songs that you can’t get out of your head that repeat over and over may be an attempt at EEG synchronization.

Just remember you let the U.S. DoD/CIA become out-of-control and rogue through your silence and inactivisim.

Abort Mission Safety Failover

My friend and I, who is not a CIA agent he adamantly declares although he travels with the head NSA guy and deputy secretary of homeland security on vacation, used to discuss behavior modification philosophy extensively before I became a target for a Manchurian Candidate using biocommunication MKultra programming. He postulated that if there existed a pain pill that someone could take, it may have an addictive quality to it. He surmised that if someone is medicated with pain for a duration, that the brain adapts to that state and that if they were to stop taking it, they would get “high” on life. Ironically, that is true for soft torture. It is like a workout with a rush after being tortured for days in a row. So to abort the targets being tortured now, the “Shadow government”, if they had to pull the plug on all those thousands of projects because civil war was about to break out, could just stop the pain and killing signals. Those people would suddenly feel relaxed, slightly brain dead from the lack of over stimulation, and become complacent and blissfully stupid. A good fall back just in case. But that would not be a successfully tested kill weapon, so they wouldn’t do it.

The Oxymoron of Intelligence Agencies

One thing I noticed throughout life is that companies advertise what they lack. They are trying to change the known stereotypes. Intelligence agencies are no different. I attended the best American School’s in the country and the CIA would try to recruit at them but it is thought that if you have to go that route that you are a loser and couldn’t get a job anywhere else. I am happy to report that my years at the Ivies, they have had 0% success. The DoD (Department of Defense) has gotten so desperate for some intelligence that they are resorting to extortion at Harvard, threatening to cut off research grant money if they don’t get a prestigious slot in the recruiting line up. Pretty pathetic isn’t it?

My fellow UK/US/NATO scientists that have been killed by bizaar suicides would agree with the lack of intelligence in the so called intelligence communities. Just to give you an idea of the geniuses working at the Pentagon and subintelligence agencies in the joint NATO forces in control of these psychotronic weapons, international policy, and military strategy in the UK for example (I’ll refrain from a U.S. example), they forced the private satellite imaging companies to remove images of all their secret bases. By doing that, they highlighted where they all were, simply by doing a difference between older images and images at different resolutions. So a guy published a website called UKsecretbases.com. He has been shut down since, but a webarchive probably still has it cached. I don’t know if my knowledge of NATO’s secret Naval headquarters was the reason for my pyschotronic attacks or rediscovery of their ever so coveted mind control technologies.

The DoD is experiencing such a shortage of intellectual capital that they have resorted to extortion in order to recruit at Harvard. They threatened to take away half a billion dollars in research grants if they weren’t allowed to recruit on campus. The criminals won this round and were allowed on campus. No other recruiters torture and kill those that they recruit when they leave the organization.

Pulsing microwave voices

Like with animation where different still frames are shown one after the other, our brains interpolate the images and perceive the difference as motion. If visual frames are presented faster than 30 times a second, we can not even perceive the discontinuity. We see monitors flicker due to the refresh and scanning method. The mind perceives the understood images as smooth. Sound impressions in the microwave hearing effect seem to have a similar phenomenon occurring. With sound impressions which occur at roughly 10 times a second, the mind will perceive the sound impressions as continuous. This is for microwave pulsed sound perception not sound pressure waves.
Back to School for Psychiatrists

One simple way to differentiate government EEG heterodyning experiments and natural schizophrenia is by the conversational content, if they hear voices. One limitation of the software that Non-lethal directed energy weapons are working to perfect is that it requires full sentences for its training set. Most people do not think in full sentences nor would a dopamine amplified brain perceive full-sentence, coherent speech. When natural schizophrenics hear voices it is a mumble and usual just a few phrases or words as their word pattern matchers misfire due to being too close to the threshold. Background sounds are almost always necessary to trigger the words or phrases that they perceive. This is a very different phenomenon than what the thousands of victims of brutal EEG cloning weapons testing experience. They hear "the voice of God" through synthetic telepathy, radio frequency modulation of neurotransmitter release at the synaptic connections with real sub humans on the other end of the brain link as clear as a telephone conversation if not better 24/7 requiring that they speak in full sentences. While the fake government sponsored Satanic cults and other cover stories are meant to copy-cat well known headliner’s psychotic symptoms, there are still many important flaws in their imperfect illusion that those skilled and studied can quickly identify and distinguish between the groups.

I researched the FBI’s 350 most watched terrorist organizations. Not one was the very famous New World Order psychoterrorist organization, nor was there a single satanic cult listed even though both are thoroughly written about and even the San Diago Police are aware of satanic ritual abuse. Hmmm, this is a puzzle isn’t it? The satanic cults are just training camps for the US assassin squads. It pumps these psychos up and helps create the skewed psychology necessary for their tradition of earning a welfare check by torturing and killing.

The FCC’s Real Role is in Censorship of Politics

The FCC is another small manifestation of fascism. It is not an elected group of people and arbitrarily applies rules with an agenda behind it. As any radio show will tell you, they are fined based more on political content than on words they forgot to bleep. It is a way to signal the understood threat. This is how media in general is controlled without overt threats from the “Shadow Controllers”. Here is the dichotomy of the political split personality, the two headed monster. The overt statement to the timid public, is that certain dirty words and pictures of ugly naked humans will ruin our society. We must censor these things. But pictures of naked Iraqi’s being tortured and humiliated, that’s just good fun. Similarly, the government is very interested in getting search engines to hand over their search databases “to find pedophiles”. But rapes by prison guards or the thousands of murders that are unsolved apparently takes less priority. It wouldn’t be to track information flow to stop the spread of knowledge about the illegal government activities would it?

I must clarify that when people talk about a “Shadow Government” they are referring to the unconstitutional and illegal methods of influence to direct public political opinions, to hide treasonous tortures of individuals, and to cover-up assassinations with plausible denial. The “Shadow Government” doesn’t govern anything at all, they instigate violence and war, cover up leaks, and try to sway mass public opinion such as was done by the 9/11 event in order to get everyone behind a Middle Eastern invasion. I assure you that the events of 9/11 have a very well tracked history right back to the CIA.

Misdirection of Anger – The most used tactic to instigate violence

Mind control and psychological manipulation is a pure science now. As I mentioned before, I was told by a passer-by, “You are a psychopath” twice in one week before my torture began. They came very close to creating a psychopath through the prolonged abuse and their misdirection of anger tactics. They are trying to create more “terrorism” in this country and every other one using these weapons and tactics of mind manipulation.

The CIA mind control research dates back many decades. They particularly had an interest in splitting personalities. This research is obviously useful in creating Manchurian Candidates and helping double agents climb the ranks in other countries. I find it most interesting that they have done it to an entire government. They found in their research that the more polarized the actions and voiced opinions of the façade vs. the shadow government become, the less likely people will notice the gross hypocrisy. They are able to continue to operate in this extreme way simply because people find it too difficult to believe for example that the President of the U.S. can ask China to be nicer to its people while his cronies are torturing thousands if not tens of thousands worldwide probably justified as electromagnetic directed energy practice targets. This is the game and how it has been done since Kennedy’s assassination.

The End of the U.S. Shadow Government’s Satanic Ritual Abuse

The mind control experimenters and psychic assassins were given one year to experiment and kill me. They said to me in the last week before the one year anniversary of Halloween that they had screwed up badly. I was supposed to die. While I did manage to dodge each attempt on my life and prevent harm to others, they easily stole 35 years of my health and longevity not to mention my happiness. I know this is irresponsible to say but if I knew what they were going to put me through in the beginning, I would have ended it like many other victims have done and taken away the data and practice that they were seeking. So writing this book exposing the people, the technologies, their tactics, and helping others plan a strategy for taking out their weapons systems to defend themselves helps me heal.

U R Lost in the Matrix of Lies

Like in the movie The Matrix, people are so ignorant about these decades old weapons which seem so “science fiction” like, that they are not willing to help targeted people nor can they comprehend the pure evil that their tax dollars support. And since most people have no experience or practice with neural influencing technologies, they could be used at any time against a victim through EEG heterodyning. Most people have been tamed and dulled into captivity like a broken horse. The illusion of freedom is good enough now, and the self reassuring bullshit that we mindlessly chant in our National Anthem, “the land of the free and home of the brave”, quells our subconscious insecurities of it not being true. It is as if all the people of this country have been subdued into complacency and compliance with electromagnetic Prozac, hypnotube slight of hand misdirection, and information overload shutdown.

Experiments described by scientists working in the field, say that at 5 frequency modes the induced brain impulses and voices sound synthetic and their mind feels the induced neural influences but at 12 modes or higher the subject can’t perceive the influence and mistakes the modulated voice as their own thoughts. The Russian Woodpecker transmitters have 12 modes according to Dr. Byrd. But U.S. agents brag that the United States has the only global MIND network. People appear on the war room global grid as one of the “thousand points of light”.

I am one of the few people who have been released from the psychotronic torture concentration camps in such a short time. Most endure many years of torture under the weapon. I still fight for a reconstruction of America back to constitutional values and transparency in government. I get asked to be an expert witness at least once a week by someone suing the government for this kind of abuse, false imprisonment, or death of a family member. There have been so many attempts at a class action lawsuit but all have failed. It usually takes 20 years for the government to release the documents validating what victims of other experiments in history tried to get the public to recognize while they were alive.

This is an informational war, no bombs and no missiles. Even the hacking of the human mind is classified as an information weapon. I met with one x-CIA agent who is fighting the shadow government. He never told me why, whether he was a torture experiment. He had body guards with him when we met. Clearly, he knows how corrupt the agency is. The x-FBI agents and other x-government agents were cautious in different ways. I was tortured to the brink of death many times and like in the movie “V is for Vendetta”, I quit fearing death. They already killed me. So we share signal intelligence data which different groups have been analyzing while trying to reverse engineer the nervous system disrupting weapons and find a worldwide cure to disable them. Ideally we would like to show by introducing a ‘vaccine’ what idiots the militants in charge of these various classifications of weapons are. We need to knock out their surveillance capabilities and nervous system influence then break through the information grid lock using creative means. The hundred billion dollar weapon system could be rendered useless.

That is our immediate goal since justice is a long way off and waking up the population from their hypnotic dream has proved impossible given the complete control of the information streams. If you are reading this book, you most likely had to get it directly from the source or in order for a mainstream publisher to accept it I had to publish it as fiction. I openly lecture around the country on these weapons whose forums are free and open to the public. If you have interest, network yourself in and come to one of the monthly gathering. There are groups everywhere in the world.

The protocols of the hypocrisy

So, in these approved torture and kill statistical experiments they must follow strict protocols. As strange as it might seem, they can try to kill anyone in the world or make that target kill other people using information weapons in addition to gas lighting through stalking, but they can not chemically poison, shoot, or assassinate the subject using conventional methods . I assume it would bias their efficacy data.

Saddam was a Pawn Used to Justify Invasion

We can not gloss over the important testimony from Saddam Hussein as reported by USA Today newspaper in 1992. The important deduction to make from his statement that the CIA tried to kill him by inducing a heart attack and a stroke is that he was assaulted by the SATAN system which means he was EEG heterodyned. He is tracked anywhere in the world. They should not have had any trouble finding him. But they did. They would also have done a mind meld and known ahead of time either where the weapons of mass destruction were or that Iraq didn’t have any. This is proof that the weapons of mass destruction argument of invasion was a lie. Tony Blair of the UK said that one of his scientists said that there were weapons of mass destruction. That scientist came forward and denied what Tony Blair said. The scientist ended up dead from a bazaar suicide a week later. The web of lies pile many layers deep.

Now the funny part. SATAN was used on me and the remote heart attack and stroke sensations were a major part of the experimentation I endured for a year. I am in good health and wasn’t too concerned about a stroke. It was difficult to tell if they could actually cause vasoconstriction and increase my blood pressure or if it was another EEG heterodyne hoax. The Army has published documents we hold that show that they mapped out the sensory pathways of the brain completely. My EEG cloner told me that they bend over causing the blood to rush to their heads and in addition put pressure on their heads with their hands or a tight baseball cap and because I feel everything that they do, it feels like they are causing a pressure build up in my head. They said that they peddled on a standing bicycle to increase their heart rates which would increase my heart rate slightly but it would feel like my heart was pounding out of my chest because our sensory perceptions were linked or cloned. I would take my pulse but it wouldn’t feel all that unusual. So it is difficult to say if they were trying to assassinate Saddam or just make him panic which allows them to gain more control and since people think of the evilest things they are going to do in revenge when tortured, it was a way to understand his possible capabilities. This would not only provoke Saddam which partially led us to the current war but allowed them to know in his angriest moment what he was planning to do or now provoked to do.

Incredible isn’t it, how criminal, careless, and stupid the CIA and MI5 are? Ten’s of billions of dollars in war, thousands of lives lost, and many thousands more psychotronically tortured daily worldwide and traditionally tortured in Iraq. 35 million people have died due to the secrecy since EEG heterodyning was discovered that it could have saved. They have to keep it a secret now because the atrocities, stupidity, and treasonous crimes under the constitution have reached epic proportions that people would lose all faith in our leaders’ abilities to govern wisely if it were widely known. We are in the darkest period of American and human history but secrecy and ignorance keeps it vastly unknown.

Appeal to Port Goss (current CIA director)

Porter, do you remember your time at Hotchkiss, where your values were shaped? Do you remember when the Headmaster would appeal to the students who committed some out of control prank to do the honorable thing and come forward and take responsibility for what they had done? Americans are appealing to you to come forward, be an honorable man again and tell the public what is being done to them. This is too important. It is not the time to lie, maintain secrets, or to hide. This is what will define you as a man and your legacy.

Two World’s and Two Lies

There are two different worlds each has some truth and a lot of deception. Which one is “The Matrix” virtual world? The electromagnetic mind control world is obviously composed of signals that feel as real as the ones from physical sensory stimuli. It reveals the truth about the psychological and informational deception matrix in the physical realm and its sets of controls become obvious. From that matrix of deception one can view those in the MIND network as deceived by the virtual pain and panic, controlled by electromagnetic pulses of energy in the brain.

Unfortunately neither perspective is pure or even close to the one all encompassing, unwavering truth.

We as a species for better or for worse have unthinkingly taken the evolutionary path towards innerspace, towards a virtual subjective experience with each piece specialized for an objective function of a machine disconnected and not representative of what our race valued or hoped to become, which I believe is for each person to be fully aware, connected, and an important part of each and every decision affecting their happiness, well being, and future. At the minimum we hope we can trust each other and to look out for each other if we don’t participate in those decisions. Also, not the case. Secrecy is our undoing.

More Brains are not Better Than One

Another problem with living in a heterodyned hive mind is that when any one of the collective eats everyone else if they are talking bites their tongue. The strong impulse for the jaw to clasp down from the masticator is cloned onto the other people. This is quite an annoying problem for everyone to have to synchronize their eating habits in order to avoid this.

Stupid Alien Pranks

The naively patriotic tax batteries need to take heed at other plots that were revealed to me through synthetic telepathy. The CIA SATAN practitioners told me that they had planned to mind control over a hundred people to leave their gas stoves on in various neighborhoods to level several city blocks and make it look like an orchestrated terrorist act but they were called off. I suppose this isn’t quite as bad as provoking a war or creating suicide terrorist bombers to crash planes into the World Trade Towers. The alien pranks are getting out of hand.

The Death Machine

Obviously I wish I had gotten the ‘kindly God’ mind control manipulation scripts when they introduced themselves with the many options between borge, magical dwarfs, angels, god, aliens, cult, Russians, or Chinese. The U.S. is the most brutal, barbaric country in the world bar none. 35,000,000 people have died from the secrecy of just one aspect of this technology alone, add another 30,000,000 killed by the U.S. in all the previous wars, and no country comes clone to the death machine that we’ve created.
Inside the Minds of Monsters

Let’s walk a mile in their brain waves. Why do humans become corrupted by power? They may start out thinking they are honorable and doing their duty, but the power corrupts in the end. Since we are all very similar to begin with, it means that we too would probably be corrupted in their shoes. If we can understand how this mind virus spreads, we can cure mankind of this ill.

Distinguishing between National Defense Strategists and truly grotesque and deformed minds can be difficult and may be pointless. One only needs to study the Nazi Reich and methods of psychological and informational controls to understand our own militant government since 1945. Hitler’s catch phrase was to purify and create a super race. Ours is to bring democracy, a superior form of government, and the illusion of freedom to countries around the world. For Russia, it is probably similar in rationality. It is still fascism in three different forms and under three different names and flags.

War is the illness. Power and control are the temptation. Greed and fame are the drivers. Honor and duty are the secondary level of skewed rationality and method of controls. Thoughtless obedience and conformity makes up the third. Welcome to the third Reich and “the final solution”. There have been many architects of the Matrices of Deceptions. Other books go into their personal values and lives and most have Nazi connections.

“We must ensure that power is not taken by the military industry complex whether sought or unsought.”
– President and General Eisenhower

Military Coup D’état

Hypothetically, if you were addicted to power and control and were able to rationalize your addiction by saying to yourself I know what this society needs and how to protect them from themselves for the good of America’s military might in the world, how would you go about gaining more control and power? You would play off of societies fears. You would have a cold war with a nuclear threat with Russia. You would create or allow acts of “terrorism”, the term for guerilla warfare that has been rebranded. If we translated it back, we have absurdly declared war on war. The people would allow huge concessions of their privacy and autonomy for the artificial sense of security and safety. You could rationalize all sorts of creative interpretations of existing laws, and create many more secret laws to justify your actions in the name of security. Lying to the public to create an artificial sense of freedom and choices is done easily enough with the psychological methods that have been thoroughly developed by several agencies. Control the points of influence in a society, the few people and companies that shape popular opinion, and the herd mentality of the rest of the flock will follow. Now, imagine you had a mind control weapon in your possession that could be used to silence objectors and control those points of influence. Would you use it?

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is the grim situation we face today.

To show how short sighted and ignorant the public has become at large, I will give an absurd example similar to events that have transpired. I want to be elected president. I promise that if I’m elected, I will give one year tax free to everyone. Is this bribery? Am I buying votes with a country credit card? Many people would vote for me. If I wanted more power to control world events for profit or satisfy my need for power, I could instill a fear in all Americans whether real or imaginary. For example, I could say that the world’s oil supply is being poisoned by the Arabs where much of it comes. They are placing microdevices in the million of barrels shipped to the U.S. that will generate a spark at random times causing them to ignite the fuel. They are nearly too small to easily detect and every airplane, car, refinery, and military vehicle will be turned into a bomb. The economy will be shut down and America will be ruined. We must invade these countries to stop them. I could stage a couple of random explosions at gas stations to validate these believes. Then I would be granted more power under war laws. I would be given bigger military budgets to control. Etc. etc. It is pretty easy to control public opinion since we are reactionary and don’t dive deeper into political motives and strategies.

Timeline of Takeover

While I was able to trace back remote bioelectromagnetic mind reading and influencing experiments on the masses to 1976, the technology is actually much older than that when viewed through the media programming of the masses. Aliens, psychic control, and synthetic telepathy appeared on TV frequently in the popular show called “The Outer Limits”. These were produced and aired in 1963, the same year that Kennedy was assassinated. Kennedy gave a speech at Columbia University 10 days before he was shot. At that event he alluded to an ominous conspiracy and said that he must alert the American people.

"The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy America’s freedom and before I leave this office, I must inform the citizens of their plight."
– John F. Kennedy. Statement made at Columbia University, November 12, 1963

I have never followed so called “conspiracy theory” and never had much of an interest in politics in general. But being so brutally tortured and then discovering that there is no way to break the information to the masses like thousands of other have found out, you realize that we really lost our freedom a long time ago due to this technology. My torturers proudly confessed that they were behind the Kennedy assassination and other political manipulation. For example they mentioned several times that Michael Dukakis’s run for presidency was targeted. Strange confession.

How did Kennedy find out about the mind control Radar and plot to control every human brain on the planet with these giant “ionospheric heater” phased arrays? I believe his Generals had to tell him because of the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Why were nuclear missiles that close to the US such a threat? They had no way at the time to stop missiles from the other directions anyway? It was because Russia knew where the US built its first over the horizon radar system. It was stationed in Puerto Rico and completed in 1959.

By placing the radar system outside of the continental US at more than a 20 degree angle from zenith, the radar system bounces its signals off the ionosphere and can observe the continental US. For what purpose? The Russian’s got the same mind reading and influencing research from the Nazi scientists so they knew what it was for. They had to explain to President Kennedy that the Russians had placed nuclear missiles in Cuba because it is within the 20 degrees of zenith and out of the range of the radar system. It was too close. The obvious question to ask is why would you build the radar system outside of the US? Kennedy was rightfully and obviously very disturbed by this plot to spy and control US citizens through their brain’s electrical activity and being one of the last great presidents with honor and integrity this country has had, he was going to inform the people that the country has been taken over by a military coup. Since then the power addicted idiots have plugged the hole and built many large phased arrays in Colorado, Alaska, Massachusetts and Brazil to name just a few.

The Countdown

As with all past massive human experimentation involving biological weapons, assignations, radiation or other trials, a cooling down period is required before discovery and reporting. The lifelong torture and mind control experiments are reaching the end of their project timeline. The Air Force and Directed Energy Directorate report that they will release the information about these human trials in 25 years. That means in another 5-10 years they will stop them so that the victims will die off and there will be fewer citizens that will be demanding compensation. Currently, if they had to pay out $1,000,000 dollars to each victim, it would cost the United States easily 10 billion dollars. It is simply a matter of economics that human effects weapon testing is done this way.
Cognitive Modeling and the Timeline for Takeover

This biocommunications weapon came over with the Nazi scientists in 1945. President Truman signs the National Security Act of 1947 to create the CIA. The CIA begins a long streak of crimes against citizens of the world and they continue the horrific Nazi agenda of world domination all based on this new biofield modulation discovery. The cataloguing and cloning operations of MINDs has never slowed down, grabbing hundreds or thousands of new minds each year at least reported by those who figure it out. The Russians were infected with the Nazi ideals as well from their share of Nazi scientists who gave them the technology after WWII. In 1960 the United States was put under an ionospheric heater surveillance grid and the MIND system fully working. 1976, the system TAMI was born followed by SATAN. In 1990s HAARP came online with even greater capabilities for putting more of the world under ionospheric heating surveillance and biocommunication control nearly completing the global human surveillance grid. (See points of weakness in the grid).

We can estimate the current effectiveness of the mind influencing weapons based on this timeline. We do it as follows:

1) Assuming that they were intelligent about how they collected their cognitive modeling data, they would have grabbed people that fell in the middle of normal cognitive abilities first since that would be the lowest hanging fruit. Cognitive models with all their differences still have a Bell curve distribution from some average model.

• “ .”

2) Assume that the development began in 1947 and will end in 2030 as per the Air Force Scientists’ statements to disclose the weapon to the public. That would be 83 years of cognitive modeling and collection. Let’s also assume that the collection rate is uniform across the timeline although it looks like it has been stepped up in the most recent decade.

3) We will make the assumption that the weapon needs to be 95% effective on any person or population as the end goal before disclosure or complete takeover.

So at 2 sigma and further away from the normal or average, people will be immune to different cognitive mapping effects and a threat to the Nazi weapon to some varying degree. Also, we can conclude that at the writing of this book, 2006, the DoD/CIA/Nazis have mapped [(2006-1947)/(2030-1947) =] 71.1% of the bell curve on both directions. Since the mapping of one person or feature of a mind works on the entire population represented by the area under the curve, and being 71.1% complete in terms of the timeline means that the weapon is already at 1.42 sigma efficacy or roughly 88% of the population or cognitive features of humankind. This estimate is truly frightening. The Nazis might have lost the battle of WWII but they may end up winning the war.

Let’s calculate the lower bounds of the weapons efficacy. Let’s make the assumption that entire minds need to be mapped and that they aren’t transferable in terms of their features. That still means that 71.1% of the population has been automatically mapped based on the Directed Energy Weapons Directorate timelines and assuming that there is no “cooling off” period for all the people who suffered and died from the weapons practice and testing. We can only hope that they need this mental crutch for their thinking and the machine didn’t efficiently collect the cognitive data samples based on this paradigm.

Putting it in perspective

So the chances of you being abducted and tortured by the government physically or psychotronically is about 1000 out of 300 million each year if you are American. So that is a 1 in 4000 chance in a lifetime if there are 75,000 victims which doesn’t include all the collateral damage of relatives, friends, strangers, and businesses affected. That’s much better than winning the lottery. That is twice the possibility of having a parachute failure while sky diving. That’s 1/40 the chance of developing schizophrenia from natural causes; that is why it’s easy to lump psychotronic test victims in that category. It is 12 times more likely than a shark attack but half as likely as being killed by lightning. If 3000 people died in the 9/11 attacks, you have a 10 times greater chance of being brutalized by the U.S. government than being, in comparison, humanely and instantly killed by a foreign terrorist organization in the 30 year history of these secret test programs. Who should you really be afraid of? This statistic only includes psychotronic and directed energy weapons testing, it does not include the biological warfare, drug, or radiation testing they have performed in the past on citizens. These people performing these horrific experiments are the enemy within. Everyone else in the government are just unwitting participants. Most soldiers never know the real reasons that they are fighting to the death and the public in accordance are just fed the simple reasons to support government actions. It has always been a game of redirecting anger at all the wrong people and covering up their own errors and selfish goals.

Random selection of test subjects satiates the data gatherers sense of twisted justice for whom will be thrust into the virtual hell of dissection of their soul. There is nothing you can do to stop it if your social security number is drawn. You could pressure your political leaders to demand an independent investigation and to pass laws now because once it happens to you, do not expect any one to help you. You will be systematically discredited. Your fate will be sealed. What you don’t know can hurt you!
There is still time to stop the most abominable weapon ever conceived by humankind. They are still perfecting the artificial intelligence software for automated torture and sentence stimulation that imprisons your thought possibilities through brain entrainments apart from forced EEG heterodyning with some psychic DoD moron. The echelon network for policing thoughts is incomplete and doesn’t work on everyone. There are only about 200 so called psychics, jumping around EEG heterodyning and spying into minds so there is only a 200 out of 300 million probability that you are being spied on using this technology. Ever get that feeling you are being watched? No one ever thinks it can be done through their own eyes. George Orwell’s 1984 didn’t see this coming.

Too bad there are not more honorable men and women willing to break the code of secrecy to allow the most important open debate in human history on the future of these weapons and uses of the technology to occur. It has far reaching implications on religion, on how we define ourselves as a species, and on social interactions and organizations. We need the collective intelligence of the world to decide the fate of the species because I assure you, the crippled minds that currently control the technology will not find a universally optimal use for it.

The Black Sciences

"Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble."
– Shakespeare, McBeth (Act IV, Scene I).

As we begin our adventure, all that I promise you is a simpler, coherent model of historical events and of seemingly science fiction but real physics with far better explanatory and predictive power all without using magic, demonic possessions, and poltergeists to explain it. Tear open the curtain of secrecy to reveal the small men playing God. Now we are off to see the wizard.

Disbelief is the common reaction

How is it possible? Most people can’t escape their erroneous intuitive sense of the world. Mathematics is the language of truth. As Richard Feynman said, "if you aren’t deeply disturbed by quantum mechanics, you clearly haven’t understood it." Relativity theory is inconceivable to most as a truth about the laws of time and space in our universe. Similarly people will have difficulties with superconductor Josephine sensors measuring a single quantum of energy or that your mental experiences are completely contained in the electrical properties of the brain.

Deciphering the brain code has been a primary research direction, the Holy Grail, for most neural scientists. And they are getting very close in the civilian world to completely deciphering it.

To help the skeptic reader open their mind to unbelievable scientific realities, let me illustrate some well documented feats of science. Would you have believed someone who said that a ball weighing a kilogram of an element could destroy an entire city before the nuclear bomb was demonstrated? If someone told you that a several ton metal tube could lift itself 30,000 feet above sea level on its own propulsion before airplanes became common, would you have believed them? Would you believe someone who claimed that they could view individual atoms, if you hadn’t heard of an electron tunneling microscope? If NASA didn’t post images of quasars near the edge of the known universe, would you believe that one could see 9 billion light years away (53 trillion miles away). Some people are still in disbelief that humans have walked on the moon. Many people use mobile phones but have no idea how they work. Golf ball sized objects are tracked from the ground in space orbit. Amateur microwave enthusiasts have bounced microwaves off the moon back to Earth (called Earth Moon Earth, EME). Even teleportation technology is working at a quantum scale with a phenomenon called quantum entanglement.

Scientific breakthroughs are always met with skeptism before the majority of the population has been exposed to the breakthrough. Wireless EEG cloning/heterodyning has been around for 30+ years but the selfishness and stupidity of the scientists and military figures involved for not seeing a more important global beneficial optima for releasing this technology for medical, commercial, and other uses has stymied and hindered the collective intelligence of the population from developing it. It is currently valued more for its spying and controlling capabilities against Americans and foreign interests.


While active denial of even the acronym TEMPEST, which is well known in the defense industry, is still in effect, it is the standard known to determine how much electromagnetic shielding is needed to thwart an attempt at reading the energy from monitors, TVs, or computers at a distance and reconstructing the information. This is the TEMPEST standard for military labs. Many have offered insight into what it might stand for. The best one I found is “The Electro-Magnetic Probability Estimates of Safe Thresholds” for undetectibility . These standards change with technology and guestimates on what sensitivity other countries have implemented. More satellites or bigger dishes, the more stringent the TEMPEST standards need to be.

MIND is the acronym for the top secret project of electromagnetic mind control. It stands for “Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator”. This is just a fancy phrase that means EEG cloning. TAMI stands for “Thought Amplifier and MIND Interface” . It seems to be a second generation system built on top of MIND. The acronym for the kill mode weaponized software of this technology is SATAN, “Silent Assassination Through Amplified Neurons” . While the CIA has a whole bag of “tricks” to menticize people, the drugs can leave a trace of metabolic residue or a signature of damage that they leave in the body and brain. So SATAN has become the preferred method of silent assassination in the agencies with the best “plausible denial” rating.

Mind magicians, mood mystros, and electronic illusionists

My interest as a child in magic sparked the interest which I have in physics, science, and psychology. Trying to understand how mental errors of assumptions could be induced in an audience by slight of hand techniques and verbal cues was an astounding psychological trick to me. I loved solving the mysteries of every illusion and magic trick I have ever seen. This love of solving mysteries continued throughout my life. There are almost no “black boxes” left for me to understand. I have taken apart every appliance and machine ever made. Later in life, I wanted to understand the most complex pieces of machinery on the planet, humans. I have explored many fascinating minds from all walks of life and cultures on this planet except for one segment. Sociopathic, unquestioningly obedient or “SchadenFreude” diseased people have eluded me on how they are created. I generally try to rid myself of negative people in my life. So this knowledge is something I did not seek, it found me.

Sociopaths occur both naturally from childhood traumas, genetics, or life experiences effecting people in unpredictable ways. Of interest to the CIA and some military divisions with assassins is how to create them. How can a Manchurian Candidate or programmed assassin be created is the question the MKULTRA mind control experiments help answer.

There have been many books written by survivors and experts in this area that I list in the appendix so I won’t go into every detail of the program that continues to this day. The basic steps that they use in the extreme can be experienced in milder forms such as boot camp in the military or cults. The only new twist to these horrific acts of experimentation and brutality to children and others destined by the corrupt elements in the government to perform programmed assassinations on command is that the MKULTRA programming can now be done completely wirelessly using TAMI, and various neural programming techniques. Less evidence, fewer memories, and more plausible denial makes this a great leap forward for the MKULTRA mind control chuckleheads who operate the systems and who are undoubtedly programmed using similar techniques.

For example if you believe the Columbine Shootings were caused by Marilyn Mason lyrics or hidden backwards messages on rock music like the investigation tried to finger, then why wouldn’t you believe that the military/CIA wouldn’t use Rock Music and subliminal programming to kill people. Their tactics and technology of mind control and subliminal persuasion is so much more advanced than these simple messaging techniques. You are naïve to believe such things caused the shootings.

Please pay attention, ignore the man behind the curtain! This is how the mind melding works . EEG Cloning (i.e. mind melding) or synchronizing of brainwaves has been known for half a century. The German Nazi scientists conducted countless brutal medical dissection on Jews. Not only were the Nazi’s close to building an atomic bomb but from these experiments they had figured out how to control the human mind with just electromagnetic energy. These scientists were divided up between the Russians and the US after WWII. They were brought over to the United States under project Paper Clip. For their loyalty they were forgiven for their war crimes. The U.S. and USSR began a new arms race. The first population wide system came online sometime between 1953 and 1960. These systems often are guised as over-the-horizon radar or ionosphere research projects.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology will appear like magic to a lesser technologically advanced civilization.” – Isaac Asimov

The most basic mode first discovered was a simple amplification of brain waves. There are a couple patents that describe this in detail in the patent office. By feeding back EEG like waveforms into the same brain one amplifies thoughts. There are two types of brain amplification. One amplifies the synaptic modulation and the other amplifies brain entrainments, i.e. inducing more neurons to join a firing group at each pass or presentation of a stimuli. This is apparent from the project acronyms, TAMI and SATAN. In this mode, one experiences sounds louder, vision brighter, and an ADD (attention deficient disorder) like condition. It also leads to a paranoid schizophrenic condition over time. It is a good way to “incapacitate a target” as the military literature describes. In the patents that define this system, they used directed microwaves. But now what happens if you instead amplify one persons EEG signals by some method into another person’s brain? That person would begin to think like the person’s whose brain waves were being cloned onto him. They in fact by all intensive purposes, become that person to a great extent. I’ll leave the philosophy of this up to others. These people who have this done to them by choice or force are called “psychics”. It turns out that there are many methods and biochemical and biophysical mechanisms to induce synchronized brain entrainments. Three recent Sony patents use Ultrasonics to transfer the energy and signals. Other researchers have used magnetic coils, and electromagnetic frequencies that seem to traverse the spectrum up through microwaves. Even the modes of neural pathway induction vary from pulsed waveforms encoded by the pulse duration and timings to continuous ELF amplitude and phase modulated signals. It appears from the literature that many things work. Even sound and light flashing can entrance or entrain peoples’ brains to follow the simple patterns.

Now the third big area of research for the CIA in the past that leaves one scratching their heads as why our tax dollars would be going towards that endeavor is splitting personalities. Splitting personalities was a mechanism used to create and control the old fashioned mind slave spies . The CIA call themselves handlers of these people.
But interestingly enough, the effect of a hive mind is to create what appears to be a split personality if one didn’t look behind the curtain to see who was pulling the levers. The hive mind EEG cloning experiments involve 2-6 people typically in a test cell . Cloning someone’s mind onto someone else changes their personality and behavior. But in the best conditions, the entire body and will are taken over. “Forced speech” is one of the unsettling capabilities of the technology and the term used by people who have been given demonstrations of it. The best way to describe what a neural link feels like in a medium intensity cloning signal, is it is a cell phone call with the callers voice, emotion, and some physical urges transferred while they speak. This is why many victims “talk to themselves”. They actually are talking to someone else. With cell phone head sets getting smaller, more people are being accused of being crazy or being psychic. If the target does not move his/her mouth when the other people talk but he/she talks back by using his/her mouth, he/she is said to be talking to him/herself as psychologists describe. But if the person moves their mouth in sync with the speech from the cloner due to the cloning link intensity, they have multiple personalities according to the shrinks. In a strange way, they do have separate personalities. The neural modulation from the external cloning signal conveys certain aspects of the transferred brain entrainments. However, the target’s “sense of self” is not usual lost due to the external cloning signal and the other “person” is still perceived as separate much like how one doesn’t get confused by a telephone conversation. Now, what if someone used voice transformation software and threw your own voice while you were talking on the phone using an ear piece, could your mind get confused as to what was said by “you” and your sense of self blurred?

Everyone gets a different subset of involuntary experiments conducted on them but only a few get the whole shebang. The patterns are obvious. I am no Sherlock Homes and I solved this age old riddle in less than six months of interviewing people. Don’t tell me that the most inept FBI agent investigating these “x-files” couldn’t have solved it.

The corruption and conspiracy are very real in this country.

Mind magicians use slight of mind tricks through strategic distractions. The government uses this technique all the time. The Iraq war is somewhat of a planned distraction away from what is happening domestically. More overtly, there have been many examples where strategic media leaks occur in order to change the focus of attention of the nation. Bush used it when he got caught with his NSA scandal; he tried to focus the attention on the whistle blowers rather than his illegal domestic spying practices. Even the NSA domestic spying scandal can be viewed as a charade compared to psychic spying and torturing of thousands of Americans. It pales in comparison as a news worthy topic.

Do you comprehend the magnitude of this discovery and technology yet?

In the EEG hive mind, with equal weighting amongst all the participants, you have a severe problem with multiple foci of attention creating attention deficient disorder like symptoms. By reconfiguring the hive mind into a tree like structure of EEG influence, the shared brain waves are more manageable. Also after spending a lot of time adapting to each others thoughts, there is less mental conflict. However as a weapon, the tactic of diverting a thought of a target can be extremely useful in controlling their decisions or actions.

Stupid Alien Tricks

Laughter is the best medicine. It helps us emotionally cope with potentially uncomfortable situations and slowly integrate disturbing new information. So, throughout our voyage we will be periodically entertained by the ship of fools in a segment called “Stupid Alien Tricks.”

The first and most important stupid alien trick is to make the target think that the aliens have the capability to cause heart attacks or strokes. This is almost a universal prank and was used on Saddam Hussein in 1992 according to USA Today. Remember that with EEG heterodyning (the Electromagnetic Matrix), you only die if you believe that you can die. It is the panic and paranoia that causes the heart to race ever faster and causes the target to do irrational things dangerous to them self.

I know magicians are never supposed to reveal their tricks but here is how it is done. During an attack, the brain waves of the attacker are more strongly amplified onto the target and the target’s brain waves are only lightly amplified into the attacker. Simply by the psychic assailant pressing on their chest, spinning in their chair, and being out of shape and having their heart rate speed up from spinning in their chair, these sensations feel very scary to the target. They feel their heart pounding out of their chest. They feel the pain in their chest. And they are getting dizzy. The assailants can even make their left arm numb or cold by putting it in water to further the illusion. All the sensations are amplified into the target’s mind. There will be more detail on this “remote controlled heart attack” methodology later in the book, that was first described by Russian ‘psychics’ back in the 1970’s.

The psychic army needs to practice on civilians because in my case the attacker thought the heart was in the right side of the chest. This spoiled the illusion for me. Silly Aliens, tricks are for kids.

Brain Mapping and Normalization Software

You can get free brain mapping software from open source forums. The trick here is to align brain signatures. If the same stimulus is given to two individuals their whole brain patterns will be close but different enough that it may make them incompatible for raw EEG heterodyning. Let’s say a word is presented to two humans with similar cultures, their brains will produce similar wave forms for the given frequencies of interest and cascading sequences. That is the key. One must analyze the time sequence of the cognitive model. A famous example of this is called the multiple segment truck backing up problem. I used back propagation neural networks to demonstrate it. The exact mathematical modeling doesn’t matter as much as one would think. As Steven Wolfram concludes in his book,”A New Kind of Science”, computation equivalence gives rise to the exact same subjective manifestation or model that we experience as consciousness.

The cover of this book shows a mock graphical presentation of the DoD’s brain mapping application. The only screen shot that I nearly exactly replicated was the psychic warfare training program nicknamed, “The pain game”. The others I doctored to improve on their design.

Brain Signal Filtering Software

The other amazing technology that they have been working on for EEG heterodyning is brain wave sequence filtering. Clearly when you mind meld with someone and you are the interrogator, you don’t want them to read your bluffs or information from your brain. So they have developed frequency time filters to isolate types of brain information from being transferred. I am happy to report that they are still very flawed, and certain scanning and probing techniques that I will explain in detail in my next book work quite well at hacking the hacker’s mind.

“The Science Channel” produced a documentary called “Spied R Us”. It has an episode on the CIA methods of hacking the human mind. But in that episode you will see the slight of hand technique so often used. They talk about putting a video camera on flying model airplanes for surveillance around corners as a new CIA investment. This is to mislead people how advanced the state of the art actually is. I have a model airplane I built 15 years ago that does the same thing. There is a mechanical dragon fly in the CIA museum from 1970 that was a working spy cam. This is how your tax dollars are wasted just to mislead you, because you can’t be trusted. Without the cloak and dagger ego currency for the boys that never grow up, how could they motivate this army of retards to attack their own people for weapons’ data.

The Psychic Wars

I can’t believe my business school classmates at Dartmouth would joke about how smart I was by asking me if I have been bending any spoons lately with my mind and now I am writing about psychic wars. Truth is stranger than fiction.

One objective of psychic attacks or more accurately called EEG heterodyning attacks is to screw up someone’s visual perception. This is done by the EEG cloner almost always unbeknownst to the target. The psychic soldiers practice this mental trickery routinely in psychic war games conducted on people worldwide and talked about by Dr. Becker in a CNN interview on these weapons back in the 80’s. I have been able to compile a comprehensive list of practiced illusions from my countless interviews with test subjects around the U.S. and the demonstration I was given. Referring to the Malech Patent by Dorn and Company, the apparatus can detect if someone is hallucinating or cause hallucinations in them.

The black magic practiced by the psychic warriors is mostly illusions and tricks of the mind. The game of psychic soldiers is to cause errors in thinking and perceiving. When brain waves are mixed (i.e. heterodyned) any auditory or visual misperceptions, i.e. errors, are transferred to the target. So psychic soldiers practice perceiving visual errors. Like one who stares at an autostereogram (see cover of book), if you relax your eye gaze, the dots below in the picture form a 3-d pattern in your brain. This is an error of perception because there is no real object there. Oddly enough, this is what it takes to be a psychic attack soldier. In a near sensory deprivation setting, the heterodyned attacker sees in his mind’s eye the same visual scene as the target. By focusing on bringing objects into the foreground that are normally in the background causes a parallax visual perception error in the target. This can be devastating while driving since only road markers can be seen as cues to stay on the road at night.

Flying at night like JFK Jr. did would pose another serious risk of disorientation. The attacker can also cross their eyes or focus on perceiving movement visually to disorient the target. You can try this yourself by turning your T.V. onto a station with just white noise. If you practice and concentrate you can see the noise moving in any direction you want or cause other spinning patterns and such that are not truly there. It is almost purely random visual noise but your expectations of what you think you should see cause the visual processing algorithms in your brain to converge on a faulty solution of the ill-posed vision problem.

If the connection is strong, shadows and fully conjured images can be overlaid into the target’s visual cortex. A strong connection depends on many factors discussed later.

This random dot autostereogram features a raised shark with fine gradient on a flat background. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autostereogram .

Another capability of the system “is to drive the target crazy with voices” as one colonel published. This is like having a crying baby and a cell phone you can’t turn off duck taped to each ear. If the conversation is bad enough it could drive someone crazy over time. Another Colonel said, “If you can project voices into the enemy, I will talk them to their death.” More likely to be used during a Holy War, is being able to fake “the voice of God” as the weapons capability is often termed and order them to lay down their arms or kill their comrades. More useful are the subliminal suggestions that can influence their actions and opinions without them being fully aware of the influence.
We have gone so deep into the hole following this stupid white rabbit that we have almost reached HELL .

Stupid Alien Tricks

So, I admit it. I fell for it. Almost every victim tries the same defensive shielding approaches at great cost. Part of the strategy of the weapons testers is to deplete the victims of financial resources while by forcing the victims to spend all their money on defense research. One of the shielding approaches that everyone thinks of is a Faraday Cage. It is supposed to stop low frequency electric fields but as one find’s out cell phones work in them so they can’t be that effective.

Anyway, once I was completely contained in my Faraday Cage the abusive testers said, “Look, we caged our human animal. Now the real experiments can begin.” I have to admit that I laughed aloud. They indeed have imprisoned me both physically and mentally now. Score one for the Aliens.

Examples of Electronic Warfare capabilities and Other Types of Directed Energy

The same RADAR and global surveillance grid of directed energy can be used for many other purposes than just human nervous system manipulation and disruption. Just through a satellite signal the many segments of the U.S. power grid could be taken out. One capability that my EEG heterodyned experimenters told me about was that not only can they capture all electronic device signals and play them back like car locks, alarm systems and garage door openers is that they can simultaneously hack all garage door opening systems in the U.S. causing a power surge that will shut down power in many metropolitan cities, especially California where consumption is at a critical capacity. Or they could set off all car alarms systems simultaneous causing havoc. They even are working on testing a theory that they will blame on cyber terrorists. A computer virus that turns the computer into a radio frequency emitter that can hack external systems like garage doors at a specific time to see if they can cause a massive power outage with just a computer virus. The Russians were blamed for the computer virus called Satan 666 that was to cause heart arrhythmias by sending psychotronic signals through a computer monitor, but I suspect it came from the same source as most domestic espionage. Remember the game, more terrorism, more fear, more money and power for the defense industry.

But more disturbingly, these power obsessed agents bragged about how other Star Wars Initiative weapons they have access to could destroy most life on Earth. How, by systematically burning down all the world’s forests and suffocating much of the life that requires oxygen. I’m sure it is true since making powerful CO2 lasers that can start fires up to two miles away can be done by hobbyists . But don’t fear, the aliens have nukes that could do it much quicker anyway. In addition Oxygen can be manufactured artificially.

The military has documents that discuss hacking 802.11b wireless standard from their communications command structures. So even if your computer isn’t connected to the internet, if you leave your wireless link on, the tax dollar funded crooks can hack you. The first week when I was “abducted” someone started hacking my computers from an SID of “AngelNet”. I put trip wires in my system to see what they were looking for. They eneded up purging 7 years of my digital life. Obviously “AngelNet” could have been a reference to the book,“Angels Don’t Play This HAARP” and they were boldly saying that the HAARP antenna field has the ability to hack and read computers in this hemisphere. I assumed at the time it was a neighbor within 100 feet of my dwelling who was hacking my system as I watched them. I hate cyber terrorists and ‘psychoterrorists’ . I am extremely disappointed that the majority of terrorism and psychos can be tracked right back to the CIA/DoD shadow government.

Stupid Alien Tricks

In order to test their abilities to intercept mobile phone communication and scramble it, the aliens exercise their power in several ways with the integrated signal and communication intelligence systems. Their cell phone jammers work quite well. Most victims describe no matter how often they move, this scenario occurs. They choose a location and check to make sure it gets great mobile phone reception, once they move in their mobile phone reception drops to zero after a week.

My neurally linked brethren enjoyed telling me when I was about to receive a call on my phone or they would tell me that I missed a call and often who it was. Other capabilities demonstrated on me for example, one time when I called myself to record license plates of alien paparazzi (stalkers) on my voicemail, they told me to listen to the messages that I left myself. To my amazement, they had scrambled the packets from my phone to the message center. It was like every quarter second the voice information was reversed. So I sounded like I was speaking an alien language and the content was unintelligible for all of the messages. This capability was used in Operation Desert Storm on Iraqi Generals with voice transformation software to mimic other Generals.

Back to unraveling “The Matrix” metaphor. In the movie the heroes would get pulled out of electromagnetic matrix by a phone call. The reason for this is because the technology is based on the CIA program RHIC, remote hypnotic intra-cerebral control. The loud startling ringing of a phone breaks the hypnotic spell temporarily and pulls one out of the electromagnetic matrix world. Hypnosis is used both as a weapon and a necessary synchronized state for a strong bi-directional neural link.
Aliens suck! We need to capture and dissent them to see what makes them so evil and sociopathic if we are to stop the spread of this cultural virus, this disease of the collective consciousness.

Architecture of “The Matrix”

During the experiments, the data collectors perform tests of sentence completion and prediction probabilities. In another mode of TAMI, what sounds like multiple threads simultaneously running, about ten to twenty possible completions of your precognitive thoughts or partially begun sentences are spoken back to you. They called these programs mimicants. Each one completed the thought or sentence differently. It was like a matrix of probabilities of previous sentence patterns used to guess like fill-in-the-blank sentence completion on the SATs. It sounded exactly like the scene in “The Matrix” where Neo meets the architect. I have worked in both industry and for the Department of Defense on pattern recognition systems and artificial intelligence. I recognized much of my own type of work in TAMI’s algorithms. Every classification category has a confidence metric associated with it. Sentence completion, word, image and object recognition, etc., works on the same principles. Rather than just speaking back to the target the most probable speech pattern for completion, the top ten responses were spoken back simultaneously. My mind seems to be too complex for their sentence completion algorithms to accurate forecast, and almost every “thought sonarization” was incorrect, but close enough for government work.

Resonant Feed Forward Neural Network for Speech Recognition

If you aren’t a geek you may want to skip this section. There are many artificial neural network models. One popular one is called back propagation. Speech recognition software often uses classification algorithms called Markov Modeling. All statistical classification algorithms have slightly different tradeoffs in terms of ease of programming, invariance, and necessary training dataset size.

There are two interesting observations to point out with TAMI. The Stanford Research Institute demonstrated an EEG inner voice recognition system back in the 70s. It classified certain brainwaves of a person’s thinking about speaking a word and it recognized the phonetic decomposition and spoke it aloud from a computer. This technology went black for several decades.

Sequential Brain Wave Entrainments for Speech Recognition in the Wernick center of the human brain.

The other discovery for civilian scientists I would like to emphasize during the technology transfer demonstration for me by the DoD/CIA is that language, words, and sentences are created from time sequenced frequency “modes”. That means that word understanding is a combination of sound perception (possibly induced by the microwave hearing effect) at the primitive level and the state of prior presentations of the brain phonetic recognition resonant frequencies. So this means that the understanding of language only requires the correct sequence of induced currents in the brain based on achieving the new resonant state and not dependent on the exact timing between each state transition for the final recognition of a word. This is intuitive based on Markov models and resonant neural network state dependent model theory. {This is where the output of the neural network is looped back as the next state or inputs into the beginning of the network.}

Demonstrations of precognitive phoneme , word, and sentence classification, a subsystem of TAMI

People speak in fairly predictable sentence patterns. The sentence predictor software learns an individual’s sentence patterns over months of training samples, correlating the precognitive word formations with the actual utterances. This system is a demonstration of precognitive recognition and classification of intent and would allow split second faster reaction times if it were a physical intention that was being predicted. The Navy has done the most research in this area in regards to reading EEG signals for faster reaction times. However, this software’s actual purpose is to be used to help with “locking on” to a host mind by helping the psychic soldier begin the same cognitive and linguistic brain patterns as the host so as to synchronize the entrainments more precisely. That is the main goal for psychic warriors. Better they become at “locking on”, adapting their minds to the host, the more control they have over the host mind, will, and then body and better they can experience the targets thoughts, i.e. mind reading.
The system repeats phrases over and over again to lock the host mind into that linguistic pattern until the host and target minds match above some threshold.
Here is a screen shot inside the US psychic war room, I mean the Borg Cube. The waveform on the left is some visual transformation of the psychic attacker’s brain entrainments and activity and the one on the right is the target. The graph in the middle below is a differential overlay of the two people and useful as visual feedback for the cloning army solider to acquire a lock on .

For a personality type that is not in the human MIND database, EEG cloning takes a while to occur. The target unbeknownst to them are receiving the modulated brain signals of the attacker and vice versa. The neural networks of the combined mind begin to self organize the shared data. In addition to the self organizing feature of neural networks, the software behind the scenes is doing autocorrelation with some human intervention to map and align the variances of the two minds to speed along the process to full cloning capability.

One simple method of breaking the cloning lock involves word games. By speaking nonsensical sentences that can’t be predicted by the software and that the other person must think about to understand, the mind patterns separate for a brief time until the psychic attacker can reacquire the host brain patterns. Bilingual speakers can break the lock by switching to another language. Inner voice conversations which are difficult if not impossible to avoid, strengthens the link increasing all the shared perceptions, especially higher order mental functions like concepts. This is one of the main purposes of what is termed “voice to skull” . Longer a lock can be broken or disrupted, the more time it takes for it to be reacquired. See the section on Anti-Psychotronic Theory for technologies that help break this lock.

Neuromarketing has appeared many times in innovation and then disappeared. If the microwave hearing effect can be used to pipe in voice commands directly into the subconscious mind, you can imagine how powerful a marketing tool it would be. But for now, the DoD and intelligence communities circle around like vultures to intimidate any who works on such technologies. This is still a forbidden area of research. You must go abroad to work on it.

Elisa and Natural Language Processing Using Phonemes From Brain Waves.

The MKULTRA programming also adds an element of automation to creating your private purgatory. Elisa was a computer program back in the 70’s which demonstrated artificial intelligence. It acted like a psychologist and asked stupid questions and responded to answers. It would parse and understand sentences. This field is called (NLP – natural language processing not to be confused with NLP – neural linguistic programming). Elisa fooled about half the people who communicated with it into believing it was a real human being on the other end. Now, fast forward 35 years and instead of parsing natural language phrases from keystrokes, it recognizes phonetic brain waves and parses them into words and sentences for artificial intelligence and natural language processing. This was demonstrated by the Stanford Research Institute in the 70’s. Now the tortures and menticizations can scale to entire populations through this automation. I call one of TAMI’s functions, a sentence stimulator. For many of the test subjects, they describe the conversations in their head as very artificial and with almost no intelligence and very repetitive and limited in terms of topics of discussion. This would describe about the current state of the art. Artificial intelligence and natural language processing were other areas of interest that I studied at Harvard. I worked on a program that was to show emotion based on the probable frustration level of the computer user (which was based on the frequency of errors and crashes). The brain wave cognitive Elisa, adds realism by inducing an empathetic emotion with the words that the target feels. This adds a new dimension of convincing information that the synthetic mind virus is a real person.

Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP) was first introduced into the Army and pursued as a weapon by the infamous Col. John Alexander. These brain washing techniques fit quite intuitively into the capabilities of TAMI. I endured about 2 months of this kind of repetitive programming which basically consists of repetitive overt suggestion very similar to a technique called psychic driving invented by the CIA paid torture specialist Dr. E. Cameron.. It wasn’t very effective on me, so I’m not very impressed by the technique and think that “NLP masters” are joke profession. However the national anthem “psychically driven” at every sporting event seems to work quite well.
However, due to the large numbers of people that this is done to and the often full time aspect of the constant babble, it would make sense that they would switch over the live hive mind participants to an automated system so that they could move on while both maintaining the illusion of a live neural link and a “psychosis” that never heals. Then only a single moderator would be needed to monitor the interactions of several targets in case the link failed for any number of reasons.

Synthetic Telepathy

Phoneme recognition uses some brain waves from the premotor cortex for tongue, mouth, and throat and the audio cortex recall to be amplified and rebroadcast into another mind which is then perceived as speech and sound. It turns out that speech is not encrypted in the brain as much as one would think. There is a direct mapping between sound recall and speech phonemes with their audio wave analogue. This was first demonstrated with EEG probes at the Stanford Research Institute.

Design Flaws with TAMI

TAMI has a voice recognition interface that the EEG cloners use during collection of internal sentences for training TAMI’s precognitive sentence prediction software. The Cloner’s would say “Shut up TAMI!” as a computer voice recognized phrase, in order to increase the recognition threshold confidences. The problem with the interface design is that the attacker can be hacked by the target. The system does not distinguish between any of the internal voices of the collective hind mind. See hacking the eye gaze tracker interface.

System Flaws with TAMI

As with any system where a signal is amplified and fed back to the sensor, oscillations can occur known as feedback. This also applies to amplified brain waves. They are working on finding fixes for these feedback conditions. Two examples can be found in synthetic telepathy. The first kind of feedback loop occurs at the phrase level where a decaying echo of the phrase is heard and repeated. The second one is at a sound perception level. Almost everyone who is EEG heterodyned and not just cloned, hears a tinnitus at some point. If a psychic cloner is just replicating your brain waves onto his, there is no feedback loop. Feedback only occurs when the psychic is trying to influence you in a two way brain entrainment lock. The tinnitus is caused by several signals, but the loudest steady state tone is due to the feedback loop generated from the host’s hearing, being amplified to the parasite and mixed with his brainwaves, and then amplified again and sent back to the host. The feedback frequency is usually around 11,111 hertz. Like with a microphone too close to a speaker, they have come up with some unusual ways to break the feedback loop. The feedback is automatically detected and a strong secondary pulsing frequency is injected that is slightly off the feedback frequency, which over powers the conscious focus on the feedback base frequency. This slight change of attention in the brain, dampens the tinnitus frequency attenuation and returns the signals to controlled levels and synthetic telepathy can again be heard.

This flaw can be a point of detection and defense. Using a tone generator, a target can identify his/her feedback frequency. Playing an overpowering sound at the tinnitus frequency with various modulations, preferably into each ear, will lock into place the feedback loop thereby rendering a voice to skull attack void. However, the annoying high pitch ring is distracting and could still cause some decreased attention to tasks at hand.

Another method the weapons designers came up with, is to distract the targets attention from the feedback frequency using body jerks. A sequence of small, random limb jerks automatically begins when the feedback frequency is maintained for a few seconds. This too can dampen the brain wave amplification of that signal in order to regain two way communications. The brain signals of sound perception that are causing feedback are a transformation of actual frequencies so the appropriateness of the analogy of a microphone too close to the speaker is limited.

Even longer time frame feedback loops exist in heterodyned hive minds. Everyone has encountered something like this while just walking down the street. You see an oncoming pedestrian and you veer to the left. At the same time, the pedestrian veers to his right. You then respond by correcting the other way, and in return he does too. You find yourselves in a comedic dance with a stranger.

Most victims of government practice torture and kill programs die unnatural deaths from car crashes, heart attacks, suicide, and cancer that the weapons test program managers justify mostly as secondary effects from the testing. While there are many purposeful attempts to make people crash, most crashes are probably caused by secondary effects. Driving while talking on the cell phone has been compared to being legally drunk in terms of increased risks due to the distraction. Similarly, voice to skull harassment is a much more profound distraction with proportionately increased risks. But an anomalous feedback loop of physical intentions also occurs, decreasing the ability of a target to operate a plane or vehicle properly. EEG hive mind participants share almost every desire from hunger to scratching an itch. When one person is driving and pressing on the gas or brake pedal, the other people in the hive mind have the urge to tap their foot. Their urge to tap their foot is amplified back to the driver who then presses harder or softer on the gas. It leads to a very jerky ride. It is the same comedic dance that occurs with pedestrians avoiding each other. In engineering this feedback system is called resonance or instability due to under dampening of the signal.

In response to these higher level brain patterned resonances, brain wave filtering methods are being developed to dampen all these abnormalities that occur in the most wasteful and unnatural configurations of brains currently being researched, called EEG cloned hive minds. This is how your tax dollars are being wasted and keeping the aliens on welfare.

Stupid Alien Tricks

The Aliens often amused themselves by leaving clues in their words spoken to their projects. One of the phrases they repeated over and over again to me was, “You are the one!” This is a clear reference to Neo in the movie The Matrix, who everyone referred to as the one. Neo was the one whom the Oracle prophesized would save the humans from the machines. Well as I conducted more research, to my surprise the pitch of my newly acquired tinnitus was exactly 11,111. The aliens laughed at my discovery and it was never mentioned again. I hate aliens.

{Screen Shot of SATAN’s GUI – eye gaze tracking interface. To start up a torture the eyes drag the menu item to a sand box area that activate it. Another menu on the sand box shows a menu list of all active tortures and by selecting one and dragging it back to the other menu area it is deactivated.}

The lettering on the pull down menu items have a cryptic language on them. It looks like a combination of Russian, Greek, English, Egyptian, Japanese, and Chinese characters with a hieroglyphic twist. Remember the matrix code that drips down the screen? For each menu item in the eye gaze interface, there is a unique blend of symbols derived from the various languages of the planet. It was created so that it can be used by and on any nationality in the world without clues to the real country of origin doing the attacking in case there is a visual filter breech and the target sees the screen. That is why it looks both alien and native. The matrix code characters which stream down the screen are really just the pull down menus expanding and then submenus expanding with this language independent interface. Interesting to see how it was interpreted in the movie. (See the document in the appendix on NASA’s mind control program with children.) NASA conducted mind control on children as testified by an astronaut. The children who are grown up now were involved in MKULTRA like programs and have recovered most of their memories. One child says that they were trained to read "intergalactic symbols" developed by NASA for the purpose of communicating with extraterrestrial civilizations. It is these symbols that are used on the SATAN torture and psychic warfare interface that I have seen and approximated in the screen shots in the movie, “The Matrix”. They were not developed for speaking to extraterrestrial aliens, but just the evil ones born here on Earth.

Scary Alien Quotes

“Will you tell anyone that we planned the assassination of Kennedy and screwed up Michael Dukakis’s speeches? We’ve done this to so many doctors none of whom could figure it out. We are going to turn a Harvard grad into a homeless bum within a year unless you can stop us. If you can do it to you, we can do it to anyone!”

Capabilities and Uses of TAMI, SATAN, and MIND

Remote Controlled Heart Attacks – Don’t Panic!

There are two methods used to induce heart attacks by electromagnetic energy. Here is the trick behind the first method of remote controlled heart attacks and how you can defend against them. It was theorized by Russian scientists that a runaway adrenal panic process in conjunction with stimulating the heart to beat faster and causing some vasoconstriction could lead to a heart attack. This was done on me several times where I passed out on one occasion but I am young and healthy. It would definitely work on the elderly. It is mostly a head game. It is true that they can speed up the heart rate with EEG brain waves (many of the brain waves are above 60 hz) and they can cause vasoconstriction but the designer of us in his great wisdom made it nearly impossible for our minds, even in extreme fear and panic, to kill the body or literally to be scared to death. The best motto for an EEG clone remote control heart attack attempt is, “If it is satanic, don’t panic!” If you know how the effect works and you have Beta Blockers or Valium on hand, it will be impossible for them to accomplish it. They will cause imaginary heart pains. They will make your left arm feel cold and numb. Check your pulse; it will be within tolerable limits. It is merely a trick to make you think they have this capability. Beta blockers block the signal from the brain that will increase the heart rate. Many people suffer “panic attacks” that they mistake for heart attacks and call an ambulance. I would bet that when all is known in 20 or 30 years on these mass experiments on the public that “panic attacks” will drop off significantly because most are caused by the weapons testing groups without the microwave hearing effect telling them what is happening.

All the ‘voice to skull’ attacks on people are scripted performances by the human effects weapons testers. They follow the exact same series of events with just the details tailored to the individual. It is very advantageous to the humans that the machine is predictable and uncreative. Here are the main points of panic that they will use against a victim who hasn’t read this book.

1. “Your brain is being fried by microwaves”. There is a 5% increase risk for brain and other cancers for these experiments according to my government sources but this is insignificant compare to the number of years of your life they take through the stress of believing they are cooking you.

2. Once you understand what EEG cloning is, you can see how ridiculous these big bad psychic attackers really are. Everything you feel, they feel amplified and vice versa. They have developed a few brain wave filters for certain types of brain activity but on the most part, you both are of one single mixed mind. So they might say, “We are giving you a stroke.” You will feel a strange sensation like what you might imagine as blood leaking into your head. While in reality, the psychic attacker puts water on his/her hands and is dampening their scalp. It really is this pathetic. This is like when children pretend they are breaking eggs on other children’s head by slowly running their fingers in a spreading gelatinous mess like motion.

3. “We are cooking your heart muscle”. The psychic attackers press on their chest or play a prerecorded heart ache to further this illusion of mind. Remember in these mind control experiments, it is only brain waves that are being manipulated no matter how real anything feels. You can’t trust any of your senses.

4. “We are going to kill your entire family and all your friends if you tell anyone.” Quite the opposite is true, informing a few trusted friends what is happening would more likely keep you from disappearing without a trace. Do not go to the police or FBI. They will lock you up in the psych ward. That probably should go for all rape victims, mental rapes or physical. Most authorities are not smart enough or educated enough to understand the physics behind these weapons so don’t bother trying to update them. Many hundreds have tried and failed. You will learn in time, that all the threats made by synthetic telepathy from guys probably based in Virginia are empty.

5. If they are able to raise your sensitivity levels to paranoid through the stalking program and threats, you will begin to attribute every bad luck event in your life to them. This creates an illusion that they have lots of power over your life. Be logical and practice double checking your conclusions.

6. “We have the police in our pockets and they will plant drugs on you.” While there are a few CIA and other agents posing as California Highway Patrol that might do that, there is still no reason to panic because there is nothing you can do to avoid that level of corruption. Deal with it if it happens the best you can.

7. Also, once they have you believing that they are going to destroy everything in your life that you value, your mind starts thinking of ways they might do it. EEG cloning allows the psychic attackers to read every little fear that crosses your mind and they are trained to use them against you. Remember that. Practiced positive thinking can help thwart this kind of attack of using your own mind against you .

8. Visual imagery of daemons and such that victims report as holograms or materializations are often used to frighten the more superstitious and religious types. This is the traditional haunting and ghost imagery method.

I do not want to take away from the fact that the prolonged experimental process is incredibly debilitating due both to the constant various pain and a severe distraction of noise piped into your head. It will to say the least ruin your life as you had planned it. But you need to accept your temporary slavery status, and move towards educating more people. The mass information streams have been locked up, so grass roots efforts and some creative thinking is needed to scale and spread this information. Remember the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’s advice, “Don’t Panic!”

The second method of remote controlled heart attacks is more direct. The heart, like the brain, uses patterns of electrical signals to maintain its function. Disrupting the regular electrical pattern can under certain circumstances cause fibrillation or over prolonged periods, heart arrhythmias. Precisely timed pulses or electrical resonance modulation of the heart will cause the heart to skip a beat and decrease the overall compression force of each stroke. These more direct methods can be thwarted with a thick leather jacket many test survivors have stated. Leather acts like an external skin and absorbs much of the radar energy before entering the body. However, I was a bit cocky during these remote assassination attempts and let them do their worst for five hours until they gave up and were convinced that this method was not enough to work on me. These are the weapons of silent assassination being touted as “non lethal” because their dial-in-effects kill settings are still not satisfactorily predictable.

Staying Alive

To keep this story interesting, I’ll share with you what I did to ensure my survival. When my brutal attack began, I fought to stay alive. As most do, I thought that maybe it was a foreign country behind it. After all, I worked on secret projects a decade earlier. I wrote the code to track the Soviet Nuclear Submarine Fleet amongst many other government projects. Several times they said they would kill me through a remote controlled heart attack if I didn’t obey or tell them what they wanted to know. I lie on the ground and said I will die for my country to keep what secrets you want. You can imagine the betrayal I felt when I did some basic research.

So, I wrote a clever computer virus. It was polymorphic and encrypted so that there was no string a viral scanner could easily identify and the code kept mutating. I put it on a server that would release it upon my death. The virus was not malicious, it merely directed every computer it infected to a web page that briefly told the plight of thousands in long duration brutal MKULTRA mind control experimentation using EEG heterodyning. It would remove itself and leave the computer with an inoculant. The server that was to release the virus had to be pinged in a special way by my laptop within a two week count down. It is not illegal to write or study viruses, it is only illegal to release them. But if I were dead, why would I care? This threat might have kept me alive until this book was published. I have since deleted the virus. However, I have asked the publisher to put into my contract, that upon my untimely death, incarceration, or disappearance, the copyright of this book is revoked and the work becomes free to distribute to the public. For one who studied economics, they would know the consequences of the price demand curve for free products. This book is surely an entertaining read whether you are capable of grasping the depravity of our government and the complexity of the truth or simply read it as a fictitious Orwellian style prank.

The Smoking Man

In the TV series and movie “The X-Files”, there was a character that seemed to liaison between the conspirators and the FBI agents, Molder and Scully. It was never revealed why he knew so much and eventually he dies of lung cancer.

The Russians were very open about their research using psychocorrectional methods to try to help alcoholics and drug addicts. The research was very successful. The US studied just the reverse. They pinpointed the brainwaves of addictions and can amplify those pathways to cause self destructive behaviors. Most people have heard that there is a high percentage of schizophrenics that smoke. The majority of assassination practice targets that smoke told me that they didn’t smoke before the targeting began. In only one case did I find someone who they wanted to stop smoking as a form of control and they did. Creating alcoholics, smokers, and drug addicts are pull down menu items of the SATAN software. Killing the witnesses with an early death always helps when in twenty years the brutal crimes are revealed and there is no one alive to describe them in detail from a personal account once the mass news media is ready to interview.

EDOM and False Memory Implant Techniques

Another CIA program that was released to the public many decades ago and is very much wrapped up into the current exapsion of directed energy weapons testing on US citizens was called, EDOM (electronic dissolution of memories). It is a technique to accelerate memory decay of previously stored memories and to block short term memory from becoming long term memory. The theory is to supply many new stimuli to the memory pathways thereby, according to neural network theory, overload the network through excessive training samples and thereby decay the information contained in the network. Basically, it is over stimulation of the brain. The short term memory block is a method like hypnosis to entrain the brain at a base frequency that it is not normally accustomed to operating at. Memories are stored at this new frequency rate which with hypnotic suggestion can be segmented and blocked from access under the normal brain wave patterns. This is why hypnosis can recover memories from children who were abused under the MKUTLRA mind control program. This phenomenon is also observed with psychoactive drugs and is called state dependent memory.

Implanting false memories is done by forcing a memory recall through verbal cues or forced recorded EEG patterns and then revising it with new imagery and associations. Once the false memory has been created, it needs to be reinforced through multiple recalls. Practice makes perfect. In my opinion this technique doesn’t work very well on most people. I only encountered a small number who were severely programmed with false memory implants.

Another method of memory erasure uses the “grown” virtual neurons. Memories are stored holographically and wholistically in the brain’s synaptic weights not as engrams or single cell instances. If/when the plug is pulled on the biocommunication signal, the virtual neurons that help store memories disappear too and information formed during the connection will be very significantly degraded. There will be more on this topic in the Biocommunication Chapter.

Use of Torture to Harvest the Best Paranoid Evil Ideas

“I do begin to have bloody thoughts.”

Shakespeare, The Tempest, 4. 1

Another purpose of the extreme torture of people, is to examine the angriest thoughts a person can have and what that person can think of doing to the people and government behind it in their greatest moments of despair. It is a way of seeing what others with extreme hatred of the U.S. might come up with. My almost finished book on “101 ways to take over the world in 99 days” might have been another reason I was chosen for this kind of mind probing. And finally, it is a way to test whether they have locked up and controlled all the information streams to reach the public. A victim of torture and assassination will quickly realize no one will believe the random acts of long duration brutality and that there is no one in the government that will help them. I have found other governments to be far more receptive in wanting to learn about the U.S.’s current state of the art mind control weapons “that officially don’t exist” and the CIA interrogation and brain washing techniques “that are not used on random citizens” therefore I could not be divulging any national secrets officially. You can see how dumb this whole thing is. If they are trying to keep secrets from their potential enemies, why is it that they demonstrate all their capabilities on people who then would seek asylum in another country? It is obvious that the only people they are keeping secrets from is the U.S. public.

The Making of a Manchurian Candidate

The making of a Manchurian Candidate or CIA programmed assassin :

• Isolation and sensory deprivation

• Complete breakdown of their happiness until they reach despair

• Removal of personality, ego, and sense of individuality through depatterning and humiliation

• Fragmentation of personality through torture

• Desensitization of violence through imagery and example

• Reprogramming fragmented personalities through hypnosis, psychic driving, and Skinnerian techniques to be triggered by words or induced electromagnetically
I caution you not to try this at home. But ironically now, all these steps are done in one’s home using the various mind control scripts and biocomminication weapons system. The current program isn’t all that different from the movie, “Clockwork Orange”, except they try to make the psychopathic killer rather than cure one.
Reading Human Resonances Absorption Spectra through RADAR

I have respected Carl Sagan (Cosmos), Steven Hawkings (A Brief History of Time), and Green (An Elegant Universe) for their abilities to explain complex physics concepts in an understandable way to the general reader. I will never be able to reach their level of teaching but I would like to explain one technique of how brain waves can be read and influenced by electromagnetic energy. As it turns out there are many ways in which this seemingly science fiction feat can be done. I will explain a few of them based on patents from the 60’s and 70’s and then expand on some of those ideas.

Let’s start with the Malech patent. He never describes the underlying theory as to why his invention works, he just described how to build it and what applications it might be useful for.

Imagine the brain being a complex mesh of switches. Initially, let us assume that they are all connected. We then have a structure that can be analogized to a wire mesh. When electromagnetic waves of the electrical resonance frequency of the wire mesh strike it, it absorbs the energy and begins to oscillate like an antenna on your car radio. This is how radar works by looking at what frequencies bounce back, scatter, get absorbed, or pass through an object. So like a swing that was pushed, it will oscillate back and forth in the electromagnetic spectrum rather than the potential energy spectrum. That oscillation eventually dampens and is converted to kinetic thermal energy. If we disconnect one of the wires in our mesh by throwing a relay, the resonance frequency changes abruptly. It would be like changing the length of the swing’s ropes, or when an ice skater pulls in their arms while in a twirl to spin faster. So simply by observing the changes of oscillations of a swing set, we would know the length of the ropes holding it. Or simply by measuring the changes in our oscillating wire mesh, we would know how many switches were connected at any time.

Now let us unravel the analogy back to brains. The brain resonates at roughly 450-800 MHz in adults depending on many factors. Basic microwave communication hobbyists have known this for many decades. So if we look at the neuron and what gives rise to the electrical and magnetic fields in the brain, we see that the voltage sensitive sodium ion gates open and close during the depolarization process. The ion currents act like wired electrical currents and the gates act as switches turning on and off the currents. So the brain, like our wire mesh example above, will resonate according to the state of the ion gates. The phase, amplitude, and frequency of the changing resonance of the brain gives all the information about the brain’s ion gates. The return radar signal tells where, when, and how many of these switches are closed and open. This is true with all objects and electrical appliances.

Another way to view the problem of reading brain waves at a distance would be to look at the magnetic properties of electron flow. If you model the brain as a coil with inductance, putting a magnetic field near it will change the resonance of the coil or induce a current in it. Ionic flows create magnetic fields which would change the brains inductance properties. It is just two sides of the same coin. There is only one force in the universe with many expressions of it due to dimensional dilation that we observe as electric, magnetic, weak, strong, and gravity.

So it is not a great scientific mystery how the brain’s electrical activity can be read through RADAR nor the heart beating through whole body or organ resonance in a similar fashion. Other additional signal processing methods like Doppler RADAR adds another perspective. Even muscle contractions have similar ionic switches that can be measured. Disinformation agents, like Dr. Delgado, Col. Bearden, and Col. Alexander, would like you to believe their versions of science so you can join the ranks of the unenlightened but don’t fall for it. The certain government agencies that like to keep secrets from the cattle they are testing their weapons on, will do or say anything to keep these secrets of basic physics. It isn’t surprising that a major defense contractor in microwave antenna design rediscovered a mind reading and influencing RADAR technique given that they are experts with antenna resonance designs.

Now for the more unintuitive part. It has become common folklore in culture that brain waves can not be read by satellites. The people who claim this and the other technology secrets have been exiled to the land of paranoids and the “mentally ill”. While satellites are used for the infrared imaging and visual imaging portions of the integrated global surveillance system, they are not the most probable source and antenna for reading of human biosignatures. The disinformation agents have been so successful with this campaign that the mere mention of the technology to government agencies will have you locked up in a psych ward for three days to add insult to injury for those experimented on.

Let’s look at the mathematics and physics behind this possibility though. Perhaps the uneducated and programmed within the policing function or justice system can understand some basic mathematics and physics and come to another conclusion.

Just using back of the envelop calculations we can show the feasibility of these technologies being done by a constellation of satellites or a large phased array of terrestrial antenna.

Fact #1: SQuID transformers have a sensitivity of 10-15 Teslas or 10-32 Joules. They can measure the smallest detectable change in a second or equivalently the work required to raise a single electron 1 millimeter in the Earth’s gravitational field.

Fact #2: There are over 100 satellites available for remote sensing the terrestrial landscape in the sky at any time.

Fact #3: We will use 1000 miles as the average Earth orbiting micro constellation of spy satellites’ average altitude. Satellites orbit between 600 miles to 28,000 miles above the Earth.

Fact #4: The brain gives off a few femto-Teslas of magnetic flux. The heart gives off 50,000 fT. A depolarizing neuron at its surface creates 70 millivolts and an average ionic current of ___Amps. The brains electrical activity at the surface of the scalp is in tens of microVolts.

Fact #5: A small dipole antenna (piece of metal) cut to operate at 402Mhz like the ones removed from many “alien ” abductees radiates 2.5milliWatts from the head and 1.25milliWatts if implanted in the chest if that person is radiated with 1 Watt of power . Biotelemetry and neural telemetry are well studied fields but science fiction to the general public. Cell phones deliver 5 Watts to the head. And peak pulse power of “alien” signals I have been told deliver 30 Watts to the human body but average power levels are still within SAR safe thresholds.

First let’s approach it from an implant perspective. Also assume we know the exact location of the target of interest. Since there are so many target tracking methods used in the military systems, this is a reasonable assumption. 2.5×10-3 Watts will weaken by the square of the distance if radiated equally in all directions. So the needed sensitivity by a satellite would be

(2.5 x 10-3/(1000 miles x 1.6129 x 103meters/mile)2) x 100 satellites

= 9.61×10-14 Watts or 9.61×10-14 Joules per second.

So that’s within 15 orders of magnitude plausible. Or one could state that in the PentaHertz wavelength(1×10-15 seconds) enough energy could be detected. That extends all the way into the ultraviolet spectrum. That’s an easy feat with just one SQuID transformer satellite. In fact just a constellation of large antennas would do the trick. But triangulation precision would be a must. With 100 satellites, you could precisely pinpoint and track that person and read the brainwaves or heartbeat with “alien” biotelemetric antenna implants. But I remind you, that ground based mile long phased arrays bounced off the ionosphere is the most likely source since superconductivity was not discovered until after the first government neurological torture testing began in the early 1960’s.

So how can so many people be monitored and tracked by such a system? If the source is correct, 25 million people can be tracked and controlled through the brain/machine interface. If brain waves don’t extend much beyond 2 Kilohertz, then a time multiplexing scheme like what cellular phone transmitters use would work. 25 million * 2 Kilohertz = 50 Gigahertz for the upper bandwidth requirements. Currently published RADAR capabilities go into the Terahertz frequency range or sub-millimeter wavelength well within the bandwidth required. In fact the entirety of human intelligence of the planet without compression operates at 1.34 Terahertz (6.7 Billion people * 2 Kilohertz).

In the last few decades implants have become less popular with the subhumans and aliens for their experimentation. In “the x-files”, Scully, removed her alien implant and got cancer shortly afterwards. Was that a threat by the aliens to the implanted human slaves? “The shadow government will kill you with plausible denial if you remove the implants,” I think is the undertone. I am happy to report that I have seen and met with many victims of government torture and mind control experimentation that have removed their implants with only beneficial results. Makes you proud to be in the land of the free to know this stupidity and corruption still exists at higher levels today than when they were feeding radiation to people and dosing them with LSD randomly.

So can bio and neural telemetry be done without an implanted dipole or microstrip antenna? RFID chips have shrunk to the size of a grain of rice. But, are they necessary at all?

No, not according to full spectrum RADAR signature analysis or according to the Malech Patent. Just the changes in the brain resonances due to ion channeling is easily detectable from a return signal from these RADAR and other surveillance method sources with many orders of magnitude sensitivity to spare. The math does not lie no matter how unintuitive it is. You can get a sense of the sensitivity of the technology just by observing the edges of the universe (9 billion light years away) with pictures from the Hubble space telescope.

You can get a hold of infrared imaging done during battle in Iraq on the internet. These images show the thermal heat of bodies causing photon emissions due to thermal instabilities with vibrating molecules. There is no RADAR energy pulse to light them up. It is not necessary in that part of the spectrum. You can clearly see the person’s entire body lit up at great distances due to black body radiation. Now imagine that the body electricity caused the body to heat slightly in proportion to the voltage at the surface of the skin. This isn’t true but the thought experiment will help you understand what the images would look like for the surveillance operators. You would very easily see the person flickering in the infrared spectrum and be able to demodulate the intensity of the flickering into brain waves, heart beat, and muscle flexing. Well, this is what is happening in other parts of the spectrum that we don’t usually see as an image. That is what can be seen by the giant eye reflected in the sky. That is what is meant by full spectrum imaging. It provides an incredibly clear view of all energy emissions from every point on the landscape when energy in every frequency is directed at it. The entire Earth is viewed this way. All life forms can easily be tracked. Using the signatures of all the waves lengths as well as body/brain resonances and heart beat rhythm, individuals can be tracked anywhere. Everyone has a unique body resonance signature, heart beat signature, and brain wave print. No RFID chip or dipole antenna is needed anymore to do biotelemetry. Another point of reference to RADAR sensitivity can be seen with commercial weather satellite RADAR which can detect birds or even insects.

It is so frustrating to see such ignorance amongst the psychology community, policing community, and FBI. It is difficult to get people up to speed in science and technology if they don’t have an interest and are already biased or programmed with disinformation. Psychic warfare has been going on for four decades mostly practiced on the citizens. Using the psychology community to discredit victims of the practice kills and mind control programming, they have successfully been able to keep the truth of the technology under wraps and a taboo to even mention without the immediate conditioned response of that person is crazy who dares speak of cutting edge neural telemetry and psychophysics. If all these groups of people live long enough, they will see in 24 years the technology will be suddenly discovered or released by the DoD. “Maybe we were wrong about all those people pleading for help,” might cross their minds. “I wasted my career misdiagnosing all those people,” might be another thought. “I didn’t serve justice or uphold the constitution. What a waste of life I was,” perhaps might be thought by some others.

Stupid Alien Tricks

This childish government assassin, I mean evil alien, would often say, “Quit hitting yourself.” And then he would slap himself lightly which would make me slap myself lightly. Remember when you were a kid wrestling with someone stronger than you and they would grab your arm and make you hit yourself? Yes, the aliens enjoy that game too and doing it remotely. This capability probably inspired the movie, “Fight Club.”

EEG heterodyning is the ghost in the military machine

Just in case you are still wondering why we have terrorism at all or why we are called the “great SATAN” by many countries, just be reminded of articles published in major newspapers such as the Feb. 14, 1992 USA Today, who reported allegations by Saddam Hussein that the CIA targeted him: "the CIA used psychotronics and biocommunication to cause a blood clot in the brain or heart…". We even have laws that say we can not assassinate leaders of other countries. We have turned into a criminal state in which Congress is impotent to enforce the laws without an army of their own. SATAN (silent assassination through amplified neurons) has many applications for pissing people off and creating life long enemies. Even the European Parliament documented this fact about the psychological effects of psychotronics after Desert Storm. Almost every country in the world is aware of the U.S.’s use of psychotronic weapons around the world except U.S. citizens. Sadly, our government has decided to make us the most uneducated and politically ignorant nation of the so called first world countries through an embarrassing public education system and perpetual lying to us “due to national security”.

We have all sorts of laws that say the CIA and NSA can’t spy on US citizens and human experimentation is banned, but who can enforce the laws if the executive branch is corrupt, illegal, and illegitimate?

Classification of non-lethal directed energy weapons

It is such a joke to call an ineffective killing weapon non-lethal. It is like classifying guns as non-lethal because the bullet doesn’t kill the person. It is all the hemorrhaging that does. The bleeding is a secondary effect. EEG cloning and non-lethal directed energy weapons do the same thing just over a much longer time frame and much more painfully. It is like trying to kill someone with a butter knife. It is more difficult, takes a lot longer, and will hurt a hell of a lot more.

More System Flaws with TAMI

In the world of psychic warfare, things are not black or white. Compatibility of minds, time spent locked on for adapting, a database brain match, and susceptibility of the target to the power levels of directed energy all are factors in the successfulness of a psychic attack. For example, bilingual victims have all reported that if they start speaking another language, the psychic attackers can’t understand what they are saying nor can the AI language recognition system correctly predict their sentences. This is only true for fairly fluent people who don’t need to translate the meanings of words in their heads.

Attacking the chain of command

Let’s ponder the power of EEG heterodyning as a weapon. In a hierarchy of command where people can not question authority, how many people’s minds would you have to influence to take control of the whole structure? One. Everyone else’s orders come from him/her. This assumes that no one is bold enough to question the orders of course. So military command structures are extremely vulnerable to a take over. There are few safe guards to watch them or question them especially if the secrecy directive is used. How many people need to be controlled or influenced to take over Congress? How about the judicial branch? Not many, and the whole country would then follow suit. The masses might get suspicious if things seemed too unusual and not in line with the constitution. So you might need to take over the media. How many mass news information streams are there? So the Russians were right. If you could control less than 10,000 people maybe even fewer than 2,000 people, you could steer the direction of the whole country. Is it smart to keep this technology a secret from the population so that they can’t recognize the symptoms of a takeover? Is it smart to not build zero emission superconducting shelters in case of an attack on the public? Who is defending us? Why the f—- do we have a military and security agencies who can’t do their jobs? Is it incompetence, or treason?

Other Limitations of TAMI

When I was brain napped, I was told that I had to slow down my thinking, speak in complete sentences, and think aloud in words. Apparently my brain was of interest because when they EEG cloned my mind onto theirs, they could only pick up vision, sound, and the senses but not my higher level thoughts. They were interested in mapping my brain waves more completely to add to their database. Having a fast mind means that there is not time for the amplification of the brain entrainments to be induced in the psychic spy. This is also somewhat true with vision. If one scans the surroundings quickly, the cloner sees a blurring of images.

Humor Break – A Riddle

So what’s a book about the darkest times in human and American history without some riddles to solve? In the spirit of Bat Man, where the Riddler tries to mind control the world, I riddle you this,” When I began being mind probed and interrogated, I asked for help from every federal government agency. I was concerned that just maybe the Russians were actually behind it given my background and would extract the secrets that I hold. I got no response from hundreds of letters including from the Navy which I hold the most secrets. So I am their destroyer. Who am I?”

Why, “The Matrix”?

Why was the movie, “The Matrix” called that? Is it a reference to the “Global Grid” to which several colonels I worked with for DARPA projects refer? Isn’t the global grid just the internet of networked information? I believe it is a reference to the image matrix calculated with MRI/ESR techniques. Like I mentioned before, I found a Yale Professor who has been doing Earth Gauss intensity MRIs since the late 60’s. Generally high powered superconducting magnets are used in hospital MRIs. This is because they need high resolution and fast imaging techniques. Under a weak magnetic field the same principles apply but the time to acquire an image is greater and the resolution is far less . But you could map out the entire Earth this way especially if you combine it with RADAR techniques.

Perhaps it is a reference to the matrix algebra that is used for hyper fast complex algorithms such as calculating a cognitive model of the human brain.

Perhaps the movie, “The Matrix” was named from interferometry techniques. If you intersect 3 perpendicular coherent, linearly polarized electromagnetic sources, you create a matrix of constructive and destructive interference patterns. Altering the frequencies would cause the matrix to roll or scan. A multifrequency RADAR imaging that tries to balance the return signal from all directions of a target by increasing the strength of the signals accordingly would create “scalar” waves or an invisible electromagnetic interferometric matrix all around the target.

Directed Energy

There is a medical instrument called “The Gamma Knife” used to focus x-rays from all angles around the head to burn tumors in the brain without cutting open the skull. At the intersection of these gamma rays, the energy is intense enough to kill the tumor cells while harmlessly passing through the other brain matter. Only at the intersection is the combined energy deadly. GPS (global positioning system) works on the same principle except one calculates position from the timing of the satellite pulses which arrive at slightly different times.

2MW * 100 satellites * (a beam width of 1/100 of 360degrees) = 454 mw of pulse peek power over a large area. Shrink the beam width to 1/1000 of 360degrees) = 45 watts of power over that area. This is more than plenty to affect neurons. The Russian radio electronics institutes published back in the 70’s that with only 10mwatts up to 100 mw/cm^2 of microwave energy, they observed all kinds of different effects on the firing groups of neurons. Again this back of the envelope calculation says it is quite possible to have satellite based neurological weapons. At first blush it sounded like Star Wars science fiction, didn’t it? However, this was just an exercise. Satellites are better sensors than powerful emitters. It would make more sense to use giant radar fields known as ionospheric heaters to bounce their phased 10 gigawatt energy fields off the atmosphere back to spots on Earth.

Similarly, one could use extremely high powered directed energy weapons from satellites to converge their energy onto one point using phased array beam steering or high powered masers. Ignoring the obvious assassination application, it can be used to increase the resolution of MRI/ESR and other imaging techniques. At the intersection, the phase/frequency/amplitude is calculated such that the full energy for a duration of time is maximized in the magnetic field by modulating a very low sideband and destructively heterodyning the beams high frequency carriers. During that increased magnetic field another radio or higher frequency signal can be used for the excitation of the electron spins or magnetic nuclei for the relaxation photons to be collected and viewed. This would be better than just using the natural Earth’s magnetic field for increased resolution. Seems like another science fiction feat doesn’t it? But just look at the infrared image resolution of the Air Force’s AC130s 5 miles from their targets . This energy is emitted by thermally generated collisions of vibrating molecules without any external energy to excite it. If every valence electron or nucleus could be prodded to give off a photon in a similar fashion the landscape and people would be easily reconstructable into a 3 dimensional image, i.e. Earth penetrating tomography, an application of the ionospheric heaters.

Here is another brain teaser for you. Suppose you have two laser beams with perfect monochromatic (one frequency) and coherent (in phase) wave fronts. The beams each enter a cube made of two right angle prisms. The cube acts to combine the beams and project it onto a screen. One laser is moved ½ wavelength further from the cube than the other. If one laser is operational you will see a spot on the screen. But if they are both operational you will not. Why? Where does the energy go?
Why is this relevant? It demonstrates how to make pin point high energy waves anywhere on Earth via directed energy weapons with constructive interference of energy sources. All sorts of interesting effects can be done with these sorts of weapons. From being able to induce electronic machines to behave a certain way for example or to destroy their circuitry with high powered EM or microwave pulses. Destructive interference mode beams like in the laser example above create “scalar” waves that can travel tremendous distances with high intensity fields without burning the object of interest and reflect back with tremendous signal to noise ratio. More on this technique later.

Hyper Geeking – The concepts behind the most top secret Global Human Surveillance and Manipulation Systems

Synthetic Aperture RADAR and Beam Steering

All these concepts of directed energy are just rebranding marketing jargon for half a century old concept except with more power. Grids of transducers or antenna can shape the wave front by phase controlling the individual elements in the grid. The beam can be shaped wider by using lower frequencies or narrower by using high frequencies. It can be steered 360 degrees and its intensity whether in constructive or destructive modes can be controlled. The carrier signals in the beams can be modulated and shaped with ELF waves or heterodyned into high frequency side lobes. That is it behind the concepts of scalar scatter RADAR and directed energy systems.

Time Reverse Echo

Time reverse echo is a technique which can be used to send a signal back to the source even if the location of the source is undetermined due to multiple reflections. By using a phased array of microphones or antenna, the signal is collected and rebroadcast in the reverse time sequence the signal arrived. The phased array signal will bounce off all the same structures to combine and arrive at the source at the same time. If you amplify the return signal, you could potentially attack a signal source this way once it is identified from a signature.

This technique was written about in Scientific America and the principle would probably work in any medium. One could envision arrays of transducers on the ocean floor that could send out jamming sonar or high powered directed sonic waves that would deafen occupants in submarines listening to ocean sounds, shake the haul of the water vessel, create cavitations in the turbines to stall it, or act like a lithotripter and from a calculated energy propagation or resonance pattern of direct mechanical energy to locations within the water vehicle to cause structural or mechanical failure. I have never heard of any research in this area of directed pressure waves as a weapon, but maybe that’s what has been causing so many whales to beach themselves.

Neuron induction and brain wave modulation techniques

Scalar ELF brain modulation using magnetic field induction or electric field modulation. Rausch video for CNN. Byrd.

Resonances –standing microwaves using FDTD modeling of humans. Using Malech and Stocklin’s brain resonance frequency modulators.

Nanoparticles and designer biochemistry

Neuronal Amplification Technology

It was discovered back in 1920’s that neurons could be influenced by electromagnetic induction. This technology has been held in the strictest top secret clearance government labs since then as it was developed. Only now are universities exploring it as a tool for curing depression and quelling the voices of schizophrenics (Yale, and University of Pennsylvania ). The population was being prepped for the human efficacy trials even as far back as the 1960’s. The television series, “The Outer Limits”, features mind control, synthetic telepathy, and evil alien experimentation in almost every episode. It is simply easier for people to cope with the idea of evil aliens than high treason and being betrayed by the government of a country that they are ready to die for to uphold the ideals of the doctrines. The mass programming through popular media has continued to this day to seed the ideas that these high technology experiments of mind are conducted on behalf of a secret evil alien plot.

I have tried my best to avoid scientific details of these technologies that are often ungraspable by the general public. But at this time we must use the magnifying glass to examine the details to garner clues to solve the world’s biggest mystery. In this case, we need to scrutinize the psychophysics term of “choice”. “Choice” occurs at the moment of neuron depolarization. It is the summation of synaptic potentials at the Hillock which determines whether a depolarization is warranted. There are a plethora of biological mechanisms which can be affected by electromagnetic forces that would alter this moment of “choice”. Affecting the neurotransmitter release, voltage potential across the membrane, the voltage sensitive organelle’s on the cell membrane responsible for conductance, or any ionic current flow in the biochemical mechanisms would achieve the desire neural influence. Remember that biochemical sensitizers can increase the electromagnetic influence in these mechanisms. The key to influencing a neuron and the entire informational structure of the mind is in the timing of the pulses of electromagnetic signals.

Using just EEG probes is generally not enough to determine the timing. One needs to precisely time each neurons interaction with the next throughout the whole structure at the moment of choices. This is why electromagnetic energy doesn’t send everyone into seizures. It is only in the informational coherence of the signal specific to each individual that matters. Everyone has different axon lengths and hence timings of potential amplification of external electromagnetic influence. This is the reason that the ever growing database of TAMI must be maintained for maximal effectiveness on the world’s population. The synapse of a neuron has been analogized to Medusa’s head. It looks like a bunch of snakes extruding from the body of the neuron. Be careful not to stare directly at this science or you will be turned to stone, menticized like a zombie .
Neurotransmitter Release with specific frequencies and power levels

So, for arguments sake let’s say that the Air Force documents that I published in the appendix of this book are true and not meant to look like an accidental misclassification of a top secret weapon, and the Russian literature from their radio and electronic institutes are true too. Then neurotransmitter release occurs at specific power absorption and under certain frequencies. EEG heterodyning which causes neuron amplification could be done in this way.

Why are certain people chosen around the world for these endless tortures and extermination? Directed energy might work like the Stanford gamma knife. Only at the intersection of several power pulses does the neurotransmitter release occur. Perhaps certain individuals exceed an allowable sensitivity that is used for communicating with spies and need to be terminated for that reason. Perhaps everyone is monitored by a specific program and those that get classified as “psychics” become too sensitive and start picking up other people’s monitoring signals or programs and need to be terminated or psychotronically imprisoned for that reason.

It is only speculation what the rationale the traitors use to justify why they do this, but the illusion of freedom is crumbling. No illusion is 100% containable. Perhaps we are chosen on the Human Surveillance Global Grid as “one of the thousand points of light” to be human property of the DoD. If Congress were to order another independent investigation as has been done several times in the past, documents would be shredded and the cowards scrambling to the shadows. All the countries in the World need to stand up and say enough is enough. We will not allow you to pick us off one by one like cattle with your mind control weapons, manipulate our politics, and instigate wars, just so the machine can justify growth like a cancer over the planet.

Many will have trouble accepting this basic research. But it does not detract from the truth of it. The educated will at least see the plausibility of it and if they have time investigate it further.

In a nut shell, direct the energy for the correct power level, time the pulses to the individual’s cognitive model for synaptic transmission in the state dependent time sequence. Why is this concept so difficult for academics to understand and catch up with the aliens in their research?

Brain Reading Satellites and Ionospheric Heater Radar Fields

To give you an idea of power density and sensitivity of instruments, let’s consider an FM radio station 20 miles away emitting 50 kilowatts of power. The receiver would only measure 2.1 x 10-5 W/m2. That’s what your car radio receives, demodulates, and amplifies for your listening pleasure. A one Terahertz sub-millimeter wavelength radio antenna such as the 10-meter Heinrich Hertz Telescope can view a typical radio source intensity of 10-26 W/m2 through the Earth’s atmosphere. Do you still believe that

RADAR brain resonances can not be read by satellite radio Telescopes?

How the electromagnetic sensing systems work together

Any ground based network like HAARP, GWEN, cell phone towers or the Russian WoodPeckers could also perform this feat of mind reading and control but not on a global scale. Only through the hundreds of spy and remote sensing satellites circling the earth and the tens of giant ionospheric phased array fields could you cover the entire globe with directed energy weapons and the subset class of mind control weapons.

Imagine a steerable beam using a phased array of transmitters. This is similar to a mechanical method of using a mirror to deflect a laser beam like for laser light shows except it requires no moving parts. The intensity of the beam and all other participating satellite beams can converge on one spot or many spots simultaneously. This would be directed energy whose intensity is suppose to be enough to fry the electronics in anything not “RADIATION HARD” shielded. It might heat a human being but I don’t believe the effects can be made immediately lethal by the thermal effects alone otherwise Saddam Hussein would not have complained about the biocommunication directed energy weapon torturing him in ’92. He would have been fried like the rest of us. The torture just pisses people off if they can’t kill you through menticide. Notice how we had to fight another war after we used it on him. The European parliament commented on the “non-lethal and mind control” weapons in general and stated they need to be banned because they only instigate wars and increase violence. The U.S. refuses to sign any treaties or acknowledge them to their own citizens. Welcome to the land of freedom, where you are free to believe all the lies your government tells you.

The grid of satellites in the hemisphere or the ionospherically reflected ground based miles wide antenna fields can be used in a time sliced manner or calculate an inverse Fourier Transform to attack many people at the same time without exposing too many others to the same intensity and frequencies. All the sensor systems are integrated to act as one single antenna or phased array. This allows the linked system to redirect energy from almost any angle to find a weakness in a shielded structure. Remember in the Malech Patent it said that frequencies between 10 Megahertz and 40 Gigahertz could be used for mind reading RADAR. That’s a huge range and may extend even higher in the spectrum. Different frequencies have different ability to penetrate different materials and structures. Full spectrum RADAR sends a broadband ping across all frequencies like a flash of white light from a camera, and records all the returns across the area. Each person has a unique set of frequencies that they will absorb or return to the sensor arrays. This uniquely identifies everyone.

Based on autocorrelation techniques, one can determine the optimal route and frequencies to be emitted by the phased arrays of antenna to optimally modulate the brain waves of the target. By finding the weaknesses of shielding or barriers by using any frequency or path, there would be few defenses against a nervous system disruptor that targets individuals. When Dan Rather was beaten up by directed energy weapon torture victims, they kept asking “What is the frequency Kenneth?” Everyone looks for the frequencies that the illegitimate CIA and DoD elements are using to torture them but it is nearly impossible to isolate them with a budget under a million dollars. Especially if they can use narrowband or broadband in such a large spectrum. The patent claims you can use pulsed or continuous wave. It would be easy to devise a frequency hopping scheme so that the pattern would not stand out or use deterministic broadband noise to diabolically hide the informational coherence. On top that, who would recognize brain waves modulated into a frequency hopping scheme? We are bathed in electromagnetic energy and I have yet to see a successfully built full spectrum anechoic EM chamber.

{diagram of satellite energy hitting many points on the U.S.}

{diagram of penetrating shielding}

What other advantages do scalar waves have? They can penetrate materials to a greater degree since the electromagnetic energy doesn’t get absorbed by the surfaces. Remember that electromagnetic waves reflect, scatter, get absorbed, or transmit through any material with these different parameters. A perfect scalar wave will no absorption in the material so more will get through allow one to penetrate to greater depths with high energy RADAR. Some refer to this as ground penetrating RADAR.

{diagram of frequency hopping brainwave encoded pulses}

Why is it difficult to detect “scalar” waves? They exist as pure field potential, some call this a gravity wave. Separating the sources of the interference requires a radio telescope with enough resolving power. There are other techniques that disinformers and Tesla junkies call “free energy” machines that try to extract the scalar wave energy in which the global surveillance system baths our planet. The extra energy the humans absorb is only supposed to increase the risk of cancer by 5%. You do the math of how many people the aliens are killing each year while watching and “protecting” us.

Here is a diagram of what a scalar wave looks like.

{diagram of a person within a destructive interference fringe of electromagnetic energy}

So the question that it raises is, “Do the energy sensors still pick up an object in an interference fringe?” With just one source alone they would. People might believe that you could penetrate solid objects this way if it didn’t interact with the object. If the scalar field can penetrate the shielding this would be a large distance quantum tunneling effect. This is an outstanding question for the scientific community for civilian defenses.

This is the basis of the top secret “scalar” weapons that have so many disinformation agents confusing people in the scientific community and are the basis for menticizing and silently assassinating people without easily being detected.

So I will leave the answer for you to discover it on your own. Get a laser and create a Michelson interferometer whose beams completely interferes with each other destructively. Place a photodiode in the path or a piece of film and see what happens. Now place a piece of thin black film at the perfectly destructive interference path and measure the intensity at different points behind it. That will answer whether the photons can penetrate a shield while the waves seem to be non-existence because of averaging. Stealthy isn’t is?

This is the paradox between waves and photons that baffle our intuitive senses.

Interfacing TAMI

TAMI’s interface has three screens for the operator. The interface uses an eye tracker instead of a mouse, keyboard, or touch screen. TAMI’s operator needs only look at one spot on the screen for a second, then a drop down x-windows driven menu system allows the operator to traverse the options merely by looking at them. It turns out to be a very efficient way to operate the program. The developers experimented with voice recognition but this turned out to have some issues with covertness.

The eye tracking system is also necessary in light of the fact that an EEG cloned target would catch on more quickly what was happening to them if they were tapping their fingers all the time. Instead the extra-eye movement has already been covered-up by the strategic disinformation agents in the psychology community. I found a paper that said people who are schizophrenic have a very unusual extra rapid eye movement. Nicely done agents.

The left screen shows the operators brain frequency energy spectrum next to the targets and underneath is the combined. The center screen is used to select the tortures and other brain modulation scenarios. The third screen is work space and used for the psychic training games I described earlier or the truth detector brain printing analyzer program.

{ show screen shots from front cover }

Creating powerful and directed ELF (extremely low frequency) magnetic and electric fields using single side band, heterodyned UHF beams.

{ diagram of UHF waves arriving at a point and creating a longer waveform using exponential wave amplitude fronts}

Stupid Alien Tricks

We covered a lot of science; but we had to get through it so that the doubt is removed that this weapons system exists, so we can move on to the more important implications of it on society. Let’s take a break for a moment and watch the fools entertain us.

“We’re going to crush your head and punch you in the stomach,” the agents say. I feel a pressure on my head and a nauseating wrenching in my gut. They tell me that their head hurts because they squeezed too hard. Where can you find so many dumb aliens that would hurt themselves to hurt others. I’ll give you one guess where mindless obedience comes from.

“Scalar” Weapons – Creating High Intensity ELF Magnetic and Electric Fields through Heterodyning High Frequency Directed Energy Weapons

This is a trick that seems quite astounding when you see it. That is the ability to direct enough energy at an extremely low frequency to spin a compass needle or create a voltage gradient seemly out of thin air. We intuitively think that there needs to be a near field physical object present to create the kind of magnetic or electric field strength to accomplish this but with the giant “ionospheric heaters” phased array fields this feat can be done. Puerto Rico’s and Brazil’s are very much within range and operational within the time frame that most ships and planes were lost in the Bermuda Triangle.

During the past century more than 50 ships and 20 aircraft sailed into oblivion in the area known as the Devil’s Triangle, Bermuda Triangle, and Hoodoo Sea. The Satanic Cults or Naval Weapons testers have been operating for a long time conducting warfare exercises on their own ships and civilian crafts.

Here is how I believe the “scalar” directed energy weapons can spin a compass needle. During the heaviest attacks by the ghosts (I say sarcastically), they actually spun several compasses’ needles 360 degrees. They quit demonstrating this trick once I setup “Hall Effect” high sensitivity magnetic sensors around my house to record the fields 24 hours of day. I have video of a compass needle oscillating 45 degrees from true magnetic north at roughly 0.3 hertz for 10 minutes.

Let’s simplify the model to get a better grasp of it. If you created two beams from two beam steered phased array fields which bounce their very intense UHF beams off the ionosphere to intersect at an area the size of a small neighborhood block, you would have roughly 10 Gigawatts of energy to work with. You can only create tight beams with high frequencies. Raw low frequencies emitters create very wide beams. This is true for sound waves as well. But you can create a mixed or heterodyned intersection point that has very low frequencies if the high frequencies are exactly canceled out. This is how directional ultrasonic heterodyning sound projection is done to project a voice into one person’s head with sound waves without the person next to them hearing it . So one high powered UHF beam contains the very low frequency information and the other just contains the same UHF carrier without the low frequency component but it is 180 degrees out of phase at the intersection point.

What is left is an extremely low frequency, high intensity, magnetic and electric field that seems to come out of thin air and be directionless, i.e. a scalar field. But in fact is does have direction it just can’t easily be measured. If airplanes still used compasses rather than laser gyroscopes to fly, they could be disoriented and made to crash this way or ships to go off course. But the Bermuda Triangle seems to have quit taking lives once GPS and gyroscopic navigation instrument have been the common instrumentation method. Of course, GPS signals could be fooled by these kind of signal attacks too. Gyroscopes are immune to these directed energy attacks.

As a good college level physics problem, I will leave the math up to the reader. What is the power required to counter the Earth’s natural magnetic field of 0.5 Gauss over a neighborhood block? Determine the low frequency power component of a high intensity UHF signal modulated with it. You will find that it falls well within the upper bounds of the so called ionospheric heater phased array high powered directed energy fields. For more advanced students, write your own Maxwell equation solver. You might want to use the numerical approximation method of finite differential time domain (FDTD) to do it. Run the simulations as described above to simulate scalar interferometry and convince yourself that it can be done at these power levels. Let’s say that Col. Thomas Bearden’s gravity wave “free energy” device that collected 75 Watts of power was 100% efficient and used a one square foot gravity wave collection dish which is about the area of the head and body viewed from above.

That means the average scalar scatter radar energy passing through a person is roughly 70 milliwatts per centimeter squared. That is exactly the range the Russian University papers describe altering neuronal group firings coincidentally. And for the professional physicist, estimate of how many Coulombs of gyro synchronized electrons are needed per unit area under 70 milliwatts per centimeter squared intensity RADAR beam to read the bioelectric field given a known noise background and a antenna field the size of HAARP. Next how many electrons need to be jostled to disable this surveillance technique and at what rate? You can see why plasma research is so popular at NASA and DARPA.

This is very good evidence that while satellites could perform the same trick, they would have difficulty generating that kind of power continuously from solar panels. This is extremely good news for the thousands that are tortured by these systems each year. See the section on anti-psychotronic theory for more details. That means the killing signals have an exact direction that can be calculated by ray tracing your location to the ionosphere back to the 4 or 5 directed energy antenna fields, aka over the horizon radar. Those are the directions you want to block to weaken the nervous system disruptor or the surveillance system’s secondary effects for “electrically sensitive” individuals.

Hiding the Scalar Killing Signals – i.e. Low Probability of Interception RADAR

Not only do the scalar waves look like they are coming out of nowhere, the carrier frequency can be what is called deterministic broadband noise . Deterministic Broadband noise is a signal that appears just like noise across some bandwidth of a broad spectrum let’s say HF-UHF for example. It is calculated from a uniform random distribution function. It is really just a deterministic, very complex function that looks just like true random noise. It will appear like regular noise to an amateur signal analyst looking at an oscilloscope or spectrum analyzer. The background noise levels will be just a bit higher and most amateur radio engineers do not keep measurements on the absolute background noise levels. This very complex broadband carrier wave will be cancelled out at the point of intersection of a scalar wave anyway. So this is how you can hide the carrier wave of the signal in noise and hide the direction and carrier wave frequencies of the signal with heterodyning destructive interference, i.e. scalar waves.

The reverse is true too. You can create a high frequency coherent signal at the intersection of directed energy wave fronts that would increase the bandwidth by the addition of the frequency sources. This too could be a combination of several deterministic broadband noise signal carriers. If one signal was intercepted, it would appear like noise. Only at the intersection of the many signal sources can the message be deciphered and will be automatically decoded through natures signal addition arriving at the correct time, phase, and amplitude. So the upper bounds of the bandwidth of the psychotronic attack signals would be the maximum frequency that can be bounced off the ionosphere at the angle from the three or four radar fields added together.
Scalar Interferometric Stealth RADAR – AKA Scatter Radar

How does stealthy scatter RADAR work in terms of low probability of interception?

You must remember two facts to understand “scalar ” scatter RADAR. Photons reflect off of surfaces at 90 degree angles and they do not convert to other photon types during flight, except off course Doppler shifting due to relativistic effects of space dilation or contraction and reflecting off moving objects. Beaming two coherent, monochromatic photon streams at an object 180 degrees out of phase with very little difference in intensity will render the measurable energy at the intersecting path nearly 0 in terms of its combined electromagnetic field but the photons still exist and continue their flight path and reflection points which can be read accordingly through phase angle filtering or where the beams no longer intersect at a distance. This technique is especially useful if a tracking lock has occurred and the targets location is already known. Using time of flight filtering and Doppler shifting to update location adds to the precision of all low probability of detection RADAR imaging techniques. In the reverse mode of constructive interference, all the intersecting beams would add their intensity together and maximum energy transference to objects would occur.

How does this relate to mind reading RADAR? The Russian’s first used scatter RADAR on the U.S. embassy in Moscow. The microwaves used to collect the brain resonance changes and electron spin resonances were scalars from phased arrays. The microwave energy was still detectable and far from a perfect scalar. But the measurable microwave energy could have been the influence signal necessary to effect brain wave modulation. Putting deflecting screens on the building actually increased the energy readings. This is because if you block one path of two intersecting beams, the full energy of one of the beams will be measured as well as confine the scalar energy that penetrated the walls then separated into their individual paths. Once the beam paths separate out of a scalar, the energy has more difficulty escaping back through the walls and windows, now with screens on them.

Synthetic Telepathy and Microwave Hearing Effect

There is actually a subtle difference between these two communication modes called synthetic telepathy and microwave hearing effect. The microwave hearing effect is thought to heat the brain slightly and cause a pressure wave to the inner ear according to Dr. Lin for the University of Illinois. Other microwave hearing devices claim that they stimulate the auditory nerves and a third claims it stimulates the brain cells in the auditory cortex using microwaves. This is the crossover point to synthetic telepathy.
The microwave hearing effect is often used during the brain mapping processes. Words are stimulated to be heard, and the automated mapping software records the whole brain patterns that are triggered by that word. So meanings of words are now mapped to the sounds. Synthetic telepathy uses both the direct stimulation of the audio cortex and word association brain areas for brain to brain communication. It is a far more accurate and efficient way to convey ideas and thoughts without misinterpretations. The pulsed microwave audiograms are heard as sound but usually needs background noise to be heard giving the illusion that the source of the background sound is the source of the pulsed audiogram transmission.

During my time as an unpaid quality assurance engineer for EEG heterodyning experimentation, I was able to achieve pure thought communication based on word meaning without internal voice or microwave hearing transmissions. It is creepy to be that close to someone else’s mind. While speaking a different language throws off the other hive mind participants and the sentence completion software, it doesn’t entirely prevent thought reading because words are mapped to concepts and meanings and those are conveyed if a good mind mapping has been achieved. (See The Promised Land for the Universal Translator concept).


"Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect." is the title of a small business contract for the Department of Defense.

Communication initial results are: "The feasibility of the concept has been established" using both low and high power systems.

A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request as to the project’s outcome met with denial on the part of the Air Force, on the grounds that disclosure "could reasonably be expected to cause damage to national security."

Though the Air Force denied this FOIA disclosure, such a contract’s purpose is elaborated by the Air Force’s "New World Vistas" report: "It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction . . . . If a pulse stream is used, it should be possible to create an internal acoustic field in the 5-15 kilohertz range, which is audible.

Thus it may be possible to ‘talk’ to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them."

Robert O. Becker, whose eminence was enough to have been twice nominated for the Nobel Prize in biological electromagnetic fields research, is explicit regarding clandestine use: "Such a device has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with "voices" or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin."

A microwave voice transmission non-lethal weapon is referenced in the thesaurus of the Center for Army Lessons Learned, which is a military instruction website (Vide infra for discussion of the analogously listed "Silent Sound" device.) 19

An article from a magazine that publishes notably non-mainstream views details microwave inner voice device demonstration by Dr. Dave Morgan at a 1993 classified Johns Hopkins sponsored non-lethal weapon conference, manufacture by Lockheed-Sanders, and used by the CIA, who call the process ‘voice synthesis’ or ‘synthetic telepathy.’

Electromagnetic signatures of spoken words applied to the head at very low field levels (1 microTorr), affect word choice significantly along the emotional dimensions of the applied word.

Though inspired by microwave hearing, this report is not of direct hearing.

The author suggests that such an influence, even though weak, could shift the direction of group decisions in large populations, and has previously elaborated on the possibility of a less specific electromagnetic influence on populations.


Psychic Spying Through Animals

The Navy has since the 40’s or earlier tried to train dolphins as suicide bombers. Dolphins swim silently. Strapping a bomb to them and getting them to approach an enemy submarine or boat was the goal. They now have complete remote control of sharks to do this trick. However, one civilian researcher in EEG cloning amplified someone else’s brain waves using magnetic coils to inject it into his brain. He could see a flash light bright spot in his vision where the cloned subject was looking into a bright spot light moving around. He felt really agitated during this experiment. He said he wouldn’t try it again. He started doing research with EEG heterodyning with dolphins. That is all I could track as to his progress.

Now interestingly, Neuroscience magazine reported that with electrodes implanted in a cat’s brain they could decipher the visual cortex and display the cat’s vision on a computer screen. It seems like a logical inference that you could then use animals’ visual cortex to do spying too. What would it be like to try and map other species’ minds onto a human, I wonder? Maybe we would all become vegetarians if we tried it and we could feel what other species feel. If not, we can still apply a consciousness metric to every species including fetuses. We can then make an informed decision about the line we draw and what we can kill without remorse.

The death doctors as they are called, performed an experiment using an implanted cyberlink from a child to an ape. The experiment was to see if the ape would recognize the little child’s mind and be calm when the child was put into the cage. The experiment failed and the child was killed immediately . Clearly, the DoD funded death doctors were very interested in controlling animals and viewing through their mind or eyes with this line of research.

Star Wars and SPAWAR

The division within the government that strategizes about space conflict is called SPAWAR, shortened from space wars. What many call science fiction, I know to be current science fact.

It took the top DARPA scientists almost five years to figure out what the Russians were doing to the U.S. embassy in Moscow. Clearly the best scientists do not work for the Department of Defense.

Earlier I described the disinformation campaign on destructive interference fringes called “scalar” waves by the weapons marketing division. Keep this in mind.
Let’s perform some thought experiments in the tradition of Einstein. So here is the problem rephrased. If two wave fronts destructively interfere at the point of measurement, how can you separate the photons such that you can determine whether a destructive fringe is being measured from two interfering wave forms? With normal measuring equipment, it would read zero in both the electric and magnetic fields.

A pinhole camera would block all but one path of the rays and reveal a single source of energy. A convex mirror would also separate the signal and amplify the very, very small angle of incidence. These are “scalar” detectors or scatter radar detectors. I leave the specifics of engineering one up to the reader.

The other way to look at the problem is to view the sources from a radio telescope to get the resolution necessary to separate the very separate sources of the energy and pinpoint them. It would take a very large dish to do this. This makes you wonder if this is why we invest so much as a country into looking at the stars. Using pinhole photography techniques to resolve scalar energy, can be difficult. The problem is that the frequency can be changed and hence the alignment of the holes would change. But that is the basic idea of how to turn an interference fringe (scalar gravity wave) into “free energy”.

All this technology can be discovered by researching Russian translated documents but so many of the ideas get lost in the verbatim translation. You need to understand the errors of translation between languages to get the nuances of the ideas.

All the lies and propaganda, makes one wonder if that perhaps through psychological warfare, i.e. propaganda, we have been persuaded to fight for the dark side of the force in the delusion that we are fighting for democracy and freedom.

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

I know that I am probably going into too much detail about the CIA mind control experiments, but one that I found particularly interesting is that they can determine what images and forms you find attractive. They can show you a sequence of people and determine through some brain wave response who you found attractive. This could be useful if they were to use an agent to try and extract information or gain confidence through intimacy. On a funny note, I was told that one characteristic that CIA field agents usual have is below average looks. The psychological advantage is that most people don’t remember or stare at average or below average looking people and hence it makes them more covert in their missions. The truth isn’t nearly quite as glamorous as James Bond or Mission Impossible.

One of the more advanced microwave hearing effect tricks

Phase angle segmentation of voice throwing

Imagine a bunch of soldiers surrounding a speaker listening to static, barely able to pick up their orders which are cutting in and out, garbled intentionally by the electronic warfare jammers. Every listener will have a different angle relative to the speaker. It is possible to make every person hear different commands coming through the speaker. Several psychic soldiers could get them to argue over what was heard or get them all to do the wrong things in a disorganized fashion. How is this done?
I was demonstrated this technique for an entire day and had many different theories how it was done at the time but I am certain that the ventriloquism and bar trick is done this way…

So an amusing spy game that was played with me, as a nice distraction from the torture, was an encoded message, one like I have never seen. I studied how to crack DES and other encryption technologies but had no real experience in the hacking techniques of the human mind before my ordeal. In secret government laboratories, the encryption keys are changed as frequently as can be cracked by the best decryption machines they have. The human brain can not change its encryption, so once decoded your brain is forever part of the TAMI database and network. The mind has no firewall .

Using any noise source, specific frequencies from that source can be amplified perceptually. So, encoding a voice pattern into a noise source is simply a matter of timing of the neuronal pathways that amplify the perception of the projected voice frequencies. In my research into FBI cases and interviews with government test subjects, it is obvious that any noise source can be used and in some cases not even necessary depending on the individual’s brain amplification. I have read testimony that describes how refrigerators or even Rice Krispies would talk to test subjects. In my demonstration, I had a rain maker/white noise generator running. It had a single speaker.

The message was complex, patterned, and repetitive. I heard a sequence of four words which rotated through 10 other sets after each phrase was uttered in a poetic style.
The phrases were, “Talk to your governor”. “I’ll bring you coffee”. “I am the secretary.” “Now, raise a caucus”. “Dukakis went to Harvard”. “Join their cosmology department”. This game got boring to me since I was not a spy and turned off by the cloak and dagger bullshit. I would walk away. At about 10 feet away from the noise source, the message became “Get back here!” It was all computer generated. Later they explained the cloak and dagger game. The basic gist of the message was that the secretary of defense ordered these projects. All you can do is complain to your governor. Michael Dukakis maybe has a chance at running for president, but people who are familiar with the Kennedy assassination conspiracy and the mind control angle also know that Dukakis’s run for presidency was interfered with using these directed energy mind control weapons. So the message is that it is even futile trying to change the government. At the time, I didn’t understand the message to join the cosmology department completely. It is that this is all done by Star Wars technology, and a clue that stealth RADAR uses scalar waves which can only be resolved using a radio telescope.

By rotating the sound source or by walking around the device, I would hear a different set of the 4 word messages depending on my head orientation to the sound source. The real message could only be heard by walking from left to right after one word was uttered. There were 4 segmented phase angles with a different set of words that would be played in each. But the real messages could only be deciphered if you followed the word train in order through each segmented phase angle. The real message was encoded in a few of the diagonals of each set of word trains. This was just a spy game and the messages are irrelevant. It was only a test.

Now let’s look at the science behind the trick. Close your eyes and listen to your environment. You can pinpoint the location and direction of all the sounds. How does your brain know where sound is coming from? Bats are exceptionally good at locating objects based on sound. We have a type of sonar built into our auditory cortex. Using just tonal quality and the difference of timing of the sound waves hitting each ear drum, our brain creates a model of what and where the sound source is. Modern surround sound systems use this science to create virtual speakers and the perception of being immersed into a movie from all directions.

By analyzing the brain waves associated with hearing and integrated at the base of the brain, one can determine the perceived sound direction of the source. The BAER auditory test using traditional EEG probes placed behind the ear can pick up these neural pathways. From signal analysis, the phase angle of the sound sources is determined and segmented into groups. The predominant sound source is easily identified and depending on which phase angle segmentation is classified, a different computer generated voice message is modulated into the neuronal amplification, and thereby the perception of frequencies. This is the crux of the ventriloquism act played on so many people.

It is pretty obvious how voice throwing can be used to get someone to check out a false noise or voice and leave their post.

{place diagram here of sound waves hitting each ear at slightly different times}

{show EEG pattern collected and integrated at base of brain with timings}

{how direction of sound is perceived through this phase difference and neuron timing}

Illusions of Mind

Into the second week of my torture, I was told that most “projects” are terminated with car crashes or heart attacks. Although the microwave hearing effect is debilitating and very distracting, I actually consider myself lucky to have been told all the experiments before they happened or explained how they were accomplished while they were performing them. Most “projects” are never told and left confused or dead.

After surviving the constant remote heart attack attempts, I had to be vigilant of the psychic assassination attempts through car crashes. There are the bland methods for automobile assassinations such as hypnotizing the subject to run red lights, suddenly jerking their arms to steer off the road, putting them to sleep, or blinding their minds eye to see an obstruction or approaching object, etc.

But the more extreme and visually exciting method was discussed by Dr. Becker back in the early 1970’s on the news. He said that this technology could be used to create visual perception errors to make airplane pilots crash, etc. JFK Junior’s demise could have been caused in this way and assassinated like his father by the same shadow government. Princess Dianna’s demise could also have been cause by these weapons. Or maybe they were natural perceptional errors and misjudgments.

In any case, I was shown how, during night driving, lights from oncoming cars, the road markers, or distant houses could be made to move around and appear in the foreground then in the background again. I was told this is accomplished by the psychic attacker synchronizing with the hosts visual cortex strongly while they are in a dark room. They then shine a pinpoint flashlight and move it around in their own, the attacker’s, eyes. What happens is the brain signals from the attacker are sent to the target and the targets visual cortex tries to make sense of the two competing signals, his own from the optic nerves and the attackers. If you were able to see the secret message on the cover of this book, then you get a good sense how the brain will extract depth information from higher order patterns and can mismatch the data from each eye. You have taken the first step to being a psychic soldier. Silly isn’t it? But effective.

So I gave them some improvements on their techniques because according to my research they haven’t changed their methods much in thirty years. I despise inefficiency, waste, lack of creativity, and slow progress. Clearly I don’t have a future in government. I suggested that they use a slide or hologram instead of a pinpoint light on their side. The hologram or slide could be images such as angels’ or daemons’ faces. I postulate that the target would see the subtle image in the light sources that his/her brain integrates with the attackers. This would give the very spooky and eerie illusion that souls or ghosts were passing by on the road for each point source of light. The effect should be similar to that demonstrated in the movie “Poltergeist”. Maybe they already thought of this. They seemed excited about the possibilities to try it on their next project after I was dead.

{ sketch of poltergeist faces in car headlights or road markers. Show image of two overlaid views, one from attacker other from target}

Stupid Alien Tricks

On day three of my brain napping, the aliens demonstrated some hilarious visual manipulations. They could put pixilated shadow animations in my peripheral vision of a running man. They could create subtle shadow illusions of children in the road. While it could make someone swerve who is unfamiliar with the technology, it was fascinating and amusing to see it done. I believe a horror movie was just released that demonstrates the “ghost” children who make people crash their cars. There are no ghost, just shadow government testing of EEG heterodyning weapons. The visual cortex illusions seem to only work in dim lighting which is intuitively what you would expect. Less sensory stimuli and information there is, the more easily external signals can influence the neurons.

I interviewed psychic war test subjects that were fully convinced that they saw a wall open up into a war room with uniformed soldiers and other objects materialize. My visual cortex was never mapped that well, but you can see that fully conjured images as real as what is presented from your optic nerves can be induced in subjects. The technology seems to have gotten better since the 70’s when people just saw shadowy ghost like figures in these “hauntings”.

The Ghost in the Machine

Electronic warfare capabilities have become so refined that all electronic devices can be made to malfunction. The military directed energy labs are perfecting ways to induce electromagnetic signals so precisely as to reprogram your computer or more easily influence your keyboard and mouse. If they can do it to a brain, they can do it with other electronics. Almost all targeted individuals report these kinds of tests of electronic control. I will save my amazing accounts for the movie of real footage in order for you to see and believe. These capabilities far exceed the older weapons of EMP and HERF that could stall your car or fry your data drives. The military gremlins are wreaking havoc in their electronic warfare exercises on the unsuspecting citizens. See the appendix for the Air Force Directed Energy “truly futuristic” weapons description.
Perhaps EMP and HERF weapons could be tested on the ionospheric heaters and their computing facilities to see if a minor disruption would cure thousands of people of pain and “mental illness” worldwide.

Another perspective

Abstractly, think about the Earth’s magnetic field as an ocean. If you move through it you will create an electromagnetic wake which can be detected since all charged particles have a resistance to motion when bathed in a magnetic pool except if moving along the lines of the field.

There is an effect called Electron Cyclotronic Current Driving . It is usually only studied under extreme conditions in high energy physics laboratories. But it may be a possible mechanism of the current induced in the ionic channels of the neuron. Microwaves and a magnetic field is all you need.

Lens Effect from Ionosphere Signal Bouncing

The Earth’s Ionosphere is spherical. This allows a phased array beam to be bounced off the ionosphere and focused on a point on the Earth. The total internal reflection only occurs at a certain angle from the source. Imagine you are in a swimming pool underwater looking up. You see people standing above on the edge of the pool but when you look further away you see the surface of the water acting like a mirror and reflecting the interior of the pool. This is exactly how the Earth’s atmosphere acts with vacuum outside in space or at the ionospheric layers. So now imagine that the pool that you are in is somehow curved into a spheroid. When you look out of the pool people will look smaller and the mirror portion will act like a telescope amplifying small points inside the pool depending on your angle of view. The reflection amplification is due to the curvature and the shrinking of the outside view is due to refraction effects. Do you get the picture yet? Satellites would have the reverse effect.

The atmosphere would act like an amplifying lens at very high frequencies making the Earth act like it is under a microscope but this refraction affect is minimal at less than visible light spectrum.

So these over the horizon Radar systems, which are mostly used for viewing and tracking people, have their radar signals bounced off of the Earth’s atmosphere in a donut like circle for the strongest energy areas due to the phenomena known as total internal reflection. The energy that does not hit the vacuum of space or different layers of the ionosphere at the angle of “total internal reflection” will have a much larger percent of its energy dissipated into space. Here’s what it looks like:

Now, more importantly in order to find a point on Earth where people might find sanctuary from the US virtual HELL, we only need to calculate the angles of total internal reflection based on the index of refraction for various radar wavelengths to see the range in which they are active. The US and NATO allies have 15 or more giant antenna fields covering most of the world so intersection of all the active areas shows us that it is almost a total and complete global surveillance system. Interesting to note though, is that the intersection of HAARP, the Brazilian, and Puerto Rico’s radar fields and a couple other active fields all intersect over the US and then cover the rest of the hemisphere. Even South Wales ionospheric heater radar field can observe through the radar magnifying glass US citizens. However due to the ozone holes over the North and South poles, the performance is different. This explains all the research interests from the DoD into ionopsheric conditions and cold plasma.

Every time there is a wake or anomaly in the smooth surface of the ionosphere due to a hurricane or some other event, the lens is disrupted and victims in that part of the world find relief from the killing and torture signals. After the last two major hurricanes in the US, I received reports from victims that they “escaped” the torture during the hurricane. They of course came to the conclusion that the hurricane must have knocked out the power stations which ran the directed energy weapon. They were unaware of the ionosphere lens effect. This shows a defense weakness both in the continental ballistic missile surveillance system and the psychotronic torture system, which are one and the same.

Eastern Medicine

There is a technique practiced called “Healing Hands” where practitioners move their hands without touching the patient all over the person’s body who is experiencing discomfort and somehow it makes them feel better. There is a psychological component to this but since the ionospheric radar signals are so powerful many people around the world feel the effects even if they aren’t directly targeted for torture. The static electricity fields created between the healer and the patient are moved and the body electrical resonances and electronic spin alignments are altered, the person feels better while the practitioner is doing it. Amazing how much human suffering these military surveillance systems are causing and have caused. Even the magnetic jewelry craze and negative ion generators that make people feel better can be linked to these Radar signals and human surveillance techniques of bioelectric field modulation and reading. The cover story of ionospheric heating and observation of meteors is almost 99% bullshit in terms of the true purpose of these systems.

More Psychic Phenomena Explained

I, like most people, never understood the voodoo of quartz crystals that the “new age” crowd was into. Some of the healing effects are of course due to the placebo effect and power of suggestion. But, so many people are affected by the scatter radar energy which has been around since 1960, that people have discovered things that make they feel better without knowing the exact underlying physics and biology. Negative ion generators are now standard in fans. Magnetic jewelry has become quite popular because of its lessening of pain effects. And quartz crystals work for some people. It turns out that quartz disrupts scatter radar fields due to the wavelengths at which they operate. So much pain and suffering throughout the world can be explained by the electromagnetic pollution of these stealthy scalar scatter radar systems tracking life forms.

Silent Assignations

Car Crashes

The psychic soldier or CIA brain damaged warriors can place shadows of children in the road so that you will swerve to avoid hitting them. Luckily, I was aware of the technology while they were performing their tests. People that were more susceptible to the visual cortex stimulation could easily see holographic like images of children or people to avoid. If they were unaware of this military capability, they would swerve if they were good people. I found this to be absolutely amusing and astounding that they can create shadow like figures, especially ones that “haunt”, running outside your peripheral vision. Useful if you want to get someone to follow the imaginary shadows, like lead a guard aware from his post.

Stupid Alien Pranks

In the continuous onslaught of psychological abuse, the DoD/CIA evil aliens tried to get me to fall for another degrading trick. Proudly, I can say I had caught onto their abusive pranks quickly. They would tell me in order to stop the pain and torture all I had to do is ground my hands on the floor when I walked. They would project images of guerillas walking. The attempt at humiliation is self evident. Humans and Aliens – This planet isn’t big enough for the both us. It obvious who we can do without.

Directed Energy Silent Assassinations

All RADAR technology uses a mathematical technique to calculate EM wave form effects called Finite Difference Time Domain in computational electrodynamics. This is important in calculating the properties of antenna design or near field effects from waveforms. Using the same technique it is possible to calculate a waveforms time domain effects on different human bodies, heads, organs, and brains. By modeling a human body and head, one could calculate the resonant pattern in the human body, i.e. the standing wave formations and where the high and low energy absorption nodes would be. So a directed energy weapon could be made more effective by precision targeting of energy to specific organs for example. If you wanted to give a target diabetes, you could destroy some of the pancreas or alter the sugar metabolism in the cells. If you wanted to increase the chance of lung or brain cancer, the weapon merely needs to add energy to those locations and overtime the probability will increase dramatically.

Plausible Denial and Silent Assassination Techniques

Airplane Crashes

Programmed Assassins

Heart Attack and Stroke

Depression and Suicide

Self Destructive Behavior Amplification

Poverty and Medical Treatment

Accidents – Dark Cloud

– Walking in front of car
– High Voltage Electricity
– Gas Stove
– Drowning
– Cause Other People to Misjudge
o Doctor during an operation
o Taxi Driver. Like Princess Dianna.


Remote controlled heart attacks. Runaway adrenal process.

Falling down stairs and breaking a hip or neck

Hypnotizing to walk in front of car. While driving, running red lights, putting to sleep at wheel, forced steering into cars, emotional triggers to the point of road rage.
Distraction of voices equivalent to cellphone and drinking

Inability to take necessary medications properly. Messing up body sensing ability can kill a diabetic who takes insulin.

Forced depression state, subliminals of suicide

Seizure signal

Other situations where poor judgment could be life threatening.

Obviously airplane pilots would be potentially deadly for many others.

Disregard for the safety of other citizens who are not targeted for weapons testing.

Children are being targeted and are far more easily influenced by voices. Told to play with parents guns or sharp objects has been reported in several cases.
Additionally signals are amplified. So smoking and drinking habits would eventually lead to an early death.

While I haven’t heard of any events like this, directed energy weapons could be used to ignite gas stations, that is why cell phone use is not allowed near a pump. Certainly they could be used to take out an airplane by sparking the fuel tank like what happened with flight 800. Of course JFK junior supposedly got confused where the horizon was is a practiced psychic assassination.

Creating mind controlled assassins like the Unibomber.

Remote Controlled Lobotomies

So how does the U.S. dispose of citizen’s or x-DoD employees? Delgado stated that people who think outside some defined norm should be surgically mutilated. I assume he thinks he is normal. If remote control induced heart attack attempts fail and car crash attempts fail, the last resort is menticization. Also called zombification, schizotronic generators are now the preferred method since there is no blood and it is easily denied by the agencies and has been successfully kept in the “science fiction” belief realm of the general and purposefully ignorant populous. Neuron amplification is easy if you have the neuron “choice” map of a particular mind. Amplifying every thought process like a thought echo would render a target dysfunctional or disconnecting them from their mind applification would turn them senile. Sounds like President Regan. This amplification can lead to paranoia (an amplification of distrust and fear) or simply amplify erroneous thinking manifesting itself as delusional thinking.


Much of the psychic research and EM weapons research talks about hypothermia out of the blue. It always had me baffled as to what the link was between hypothermia or hyperthermia and psychic research. It was never made clear in either the Russian or US literature. Then I found the connection in the least likely place. It turns out that one of the first brain signals and directed energy effects way back in the 60’s was that the most promising kill application of the weapon which was to cause hypothermia in a person. It is not an actual cooling down of the person by taking energy out of the system but a vasoconstriction from the nervous system like when one gets scared. There may be interference with the cells’ metabolism too.

This explains spooky “haunted houses”. People have reported that they felt a chill when a ghost was present. The apparitions or ghost images were simply early testing of EEG heterodyning with projected mental images or visual perception errors into people’s minds. The vasoconstriction increases their fear and makes them feel cold so that they shiver. This is another reason why some people shake with extreme fear such as observed in the famous cartoon series Scooby Doo.

I can see the crooks in the government now, saying “Dang nabit! We would have gotten away with it had it not been for you meddling saints, and your little dog too.”

Stupid Alien Tricks

“If you don’t kill your father in one hour we will kill you by triggering an exploding microchip we implanted in your sinus cavity, ears, and tooth,” my handlers said. An hour came and went. I begin to feel a popping sensation in my nasal cavity, then in my ears , then in my mouth. “The microchips are releasing a poison into your system right now.” The sensations really felt like pop rocks candy in my nose, ear, and mouth. Later the aliens told me that all 4 of them were sticking their fingers in their nose and flicking them out to create a sudden pressure change. They did the same with the ears then the mouth.

I suppose it would be scary for those people who read the disinformation on many websites about microchip implants or watched the movie “mission impossible II”. That is not how the CIA tortures people. Only the belief of thinking they put in an exploding microchip works to control people into committing acts of murder through fear. I found cases where women killed their babies and such after talking to voices that told them to do it. Then they end up being imprisoned in an insane asylum or other. I know these US EEG Heterodyning Satanist methods well. They truly are sociopaths and need to practice on US citizens before doing it to an important target like an Iraqi or such. The CIA used to call their torturers, “Rough boys”.

Biotelemetric antenna implants are no longer needed to pinpoint the directed energy at the target. And brain chip implants are ancient military technology and no longer used on most targets. People often believe when the synthetic telepathy program begins that it is coming from their fillings or a tooth implant due to the literature and misinformation like from the movie, “Real Genius.” Everyone has heard about braces picking up radio stations. Microwave hearing effect is even different than neural interfacing speech or ultrasonic heterodyning.

Uses of EEG Heterodyning by the DoD

Other than random experimentation, many individuals are targeted to be silenced or discredited. I know of a Colonel who witnessed the Army unloading bags of cocaine from a transport. He became a victim shortly after expressing concern. An FBI special agent for international terrorism became a victim after he testified that the FBI was perjuring itself at a trial. The former head of the LA FBI has become a target. Journalists who have written about these topics have been punished with the system. Anyone who has worked for the DoD and then later leaves, may be subject to this covert type of assassination years later to silence potential security leaks. I have interviewed several families, where they had a relative who went crazy and got locked up in a sanitarium after that member started talking about that they were an assassin for the U.S. The doctors always said, “Don’t listen to what they say. They are delusional.” This diabolical, systematic method of silencing potential leaks has been employed by the DoD for many decades and usually carried out by the CIA known as the slime balls of the (sub)intelligence community. I can’t believe we have had so many presidents with the background of federally sponsored crime.

Everybody who knows what the government is doing is under a great deal of scrutiny and threat of reprisals. So I especially commend the MIT professors and students involved in dispelling the myth than aluminum beanies block EEG heterodyning. They used a $250,000 network analyzer to view the resonance signatures emitted by the human body to determine that the hats actually act like antennas for those frequencies rather than a shield.

Like the terrorist have done in the past, the CIA is notorious for doing. That is making money off of stock market prediction of major events and creating front companies to fund their more odious undertakings so as not to be as easily dissuaded by threats of budgetary cuts by Congress.

Psychotronic Hostages

The United State’s secret EEG heterodyned, psychotronic, mind control prisons hold many people hostage in this country and around the world, some politically motivated while others appear to be random experimentation. Shocking as this may be, you must remember we are a hypocrisy not a democracy. We use the most anti-democratic methods to intimidate, overthrow, and control other countries. The Army was recently ousted for putting false articles and news reports in Iraqi information streams for example. From my research, there is more information warfare directed at the citizens of the United States than abroad.

After being awoken from the American Dream into the ugly reality of brutality, lies, and mind control so overtly and routinely practiced, I can’t watch the news on television without feeling nauseous. I take tens of calls a day and answer countless emails from victims being brutalized by these weapons daily, then I see a report of a cat stuck in the tree which a fireman had to rescue. The absurdity of what is considered important enough to report on the mass media terrifies those who know what’s really going on. When did we lose control of the free press? How are politician kept in the dark of this military coup? Why can’t they pass simple updated laws to at least openly protect citizens from the psychotronic massacre?

Another method of covering up top secret technology and its abuses: I found while digging through the archives of DARPA, CIA, and DoD funded research, technologies that I worked on decades ago are still being funded today to look as though no progress has been made.

Why hasn’t the weapon been more widely used for war?

It doesn’t have the success rate needed to be reliably used for war in place of ground troops. It probably is being used as a supplement. According to European Parliament documents it was used in Desert Storm to fatigue and demoralize troops. Also, if it were successfully used in war once, countries would invest more into anti-psychotronic defenses. So it is considered more valuable as a political dissident silencing, spying, espionage, and silent assassination tool.

I don’t believe brain waves can be read by Satellites. How can you prove this?

It can be done by “over the horizon” radar bouncing their signals off the ionosphere as well as by satellites. HAARP and the Puerto Rico ionospheric heaters are examples of these ground based high powered phased arrays. Satellites could make it a truly global system.

A couple simple mathematical calculations can demonstrate it. First, take the resolution of the Hubble Space telescope or large radio earth based telescopes and calculate the sensitivity. Secondly, you must consider active scanning techniques which increase the signal to noise ratio tremendously, such as electron spin resonance and scatter stealth radar techniques. Thirdly, compare the sensitivity of SQIDs (super conducting quantum interference devices) with an electrically resonating biotelemetric antenna with modulated body electricity in it viewed from a low earth orbit of 1000 miles. It is within many orders of magnitude capable of detecting the signal especially if the exact location were known. However that is not what they are doing. They are using high powered nearly perfectly destructive interfering EM waves which reflect or scatter with intense power levels back to their sources without burning the area of interest and without losing much of the signal to noise ratio from the absorption, scatter, transmittance, and reflectance energies. Lastly, look at the military research and patent files to find many published articles about reading heart and respiratory signals at a large distance. NASA even offered to build brain printing technology for airport security. The void of research at reading brainwaves without EEG probes should tell you something. Do an internet search on mind control. Explain the amount of disinformation, misinformation, and general discussion around this topic if it can’t be done. Explain why a very successful microwave antenna military subcontractor has a patent from the 1970s that claim brain reading and control. Explain why documents released through the Freedom of Information Act by the CIA, openly discusses research on a project called RHIC (remote hypnotic inter-cerebral control) using the same techniques.

Clearly, this is such an important scientific discovery for weapons, spying, and espionage that much neurological data and research has been buried under the guise of national security bullshit.

Even if you could read brain signals, how can you influence the nervous system?

The reverse process is true. Have you ever tried a TENS or muscle stimulator that contracts your muscles by pulsating a 70v small amperage current through the area. The brain works on ionic electric currents too. Have you noticed that your cell phone sometimes causes audio experiment nearby to chirp right before you get a phone call? Microwave directed energy weapons are being developed to knock out and fry any electrical component not properly shielded. EMP(electromagnetic pulse) weapons can stall car engines, stop or cause bombs to detonate, and cause brain currents to misfire. Absorption of EM energy at specific resonance frequencies have been show to cause neurotransmitter release in neurons when absorbed by the brain. Even low intensity magnetic fields have been shown to create currents in the brain or alter brain activity. The bioelectric and electromagnetic biochemistry mechanisms are too numerous to list.

OK, so the physics is sound. One could read and influence brain waves perhaps by terrestrial antennas or satellites, but how can you heterodyne different brain waves? Everybody is different.

Everybody is a little different, a normal distribution around some average model. Deciphering a person’s brain waves and mapping them to subjective experience is what has already been done. Because this idea is so disconcerting to many people, it might be considered dangerous knowledge for a population which would start questioning their religious, philosophical, and moral beliefs. Nobody wants their soul to be reduced to an electrical signal. The Army published some documents showing how they mapped out the sensory pathways as an example. A project which I believe is to mislead the public on the current state of technology is called the Human Cognome Project which has similar goals to the Human Genome Project.

Very briefly, there is software that auto-correlates the brain patterns of individuals in a system called TAMI (Thought And Memory Interface).

That’s incredible. But why would a government torture their own citizens?

The United States has a long ugly history of doing this. There are massive cover-ups and barely a mention in the news when the programs are discovered. The same weapons testing programs continue, often under new funding and a different name. There is almost no oversight for top secret programs. Virtual human dissections of random citizens has been occurring since the inception of the CIA and definitely just after WWII and project paper clip where many Nazi scientists were excused for their war crimes and sheltered by the DoD.

How can we fix our broken government and stop those dishonorable men and women who are abusing the public trusts and funds?

The most difficult hurdle for us is the seemingly apathetic, self centered, near sighted mentality of the general public. Getting people to care what is happening to their future and country is difficult when you don’t have control of the main media outlets. Grass roots effort at educating the public until a critical mass of awareness is reached will be the only way to pressure lasting changes and protections. There have been many violent acts misdirected to the wrong branches of government by these mind controlled torture victims but they are written off in the news as random acts of madmen and extremists. Publicly shaming the perpetrators and culprits will set a precedence. Trying to recruit the help of other countries to pressure the United States to free its psychotronic hostages would help. Get academic intuitions and other governments to discuss their psychotronic research openly. The United States is the only major country not to sign international treaties to ban the use of these weapons, clearly because they enjoy torturing their own population too much. Even Russia tried to get these weapons banned at a UN conference and the United States refused.

I can’t believe such important scientific discoveries are horded by the killing machine. Didn’t they weigh the benefits of all the lives this technology would save against the potential use for killing many more?

Apparently, Defense is not about saving lives, it’s about killing other people more efficiently. They don’t get metals or more power by saving American lives through technological discovers, they get more power by instigating wars and killing effectively. They are selfish, sub optimal decision makers. Clearly there is a problem with intellectual meritocracy in the culturally unevolving military upper ranks since they were raised with good old fashioned fascism.

What makes it so difficult to get the attention of the world on such an immediately important issue?

Good question. The media refuses to cover it, either because they have been instructed to or they have succumbed to the decades of brainwashing which states that if anyone claims that they have symptoms of psychotronic weapons that they are crazy. It is too controversial a topic and they are afraid of military reprisals may be the other reason. The psychological programming of the populous is extensive. At last count, I found over 100 movies and TV shows that make fictional references to mind reading and influencing technology. It has become common sense fiction in most people’s minds. Also, we tend to trust and believe Washington D.C. spokespeople, but know they lie all the time. Porter Goss has come out saying that they don’t torture people. I know this to be a lie, yet he sounds so sincere when he is quoted in the papers or on TV. Like quantum theory and relativity, the physics is just not intuitive, so it is easy to believe that time is constant, the earth is flat, and mind reading radar is impossible.

Stupid Alien Tricks

I acquired two new abilities with the government neural link experiments conducted on me for the entire spooky year, Oct 31, 2004-Oct 31,2005. I became a human compass. By minimizing the pain I felt through aligning my arms stretched out with the Earth’s magnetic lines of force, I would always point in a North/South direction. I carried a compass with me everywhere, and liked to demonstrate my stupid alien trick to anyone with whom I felt like striking up a conversation. The other capability I acquired was the ability to tell time down to the minute without a watch. It was a game that I played with the operators to whom I was EEG heterodyned. They would accurately tell me the time whenever I asked. This really impressed a couple people. They had no idea how I could point to North/South after being spun around with my eyes closed or tell the precise time whenever they wanted. A couple people bought me a beer for the bar tricks. I never told them how it was done for obvious reasons. Since the physical torture stopped, I haven’t been able to perform either trick again.

But, the human compass capability does point out a potential weakness in the weapons system. If they are using linearly polarized electromagnetic waves for the Scalar Radar energy or ESR,MRI magnetic fields, the target object may disappear or the neural link signal weaken when aligned with the Earth’s magnetic or the Scalar Radar electromagnetic fields.

Silencing security leaks, whistle blowers, political activists, and hindering scientific discovery

Psychotronics is a very covert way to take out perceived problems for particular interests in the government. Rather than openly assassinate people or harbor political prisoners as in other communist countries, the U.S. prefers this slyer method. Just as with torture without physical evidence (termed soft torture), it quietly and effectively does the trick.

Coal miners used as slaves were hobbled by breaking of their ankles to keep them from running away and demonstrated in the movie,"Misery". Brain hobbling through psychotronics is done today in an analogous fashion. By using psychotronic generators to inject minute random currents into the targeted brain, a threat will exhibit schizophrenic thinking and can be thrown into a mental hospital where further silencing can occur without their consent. Neural scientists are closely watched and any who get to close to rediscovering the government’s mind control technology can be mentally hobbled to prevent further discovery. Without visible political prisons and torture scars, the public will remain discredulous that it is being done. It is all about plausible denial. We surely are more civilized than the medieval kings with their large torture chambers. Everything is just invisible now, but the same brutal, unevolved people run them.

Plead to the Reader

Once again, I need to reiterate my credibility since the programming of the masses has taken place over so many years with such great influence. I have everything to lose by divulging these secrets of the government. I was earning $140,000 average pay in Silicon Valley before I morally felt obligated to disrupt their lies through my public voice by taking two years off and writing this book. Truth is not so terrible once you accept it. Only with truth can we triangulate on a better future and hold those erroneous thinkers accountable for their beyond-top-secret decisions that we, their employers, need to responsibly make in order to further efficiency, progress, and change in the DoD and in politics that have allowed for the random selection of humans for their trite experiments for over 30+ years. They will take our money on a boondoggle to employ endless projects that they declare for national security, killing millions by their withholding of technology and secrets. Power is addictive when you have no true value.

I will use harsh words here to once more plead to the American public to investigate this issue independent of the corrupt chain of command. There is nothing that I despise more than corruption! The CIA’s motto is "Yea, shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." Crock of shit. They are tasked with suppressing truth. And Porter Goss who is an alumni from my private school was suppose to bring justice, freedom, and truth to the American people, but instead he has fallen prey to the business as usual fowl element of criminals that make up the house of ill deceit. The CIA needs to be disbanded of its criminal elements. What have they done for us? They knew about 9/11 but decided not to prevent it. They have tortured and killed more Americans in their declassified top secret programs than any terrorist group in history. But we chose to ignore it. We prefer delusion over truth. It is simply more pleasing for most people to believe their government is not corrupt and we are morally justified in "policing", not occupying, 135 nations on Earth where we have troops stationed. There are only 55 nations that we haven’t taken over. This is the wake up call. If you chose to ignore it, history will not be your savior. You were told and you chose not to voice or act in the best interest of your fellow humans. You will be on the wrong side of history.

George Bush is a puppet leader or a criminal. Those are the only two choices. Type "miserable failure" into Google to get his biography. The disinformers found they can not control the internet for leaks but they can flood it with disinformation . So you need to dig deep and remember the formula that I described for their disinformation tactics.
Think what the United States has done – true global tyranny with satellite and over the horizon radar based neurological weapons. There is no sanctuary on Earth that one can just say, I give up, I will leave and be done with you. You will be tortured til the end of the Earth by which ever corrupt General, Colonel, or CIA director decides your fate. Are you scared yet! You are just beginning to understand the situation the people of Earth are faced with. Cope with the ugliness of the truth for which we work and maybe we can fix it if it isn’t too late. Or maybe you will decide that you don’t care about truth, reality, as long as you can be lead to believe that your small universe and fragile house of cards belief system is enough to keep you happy. You should stop reading this book now in that case. I am a habitual truth teller, insensitive and direct. My DoD torturers said to me at the beginning of my year long journey into hell,” You know too much. We must kill you." You get the benefit of my life learnings of knowing too much without the threat of death. Well worth your $20 bucks or so to buy this book wouldn’t you say?

“The madness of this world has lulled the masses into a slumber. Wake up! An eye is upon you. An eye ready to blink. So, face forward with arms wide open and minds reeling. Your future has arrived.” – unknown author

Welcome to MKultra – Would You Like to Be Fried With That?

The Making of Assassins MKULTRA style

During the severe torture and psychic directed energy assignation attempts, the victim is encouraged to commit acts of violence against anybody the attackers can make the victim believe is doing it to them, usually neighbors, ex-lovers, or ex-bosses. The directed energy weapons test victim will easily be discredited as a violent loony in the news. The police and FBI will not ask any further questions about the incident either because of trained ignorance or orders. If the victim survives this phase which can last several months or years, a hypnotic pulsing is used to subdue the victims so that they don’t seek revenge on military installations or the CIA for trying to kill them and for torturing them. An apathy signal and permanent hypnotism is used to keep the victim subdued until their death in a soulless, mind controlled emptiness trapped in a secret prison camp in their own brain.

Have I congratulated you yet for living in the land of freedom?

How to Defuse Manchurian Candidates, Walking Time Bombs, and CIA Programmed Assassins

There are only a handful of scripts and methods the CIA shadow subintelligence agency use when practicing their trade and developing their methods. All the scripts rely on creating incredible anger through endless torture, frustration because no one will believe them or help them, and then redirecting the anger to a person, usually a neighbor, local authorities, FBI, President, political party, an x-boss, or x-lover, or some variation. Redirecting the anger and frustration while pushing them to the brink of violence is the strategy in creating a mind controlled assassin or Manchurian candidate. There are only a couple variations using obsession and love as the delusional driving method to motivate an assassin. Two well known love driven assassins were John Lennon’s and President Regan’s shooters. I have only met one Colonel from the Air Force that had the delusional love affair mind control experiment done on him. It appears that there was no follow up yet to direct him to kill a specific target except maybe the famous singer who he was mind controlled into believing suddenly left him. He recognizes it now as a delusion so powerful that he divorced his real wife. He was flying Top Secret planes at the time it began.

So I am sharing some very basic methods with other nations and this one for whomever will listen how to defuse these MKULTRA EEG heterodyned programmed assassins. Neural programming, psychic driving, depatterning, torture, skinner behaviorism, neural linguistic programming, hypnosis and many other techniques are used on these many government projects as they are called, or CIA/DoD psychotronic slaves. In order for there not to be an easy association between the violent outbreak and mind control experimentation, almost all projects must be classified as mentally ill first before triggering them. The news or ignorant local authorities will report a mentally ill person went wacko, for no reason. That way "the subject will be arrested and dispose of once the assassination has been completed by local authorities." – Taken from CIA documents (see appendix). That document amongst hundreds of thousands of others in the last year have been reclassified by the CIA as secret and taken out of the Library of Congress. I am republishing some of these documents in the Appendix.

It is truly sickening how this has all been covered up and will never make it into public school history books to warn the next generation to be more vigilant, maintain the standards of the constitution by selflessly putting time into political activism and educating themselves on the issues. Just watching the hypnotube will do nothing but program you with paid advertisements and government sanctioned information.

The tortured victims are often stalked, neurons amplified with electromagnetics, and often they have been drugged with long term hallucinogens which make them paranoid or from their perspective, ‘sensibly sensitive’.

1) These Artichoke assassins or “domestic terrorists” in the making simply need non-government tortured people to acknowledge that it may be happening to them which will diminish their frustration level.

2) They want to be believed, and to know that you will keep a watch out for unusual activity.

3) You will do a little research to see if there is precedence for what they are going through.

If you suspect your neighbor to be one of these victims, I thoroughly recommend that you take these steps to defuse the situation. The perpetrators or operators of these mind control assassination experiments almost always use the neighbors to gas light the increasing paranoia. Some neighbors may be undercover spooks and decoys while most are innocent. The torture which feels like you are being microwaved is timed with neighbors coming home from work and often doing home repairs with construction like equipment. Voices are thrown from the neighbors apartments using the ventriloquism methods I described elsewhere in this book. You won’t believe how many victims are 100% convinced their neighbors or cars parked outside their homes contain this very sophisticated weapon and is being used locally. They file lawsuits against their neighbors or worse. It is all about the timing of the torture and voices. Naturally, over time the victim will see a complete correlation of neighbor movements and noise correlated with their pain and suffering.

With each reported case to the local authorities, more desensitized they become to it and more enforced is their policy to call these victims crazy. You can be a little hard on the local authorities for being uneducated in physics and history, but you can’t blame them given their limited mental abilities for not being able to solve these kind of cases with such limited resources and access to federal level information. Plus, it is not their role to act as a sort of federal level internal affairs looking for high treason in the military and executive branches. They simple don’t have the authority to investigate at this level. In fact, the reason that the 3 prong government failed is because our founding fathers couldn’t foresee the sophistication of the corruption and technology that would facilitate it. If they had foreseen it, they would have create a forth branch of government whose soul existence was to act as internal affairs police to the other three with unlimited security clearance, their own military, and reports directly to the public.

Shame Game – Try to make victim believe they brought it on themselves.

Extreme Brutality – One method to make victims testimonies unbelievable is to make the torture and experimentation so extreme in intensity, carelessness, and duration as to make anyone who speaks of it sound delusional. “There is no way the American government would allow torture and practice assassinations on random citizens. They would be caught at some point and exposed,” is the general thought process of the average American who doesn’t know CIA/DoD’s history.

The psychology of the MKULTRA mind control programs

Isolation and sensory deprivation

Breaking down the self


Dream manipulation

Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits (spooks), and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.
Shakespeare, The Tempest, 4. 1
EEG Heterodyned inspired Hollywood movies

These weapons tests by treasonous power addicts in the conspiracy on people for the last 30 years have inspired many movies besides “The Matrix”. I have seen many movies where television white noise communicates voices or images. “Poltergeist”, and “White Noise” are movies which describe the effects of Stocklin’s patent on voice transmission directly to the audio cortex. It is simply an amplification of the perceived sounds in the frequencies of the audio transmission. So white noise would be ideal for stimulating the neural frequency circuits that a voice transmission via induced neuron amplification would need. It would be perceived by the target as the voice coming from the sound source. A similar effect for visual imagery in white noise can be achieved with stimulating the visual cortex.

More Artichoke and MKULTRA with better cover up

The CIA’s programs and the TSS division who develops their drugs and technologies have not changed since the 1950’s except the remote hypnotic inter-cerebral control (subsumed under TAMI) has improved dramatically. It also appears that they may be rerunning all the MKULTRA and ARTICHOKE remote assassination exercises. I found documents from the CIA in the book “Secret Weapons” that exactly described everything I was put through step by step. Nothing differed. But I still wonder how many drugs were used on me or if they are rerunning their experiments on a massive scale to see if all the same effects from the drugs or “tricks” they use, can be induced through pure electromagnetics. The item that most disturbs me in the released documents is that they say a test subject after committing an act of violence will be arrested by the involved agencies or government and thereby ‘disposed of’ . I know of many cases the FBI did not solve correctly and these “practice” assassinations landed these mind control victims in prison for life or they got the death sentence. Discredited and disposed of permanently. Who is the greater threat, the CIA or the Russians? The CIA has killed and damaged our way of life far greater than any Russian attempt. Proud to be American, aren’t you? These programmed assignations get written off in the news as some crazy went on a killing spree. Most American’s, politicians, and FBI are ignorant that these unethical, immoral, and repetitive experiments in ever growing numbers continue to this day nearly unchanged since the 1950’s.

An interesting note about the movie “The Matrix” is that Neo, played by Keanu Reeves, lived in room 101. Room 101 was where people were taken to be reprogrammed and tortured by their worst fears by the big brother society of George Orwell’s “1984”. You suffer in your own private purgatory, a personalized hell. Sound familiar?
Cataloging of mind variations

The cataloguing of brain wave variations and testing of EEG cloning/heterodyning have been going on for a long time. With each brain variance analyzed and catalogued in the database, the mind control weapon becoming more effective on a larger part of the population and more difficult to stop. It appears to many, that they are mopping up the outliers now. Assimilations into the brain profile database has picked up pace since 1996.

Brain signal classification and experimentation

Imagine that you were abducted and now an experimental human animal, property of the CIA/DoD. They place you on a table strapped down with your skull cut open and your brain exposed. They probe around with an electric probe to see what memories and functions they can stimulate. This goes on for months or years. You now have a sense what they are doing to thousands of people wirelessly. Is this allegation not important enough to sponsor an independent investigation, to commit a small amount of scientific expertise and monetary resources to nullify the population’s fears that it could be true? Not a dime or person will be allocated to this. Are you frightened that America is not what it used to be, yet?

Hypnosis as a weapon

There have been endless programs discovered by the freedom of information act that show how the CIA is developing hypnosis as a weapon. RHIC (remote hypnosis intracerebral control) is a continued program and part of the weapons effects program. Hypnosis is mainly thought of as a way to cure bad habits or uncover repressed memories. It can be used very powerfully in reverse to repress memories, create false memories, and program assassins or self destructive behavior.

Classic methods of mind manipulation

Ego – Sycophantry is the manipulation method. The need to be valued is what we all have. The biggest obstacle to objective thinking is Ego. It can be a driver to better ourselves, but the ego needs to be fed. It is a type of addiction. The larger part of one’s drivers it becomes, more protection measures are created. It can be a source of great pleasure or great pain. It opens one up to being manipulated.

Hope Delusions – One will always prefer the pleasurable belief between two seemingly equally valid models of reality. Hope gives us meaning and direction. Most people hold many irrational beliefs because they feel good. It begins in childhood with beliefs in Santa Clause and the tooth fairy, and continues in more complex forms into adulthood.

Fear driven vs. pleasure driven people. There is an overall classification that people can be divided into those whose behaviors tend to revolve around worry, fear, and focus on avoidance of the fearful events. Then there are those that are bold, fearless, and whose behaviors tend to be seeking pleasures and adventures often appearing reckless in nature to the former types.

Value – Creating the perception of value. Scarcity, desirability by others. We tend to value objects or even significant others at an extreme, by how desirable they are to others. Diamonds are a good example of this effect. A somewhat rare carbon formation that has very few practical applications, but because others value it, we do too. If suddenly everyone decided it was just a rock, the value of diamonds would fall to near zero instantly.

Maslo’s hierarchy of needs is another psychological model of motivators which includes some of the more primitive base drivers.

Advertising and sales use all the above psychological control mechanisms to manipulate people’s desires. This is an accepted form of mind control because one should be able to resist undue persuasion at ones own detriment through rational thinking.

The same techniques are utilized for political campaigning. Carefully constructed images of ideal leaders are plotted. Acting has proven to be the most important skill in our leaders ironically since we have very little true knowledge of their competency or core values.

The mind probe

Using a modified brain printing technique, EEG cloning can capture the moment of a guilty response feeling and continuously replay those brain signals to try and stimulate the memories surrounding the associated response. This is often more useful that the original brain printing method of simply identifying the guilty emotional response in order to infer truth. That system can be given false positives by pressing on the sternum by either of the EEG heterodyned participants because the feature set for classification must include a similar sensory signal. So the mind probe can be used in reverse to defeat polygraph and brain printing truth technologies used in the Justice system and in Top Secret clearance background checks in this country or abroad.

Famous people targeted

Generally, they stay away from overt perceived auditory harassment of famous people but do not shy away from using the less obvious effects. It has been told to me from several sources that Michael Dukakis was targeted during his campaign for presidency. Also, the Russian Chess Master who played IBM’s Big Blue computer complained about microwave confusion rays being directed at him. His society (Russia) is much more open about the discussion of neurological weapons. It is not a far stretch to see if political manipulation is being used by CIA/DoD who might have had an interest in assassinating JFK using a traditional mind controlled patsy.

"The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy American’s freedom and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight."

Revealed: how the FBI coordinated the crackdown on Occupy

Police used teargas to drive back protesters following an attempt by the Occupy supporters to shut down the city of Oakland. Photograph: Noah Berger/AP

It was more sophisticated than we had imagined: new documents show that the violent crackdown on Occupy last fall – so mystifying at the time – was not just coordinated at the level of the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and local police. The crackdown, which involved, as you may recall, violent arrests, group disruption, canister missiles to the skulls of protesters, people held in handcuffs so tight they were injured, people held in bondage till they were forced to wet or soil themselves –was coordinated with the big banks themselves.

The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, in a groundbreaking scoop that should once more shame major US media outlets (why are nonprofits now some of the only entities in America left breaking major civil liberties news?), filed this request. The document – reproduced here in an easily searchable format – shows a terrifying network of coordinated DHS, FBI, police, regional fusion center, and private-sector activity so completely merged into one another that the monstrous whole is, in fact, one entity: in some cases, bearing a single name, the Domestic Security Alliance Council. And it reveals this merged entity to have one centrally planned, locally executed mission. The documents, in short, show the cops and DHS working for and with banks to target, arrest, and politically disable peaceful American citizens.

The documents, released after long delay in the week between Christmas and New Year, show a nationwide meta-plot unfolding in city after city in an Orwellian world: six American universities are sites where campus police funneled information about students involved with OWS to the FBI, with the administrations’ knowledge (p51); banks sat down with FBI officials to pool information about OWS protesters harvested by private security; plans to crush Occupy events, planned for a month down the road, were made by the FBI – and offered to the representatives of the same organizations that the protests would target; and even threats of the assassination of OWS leaders by sniper fire – by whom? Where? – now remain redacted and undisclosed to those American citizens in danger, contrary to standard FBI practice to inform the person concerned when there is a threat against a political leader (p61).

As Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, executive director of the PCJF, put it, the documents show that from the start, the FBI – though it acknowledges Occupy movement as being, in fact, a peaceful organization – nonetheless designated OWS repeatedly as a "terrorist threat":

"FBI documents just obtained by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF) … reveal that from its inception, the FBI treated the Occupy movement as a potential criminal and terrorist threat … The PCJF has obtained heavily redacted documents showing that FBI offices and agents around the country were in high gear conducting surveillance against the movement even as early as August 2011, a month prior to the establishment of the OWS encampment in Zuccotti Park and other Occupy actions around the country."

Verheyden-Hilliard points out the close partnering of banks, the New York Stock Exchange and at least one local Federal Reserve with the FBI and DHS, and calls it "police-statism":

"This production [of documents], which we believe is just the tip of the iceberg, is a window into the nationwide scope of the FBI’s surveillance, monitoring, and reporting on peaceful protestors organizing with the Occupy movement … These documents also show these federal agencies functioning as a de facto intelligence arm of Wall Street and Corporate America."

The documents show stunning range: in Denver, Colorado, that branch of the FBI and a "Bank Fraud Working Group" met in November 2011 – during the Occupy protests – to surveil the group. The Federal Reserve of Richmond, Virginia had its own private security surveilling Occupy Tampa and Tampa Veterans for Peace and passing privately-collected information on activists back to the Richmond FBI, which, in turn, categorized OWS activities under its "domestic terrorism" unit. The Anchorage, Alaska "terrorism task force" was watching Occupy Anchorage. The Jackson, Mississippi "joint terrorism task force" was issuing a "counterterrorism preparedness alert" about the ill-organized grandmas and college sophomores in Occupy there. Also in Jackson, Mississippi, the FBI and the "Bank Security Group" – multiple private banks – met to discuss the reaction to "National Bad Bank Sit-in Day" (the response was violent, as you may recall). The Virginia FBI sent that state’s Occupy members’ details to the Virginia terrorism fusion center. The Memphis FBI tracked OWS under its "joint terrorism task force" aegis, too. And so on, for over 100 pages.

Jason Leopold, at Truthout.org, who has sought similar documents for more than a year, reported that the FBI falsely asserted in response to his own FOIA requests that no documents related to its infiltration of Occupy Wall Street existed at all. But the release may be strategic: if you are an Occupy activist and see how your information is being sent to terrorism task forces and fusion centers, not to mention the "longterm plans" of some redacted group to shoot you, this document is quite the deterrent.

There is a new twist: the merger of the private sector, DHS and the FBI means that any of us can become WikiLeaks, a point that Julian Assange was trying to make in explaining the argument behind his recent book. The fusion of the tracking of money and the suppression of dissent means that a huge area of vulnerability in civil society – people’s income streams and financial records – is now firmly in the hands of the banks, which are, in turn, now in the business of tracking your dissent.

Remember that only 10% of the money donated to WikiLeaks can be processed – because of financial sector and DHS-sponsored targeting of PayPal data. With this merger, that crushing of one’s personal or business financial freedom can happen to any of us. How messy, criminalizing and prosecuting dissent. How simple, by contrast, just to label an entity a "terrorist organization" and choke off, disrupt or indict its sources of financing.

Why the huge push for counterterrorism "fusion centers", the DHS militarizing of police departments, and so on? It was never really about "the terrorists". It was not even about civil unrest. It was always about this moment, when vast crimes might be uncovered by citizens – it was always, that is to say, meant to be about you.

• This article originally referred to a joint terrorism task force in Jackson, Michigan. This was amended to Jackson, Mississippi at 4pm ET on 2 January 2012



VİDEO : CONSPIRACY THEORY : Alex Jones Interviews Aaron Russo (Full Length)


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